Telaris "Mav" Cantor

Grand Master, Rogues, Sith
Telaris "Mav" Cantor has collected 49 Academic Credits, with an average score of 97.0%
Telaris "Mav" Cantor has completed 5 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Maven - Leadership 31 Dec, 2013
Savant - Leadership and Communication 31 Dec, 2013
Maven - Legends 15 Jan, 2014
Sage - Law 19 Jan, 2014
Maven - Service 30 May, 2014
Telaris "Mav" Cantor has completed 38 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Department of Lore Philosophy I: Views of the Force 15 Jan, 2014 15 Jan, 2014 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Freighters/Transports Studies 17 Jan, 2014 17 Jan, 2014 95%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Cryptography 102 14 Mar, 2013 14 Mar, 2013 100%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Debate 102: Refutation 19 Jan, 2014 19 Jan, 2014 97%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Cryptography 101 14 Feb, 2013 14 Feb, 2013 95%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Markdown 101 19 Jan, 2014 19 Jan, 2014 89%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Debate 101: Argumentation 19 Jan, 2014 19 Jan, 2014 100%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 102: Origins of the Jedi Order 16 Jan, 2014 16 Jan, 2014 100%
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 25 Nov, 2004 25 Nov, 2004 Complete
Department of Legends Sith Legends 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
Department of Legends Krath Legends 23 Nov, 2004 23 Nov, 2004 Complete
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 101: Formation of the Galaxy 19 Aug, 2007 19 Aug, 2007 Complete
The Archives ASP Programming 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives MSN Messenger Studies 22 Nov, 2004 22 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Dark Jedi Meditation 22 Nov, 2004 22 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Grammar Studies 24 Nov, 2004 24 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Dark Brotherhood Basics 19 Aug, 2007 19 Aug, 2007 Complete
The Archives Chamber of Justice I 20 Aug, 2007 20 Aug, 2007 Complete
The Archives ACC Fundamentals 27 Dec, 2013 27 Dec, 2013 100%
The Archives Leadership Fundamentals 31 Dec, 2013 31 Dec, 2013 100%
The Archives ACC Qualification 5 Jan, 2014 5 Jan, 2014 100%
The Archives Trial of Acquisition 13 Dec, 2016 13 Dec, 2016 Complete
The Archives IRC Operator Studies 20 Nov, 2004 20 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives HTML Basics 20 Nov, 2004 20 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Leadership Studies 20 Nov, 2004 20 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives IRC Basics 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives ICQ Studies 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Test of Power 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Imperial Starfighters Eng/Tech 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Starfighter Tactics 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives PHP Programming 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Advanced HTML 21 Nov, 2004 21 Nov, 2004 Complete
The Archives Chamber of Justice II 19 Jan, 2014 19 Jan, 2014 88%
The Archives Leadership Rewards 5 Sep, 2014 5 Sep, 2014 100%
Character Creation & Development Societies: GMRG 17 Jan, 2014 17 Jan, 2014 100%
Character Creation & Development Wiki Basics: Character Creation 19 Jan, 2014 19 Jan, 2014 94%
N/A Trial of Identity 20 Nov, 2004 20 Nov, 2004 Complete