Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Son of Sadow

Grand Master, Clan Naga Sadow, Force Disciple, Krath
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
74325 words in 73 activities
25136 words in 31 posts and 13 activities
59018 words in 33 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 61 - 70 of 119 in total
[GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - In Opposition
Textual submission


"Get the Headmistress." He turned away from the man, moving toward the door.

"My lord?" The researcher arched an eyebrow at the man, then darted his eyes back toward the fragments of holocron laid out on the table before him. His mind raced, his heart pounding in his chest. He wondered if he had done something wrong, committed some sort of unforgivable error. He retraced his steps, how he had carefully laid out the bits of crystal lattice. Did he remember to keep the shards close enough to each other, in order to avoid any dissipation of residual energy? He cursed himself silently. He wanted this assignment, he practically begged for the chance to show off the new discovery to the Krath Lord, and now he was in this fine predicament. He sighed. "Were you done with..."

Muz turned his head briefly, a cold look crossing his face as a hand shot up to indicate the requirement for silence. The researcher flinched, reaching out with his own senses, letting the pull of the Force wash over him as he felt along the very essence of the universe. He felt the corridors, lined with journeymen, minds swirling as they found their place in their new and larger world. He felt the guards, some from the Throne, others wearing the deep cerulean of the Obelisk as they made their paces. He felt the heavy doors of the vaults, the seals keeping the most precious bits of treasure from...what did Ciara call it? Distracting or corrupting the members of the Academy. Beyond that, he felt the cold, the void of space. The hairs stood on the back of his neck as the klaxons pierced his ears. The door slid open, the black armored clone and violet skinned Twi'lek leaning on the corridor wall in wait, a pair of droids between them. Muz turned back to the researcher, pointing at the commlink on the wall before stepping through the doorway.

"They're playing our song." Doc smiled as he put his helmet on, drawing one of his pistols from a holster at his hip. Muz stepped past him, his gait measured and heavy as he moved down the hallway, the thoroughfare leading to one of the landing platforms.

"Of course they are." Leena groused, nodding at Hekate to take up the rear, walking alongside her blastromech droid. "There's no such thing as a milk run with..." Her voice trailed off as she pulled a datapad into her hand, fast fingers tapping commands as she pulled data from the station's systems. "The station is under attack." She paused watching the data develop. "That's...a lot of ships."

"One of the clans?" Doc sneered the question through his helmet. He wouldn't put it past any of the clans to try to strike an attack of opportunity, try to seize the artifacts and neophytes for themselves. It'd be a risky gamble, but he had read of worse attempts.

"They're having trouble with the IFFs." Leena paused for a moment. "Like at Meridian."

"The Collective then." Doc chuckled, watching the end of the corridor grow closer with every step. He looked at the Keibatsu. "We're playing defense this time, or are we just bailing?"

The chaos seemed to grow closer, distant explosions echoing toward them, the metallic whine of breaching jaws tearing through the hull giving way to the thump of boots hitting the floor and weapons charging in the distance. "Blackwind's messaged us." Leena snarled, crouching down behind her droid for a moment, fingers flying across the device in her hands. "Ciara's asking for aid."

The light spilling from his sabers was all the answer that was given.

[GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - Combat Writing
File submission
Textual submission

"Blackwind's messaged us." Leena snarled, crouching down behind her droid for a moment, fingers flying across the device in her hands. "Ciara's asking for aid."

The light spilling from his sabers was all the answer that was given.

"This is what I was born for!" Doc laughed, sliding his shoulders sideways as he retrieved his riot shield. Planting his feet, he tucked himself behind it, overlapping it some with the durable armor of Leena's Blastromech. She looked up at him, trading her datapad for a blaster.

"I'll echo that sentiment." Chromed fingers closed around a repeating blaster as Hekate stepped to Doc's side, completing a formation they had performed more times than any of them would have liked to admit. None of them had ever dreamt that they would have to use it on the Nesolat. Doc chuckled at the droid, finger caressing the trigger of his pistol as he waited for the enemy to come around the corner.

Muz stood apart from them, slightly ahead, sabers held casually in his hands. His warcoat moved unnaturally at the waistline, the snap of holsters opening almost lost in the din. The footsteps grew closer yet, Muz turning sideways and lowering his center of gravity as the gilded hilts swam out from under his coat. They drifted lazily away from him, carried on currents of thought to lay in wait at about chest level along the corridor walls ahead of them.

Their armor was black and red, the old imperial era armor seeming somehow familiar to him. He blinked, and his will was received. Amber fire ripped from the sabers, finding the soft fabric seal between helmet and gorget and drinking deep. The helm fell to the ground, the body taking another step before falling forward, the movement shuffling the soldier's head from its armored shell. He was ugly. Pale and bald, the soldier's face seemed like it was somehow artificial, but not. Muz's lip curled as he saw it, the deep lizard part of his brain screaming that something was wrong, sick.

And he was only the first. The second one dodged the blade as it tried, but from the other side, the trap having less efficiency with additional iterations. A blow glanced off, deflected obliquely off of a vambrace, leaving a line of smoky char on the otherwise glossy armor. Muz's eyes narrowed as he saw that, mind formulating the next steps. Two more turned the corner, dodging the sweeping blades as easily as children skipping rope, the dull throbs of blaster fire echoing down the hall at them.

Muz took a step forward, a blaster bolt searing past him by mere inches as he called his blades back to him, his wrists twitching fine arcs of light as if to challenge them to come closer. The three of them spread themselves backwards, filling the hallway with light that he simply batted away as if it was sport. He sent the occasional burst back at them, the impacts doing little more than charring their armor. One of them let the carbine droop, raising his other hand, the miniature missile leveled at the Keibatsu.

The Force whispered in his ear, singing stories or woe and suffering, of love and loss, and of those things which had yet to pass. Muz listened to them all, let them flow through him and fill his mind with what he knew all along.

He just loved the melody.

Muz let two fingers raise from his saber, ensnaring a blaster bolt in the grip of his mind, It crackled in the air menacingly, bits of red static reflecting off of their black helmets, twitching in abject rage at being imprisoned. The missile left the troopers wrist launcher, screaming toward the man. As soon as the ordinance passed the frozen bolt, Muz released it, turning somewhat to shield himself from what he knew was the next verse of the song.

The bolt screamed into the missile, igniting the explosive, shrapnel tearing one of the troopers helmet and cuirass apart, sending him to the ground with a dull thump. They shook off the daze, watching the Lord straighten up, releasing his saber as he stretched his fingers, the corpse pulled up to hover before him as he stepped forward, the blasts from their weapons shaking the body and armor of their fallen comrade as he grew closer. A flick of the wrist, and the corpse crashed into them, pinning one to the wall for a moment before golden light sheared into the soft undersuit at his armpit, drawing a line of ruin through his lung and heart. The helmet garbled his last words, if that was what they were.

The survivor rolled out from under the weight of the dead, quick movements bringing him to a crouch, his carbine brought to bear in mere heartbeats. He had performed the maneuver countless times over his career, the muscle memory making the movement as natural as breathing, as smooth as antique Alderaanian silks, and faster than most could even blink. His own finger caressed the trigger, bringing the soft recoil down his senses. He watched the bolt scream forward as he recognized something very important.

It was too slow.

The blade came from behind him, burrowing its way through his side, the gap between plates filled entirely by cauterizing pain, as the Lion of Tarthos cut his heart. He reached to his belt, the detonator primed for this sort of final irony. Fingers never reached their goal, the hand sent twitching to the floor by a flash of crimson, the movement smoothly arcing toward his neck as the Lord ended his suffering, then turned away from their corpses.

"Hey, what do you think, maybe leave some for the rest of us next time?" Doc chuckled as they broke their protective formation, moving up to join him. Muz kept moving, his stride unimpeded by the dead, the ruined bits of wall panels or flooring warped from the battle. Leena glared at Doc as if that would ever quiet his mouth. They moved together for a few more moments in silence, before Doc cleared his throat with a half laugh, breaking the tension. "Hey, what do you think?"

"I think..." Muz kept moving, eyes facing forward, toward the sound of more mayhem. "Lyspair at least had a spa."

Note: This continues from where my entry for In Opposition ended.

[Naga Sadow]The Return of Old Gods
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Kairn'tel Sadow

[Retake Sepros]A Moment of Reflection
File submission
Textual submission

a song of leaving
where the ancient throne decays
one most never hear

jungle world, our home
we'll harness this place's heart
and sharpen our teeth

history our template
but with eyes toward the dusk
Rise, Naga Sadow

[House Marka Ragnos]For Mucenic
File submission
return sonnet.txt
Textual submission

She calls us home, take up our weapons
Shadows of space give way to snows
Chrome and iron pierce toward the heavens
sleeping now, the city knows.

Beneath the glow, our shielded heart
cold and brutal where our home lies
where we practiced our favorite art
our strongest skill: bringing demise

We come in silence hiding our faces
our echoes louder than our forms
we take our time, erased the traces
so they will never sense our storms

You've had your moment, took time to roam
now make your peace, we're coming home.