Telaris "Mav" Cantor

Grand Master, Rogues, Sith
Displaying events 1 - 20 of 382 in total
Event ID
Shroud Syndicate
Old Rank
New Rank
V: Rook
Requested by
Primary reason

  • Acquire 348 Graphics Points

dbb0t, 2024-09-09 00:29:07 UTC
Event ID
Grand Master's Royal Guard
Old Rank
New Rank
Requested by
Primary reason

  • Acquire 7125 GMRG Points

dbb0t, 2024-09-09 00:28:53 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
Sith (Dark Path)
New Order
Sith (No path)
Old Rank
Grand Master
New Rank
Grand Master
Primary reason

Automatically created: Removal of Paths

dbb0t, 2022-03-18 16:25:23 UTC
Event ID
Grand Master's Royal Guard
Old Rank
New Rank
Requested by
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy data

dbb0t, 2022-01-18 00:05:33 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

AWOL - Has not logged into the site in two months.

Howlader Taldrya, 2021-11-23 16:00:16 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
The Council
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Star Chamber!

Howlader Taldrya, 2021-02-25 14:23:39 UTC
Event ID
Star Chamber Member
Event ID
Golden Lightsaber
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The Dark Brotherhood wiki states that the Golden Lightsaber is awarded to members who have displayed the greatest forms of ability, service, and sacrifice for the Brotherhood. 16 Golden Lightsabers have been awarded to 13 members in the history of our club. That is less than 1 awarded per year of our existence and is 0.127% out of every member that has ever joined the Brotherhood. Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor is already counted in those numbers and enjoyed the previous distinction of being 1 of only 3 members in the history of the Dark Brotherhood to have earned a Golden Lightsaber while not serving as Grand Master.

Today, Mav joins another distinguished group by becoming the Dark Brotherhood’s 4th member to have been awarded a Second Golden Lightsaber. Mav’s service to our club over the past three years has been exemplary and should serve as a model for future Grand Masters. Patience, fairness, and humility are desirable traits in all of our members and the Dark Brotherhood has been blessed to have them in Mav’s term as Grand Master.

Thank you for all you have done for our club and for all you will continue to do in the future.

Grand Master Sarin

There is not a lot that I can say about Mav that others haven't explained in great detail and with admiration already. He's shown a strength in stability, a deft hand in handling issues as they arise, and a whole flotilla of other duties that come with that cursed throne. Being the final arbiter of every decision, having the weight of every Dark Councilor's calls on your conscience and generally being responsible for the survival of the club is a unique trouble that few people truly know. Thank you Mav for keeping our corner of the fandom thriving. It means more to us than the stack of shiny pixels can possibly show.

Muz Ashen, the Lion of Tarthos

From the Dark Council

I’ve been fortunate to have Mav as a mentor and friend since my first days on the Dark Council. For each of his roles, he has had a guiding hand in the direction of things. Oftentimes arguing about it, just because, someone had to argue about it. Yet in every instance wanting the best results.

He has played an active role in all the societies, the possessions system, the ACC, the character sheet system, paths, ranks, species, the trial of identity, the trial of acquisition, the move to Telegram, the vendetta format, the Covenant, and so many different individual policies that guide decisions and member experience every day. I’ve been along for the ride on many of those conversations and it’s through his collaboration and guidance that all these things took shape and that I have had the opportunity to learn so much about all of it.

I don’t know what post GM life has in store for Mav, but I hope he remains in some capacity just to continue to provide his vision and leadership when needed. Congratulations on a successful term as GM Mav, and thanks for the opportunity to work alongside you all these years.


This award caps off a remarkable period in the history of this club and in Mav’s career. For the last six and a half years, Mav has served on the Dark Council in some capacity: a year and half as Voice, then three each as Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master. During that time he played a leading role in revolutionizing the pillars of this club, developing the vendetta bin scoring system that has simplified participation requirements and standardized scoring, guiding the transition into nuCanon and the path/order system, and helping to oversee the launch of the massive possessions system -- not to mention his earlier key work in creating the character sheet system we use today. Mav didn’t do these things alone, but I think it’s fair to say that they would not have happened as effectively (and in some cases, maybe at all) without his leadership, his attention, his energy, and his vision.

As Grand Master, he has been engaged on a daily basis with the business of running this sometimes-unwieldy organization. He has regularly offered his ideas, opinions, and encouragement to Dark Councilors, Consuls, and individual members, and brought a steadfast, deliberate, and thoughtful style to the Iron Throne.

On a personal note, I am grateful to Mav for taking a chance on my nomination as Justicar. We had worked together on the Dark Council previously but didn’t have a particularly close relationship at that time. For the past three years, working closely with Mav has been an absolute pleasure and one of the highlights of my 18 years in this club. I’m proud to call him a friend and a mentor, and although I will miss his constant presence on the Council I’m sure he won’t vanish into permanent retirement.

Mav, congratulations on becoming only the fourth dual-wielder of Golden Lightsabers!


From my appointment as Combat Master in October 2016 until working directly as his Praetor and then as Regent, I have had the good fortune of working directly with Mav and benefitting from his experience and insight. He has been a solid and reliable Grand Master for the club, providing stability and oversight that is always consistent and measured. This mindset shows itself throughout the projects we have worked on, always looking at it from both the implementation standpoint and the desired end state. It's methodical and ensures a complete product when released. In that regard, there's not much else that could be asked for, though so long as he doesn't have a valid Character Sheet I can't be sure he actually exists.

At the same time, it's almost hard to believe it's been this long. Three years of GM really does go by that quickly, and it's going to feel quite different without Mav around to bug. I for one just want to say "thank you". Thank you Mav, for giving me the confidence to push the systems of the club further. Thank you for putting data and experience first and always challenging "gut feelings" to be quantified. The presence you have brought within your role has been a welcome one. You have earned your retirement, and any merits that come with it.


Many many moons ago, there was a Combat Master, working on the new CS system, and more importantly, trying to get the ACC rebooted. He was frequently bothered by a very annoying me about this process. Now, years later I can say that our dynamic has not really changed. Mav works hard on implementing his vision, and I pester him about it. A staple of club-wide leadership for ages, Mav’s ascension to Grand Master was a boon to this club, more than many would like to attribute to “The Worst”.

Throughout our many many conversations and interactions over the years, Mav has always been a perfect example of what we want from all leaders. Calm, polite, capable of listening, and in dealing with anything, from complaints to compliments, with an even well thought out statement. He has his members back, and a strong well seasons sense of what is best. More than that he is actually capable of listening to alternative ideas to his own, and not so stubborn that he refuses to ever adapt his stance. He never looks for yes men, but instead for ones like himself, full of passion and drive to better this club.

Now at the end of a very long run of club leadership, Mav can finally enjoy some rest and well-deserved rewards for his efforts. He has given this club the stability it needs to grow and thrive. He has taught me so much about being a leader, and a hard worker to push towards a better tomorrow. Thank you so much Mav, you may be “the worst” but you certainly have been everything we’ve needed in a Grand Master, and this club is all the better than it would have been without you.


Mav has served as Grand Master of this club for three solid, frustrating, annoying, amazing years. He has kept our course straightish and truish - and has ensured that the Brotherhood will continue to flourish for years to come. I think. Probably. Despite my best efforts to the contrary. Congratulations, jackass. You didn't burn it all down.


It's not easy to put into words the accomplishments of a Grand Master, and even harder to do so at the end of their three year term. Mav hasn't done anything to make that any easier, either. He wasn't one to sit back on his laurels and watch his staff do work while he takes credit. No, he has always been an active presence driving the Brotherhood forward through hard work and dedication. He's helmed the Brotherhood through a difficult year as well, with the club we all enjoy being impacted by the events of the last 12 months even as a virtual, online organization well fit for social distancing. It's fair to say that our organization has probably not faced as tough a time or as large a challenge since the Exodus. Mav was there, ready and able to ensure the Brotherhood continued to be there to offer the membership an enjoyable outlet in times of trouble, working hard to promote and run the third major Vendetta of his tenure even as some weren't sure it could be pulled off under such circumstances. A place where all could play a little, and forget their troubles for a while, was even more critical now than it has been at any time before. Helming the Brotherhood under the best of circumstances is enough to try men's souls. Doing so under the circumstances he has faced over his three year tenure, culminating in the prior year, is something altogether different. I offer you my sincere thanks for the work that you have done, sir. May the challenges that lay before you be both less taxing and more rewarding than those that have come before.


There really aren't enough words to say how much I appreciate Mav taking a chance on me as Fist. The first time I applied I was a new EQ2 that had been active for about two and a half years. I knew I was a long shot candidate so when I received notice that I was not selected I was not shocked. But even in telling me I was not selected, Mav was very encouraging in his response to my application and I could tell he appreciated the time I put into it. When the position opened up again, that appreciation motivated me to take another shot at the job. I was both shocked and honored when I was selected.

I've only ever known Mav and DGM and GM. I knew little of Mav before joining the Dark Council and interacted with him even less. I have been honored to work alongside of him this past year and a few months and it will be strange to see a Dark Council without him on it. Even in my short time working on his staff, I could tell Mav was a great leader for our club.

I've learned that one of Mav's greatest strengths is to listen to your ideas but also challenge you to prove them. I've bombarded him with ideas in our short time together and he was fantastic at simultaneously taking the time to understand what I was presenting but also professionally critiquing them. The ideas that died did so under the correct amount of scrutiny and those that made it to see the light of day were better off for going through this type of process.

His other great strength is that of master organizer. I was extremely nervous going into my first Great Jedi War as Fist but it eased me greatly to see what a well oiled machine I had joined. Both Mav's process and his direct support helped tamp down my anxiety and significantly help me succeed in my first major event, something that is likely the scariest thing an new Fist will ever do.

Thank you for this opportunity Mav, as you sail off to retirement I hope I can keep honoring the trust that you placed in me.


Grand Master Declan Roark, 2021-02-25 01:09:33 UTC
Event ID
Dark Lord of the Sith
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Retired from Grand Master

Howlader Taldrya, 2021-02-24 04:03:49 UTC
Event ID
Grand Master
The Council
Event ID
Seal of Visions
XP Value
125.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Competition hosting in Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2020-08-03 15:38:49 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

May the 4th Be With You

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2020-05-04 16:11:25 UTC
Event ID
Diamond Sword
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The Dark Jedi Brotherhood has had four Grand Master’s since 2003. In these four, you can find many differences, but each has a common trait. They love the Dark Brotherhood. A Grand Master’s love for the club manifests in an inordinate amount of time spent on club projects, amazing amounts of patience, and a desire to make our club a better place for all members.

Our current Grand Master, know to all of us as simply Mav, possesses the required traits of a Grand Master in abundance. He manages a vast collection of members with varied desires, opinions, and visions and he does it with skill and élan.

I’m proud to put this recommendation in from the Star Chamber and award OUR Grand Master his second Diamond Sword. Congrats!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2019-09-29 00:39:35 UTC
Additional reasons

Few fully understand the level of commitment necessary to be Grand Master. Those folks that look at the rank and all the little things one gets from the office as still desirable usually end up washing out, drowning under the deluge of a far more limited scope of responsibility. Those that do take on that mantle don't do it out of a desire for glory or for the endless cavalcade of rewards, they do it out of Duty. They know that the club needs them, and that they have to deliver.

It's been 19 months on the throne for Mav, having seen us through two vendettas and numerous changes to the club. It's also been two years since his last award. For any other member, in any other position, there would be layers upon layers of angry leaders and a panda with a phone blowing up. And so we step in, to correct the oversight. To thank him for his work, to sympathize with his frustrations and celebrate his successes, we have nothing but our words, our friendship, and a few really really really shiny pixels.

To that last bit, I am more than proud to submit a recommendation for Telaris 'Mav' Cantor to receive his second Diamond Sword. Call it a token of our Brotherhood's Goodwill, call it an appreciation for all the long hours and all that goes with it, call it a measure of our thanks for all that we have seen you do. Let me be among the first to say "thank you, Mav." The club is a better place for your efforts.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2019-09-29 00:38:04 UTC

I've had the pleasure of serving on the Dark Council with three different Grand Masters, but before I became Justicar I didn't fully appreciate how much time, effort, and energy the job demands. In the past year and half I've witnessed Mav display a deep and considered understanding of literally every aspect of the Dark Council's work, consult regularly with the consuls about matters ranging from clan fiction to potential changes to the basic structures of the Brotherhood, and, of course, his advice on matters before the Chamber of Justice has been truly invaluable to me. He has a passion for this club and a keen ability to channel that passion into effective leadership. I am very happy to add my recommendation to this award so that Mav can become only the second period in the history of the Brotherhood to dual wield Diamond Swords.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2019-09-29 00:38:48 UTC

Mav is a great support to me in all the projects and ideas I've had. Both in projects that I've successfully seen complete, and others that either haven't yet or will never see the light of day. He has provided me with guidance, and feedback while trusting me to get the job done.

He has a vision of what the Dark Jedi Brotherhood is and can be, that has been formed over his years of service and contribution. Allowing him to make decisions quickly, with purpose, and keep driving forward.

It has been great working with him on possessions projects as Regent, and I have already learned so much from him as DGM and look forward to working along with him to bring even more projects forward to make the fan experience rewarding and enjoyable for members.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2019-09-29 00:39:22 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Discord
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Competition hosting in Great Jedi War XIII: Discord

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2019-09-16 13:37:33 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Diamond Star
XP Value
200 XP
Gaming Support Test: Elder Scrolls Online
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Gaming Support Test: Elder Scrolls Online competition.

Howlader Taldrya, 2019-02-16 04:17:06 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Fury
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

For the creation and running of Rite of Supremacy: Meridian competitions from 2018-10-13 to 2018-11-19.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2019-01-07 18:57:45 UTC
Event ID
Dark Lord of the Sith
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Mav is now GM

Howlader Taldrya, 2018-02-24 15:36:28 UTC
Event ID
Deputy Grand Master
The Council
Event ID
Grand Master
The Council
Event ID
Old Rank
Prophet (Elder 3)
New Rank
Grand Master (Grand Master)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Made GM. Jackass

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2018-02-23 20:08:59 UTC