Steel Cross events for Frosty Romanae Tarentae

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For representing Clan Tarentum with 51 submissions in the Fourth Chapter of the Fifth Great Jedi War.

, 2004-10-11 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

One year has passed since I took the title of Quaestor of House Gladius. During this time, I could not have had a successful tenure without the help of others.

Frosty is one such person and for his hard work, dedication, and support, I believe he deserves a Steel Cross. He was the driving force behind getting the second circle in Gladius up and running, and he still leads this circle. He has been an excellent Rollmaster, taking over when Talon left. Frosty has been active in just about every mutli-player weekly event there is, and there is not a week that goes by that he is not mentioned in my report for earning a Cluster of Fire (or more). I would like to promote him to DJK, but Tarentum uses a Rite of Trial, so I feel that this medal is a fitting way of thanking Frosty for his consistent dedication and support of the House and my efforts as Quaestor.

, 2005-01-21 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Frosty is an example of how the Orders of the Brotherhood should be. Frosty Romanae is an Obelisk, yet he diligently participated in 4 events of the Krath Rite of Supremacy when many of his Krath brethren did not rise to the occasion. His participation in the ACC Ladder, Crossword, Webhunt and Run-On events were greatly appreciated by Clan Tarentum.

, 2005-02-28 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since his arrival in House Gladius and his foundation of the Daemoni Frosty has been nothing other then a beacon of activity and sportsmanship. A constant player in any major tournament or training night he has proven to be one of Tarentum's brightest stars always notching up a respectable amount of medals due to his dedication. Gracious in victory and magnanimous in defeat Frosty is the epitome of how a person should conduct themselves during gaming. His contribution to the House and Clan is not restricted to the gaming nights however, Frosty is an integral part in the administration of Gladius, whilst only the Rollmaster he has proven instrumental in helping both Anshar and I in setting up and maintaining numerous schemes that are of benefit to the House. I have always found Frosty to be a friendly person on IRC both chatting to people and joining in with the occasional fracas and as such he can be seen to be an approachable member of the House Leadership. This skill has helped him in the development of many of the Daemoni's members into the elite fighting force they are now.

, 2005-04-06 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

I honestly believe that Frosty is deserving of this medal. Since the last period of review he has been an outstanding performer in weekly tournements and each week sees my inbox fill with dozens of CF awards in his name. Whilst some may feel that the CFs themselves are just reward for this activity I feel that this extraordinary level of activity deserves something bigger, he is an example for all to follow and an inspiration to younger members.

Not only does he take the burden of representing Tarentum in the tournies onto his shoulders he has also proven a good Aedile for House Gladius. Recently he has undertaken an ambitious program to track and register every game played by members of the House since a couple of months back to give the Clan Summit and me a better idea of how things stand in the House, this massive task in itself deserves a just award.

, 2005-05-15 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

To begin with I do not know where I would be without Frosty as my second in command. Not only is he a capable leader demonstrating a willingness to lead by example by hammering away in the ICTE but he also demonstrates an ability to get things done without having being told to do it and I appreciate this initiative. Another example of a fine leader that Frosty is becoming is the competitions he develops for the members to participate in and enjoy along with helping me with developing a House wide competition. If these weren’t reasons enough to grant this great member this medal then the fact that he has dominated the Gladius House Champion table for the last four months should show he is much deserving of an award.

, 2005-08-10 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Welshman Tarentae
Primary reason

Leading a group of people is not the easiest thing to do, especially having to encourage them to become active and to participate but I have to admit Frosty has been a great help for me in doing this over the last few weeks not to mention himself being a regular participant in Gaming Evenings and lately in ORoS events. He is a fine person to have in second in command of a team and has taken it upon himself to monitor many of the schemes we have running in the House. You’re a great credit to Tarentum Frosty : )

Welshman Tarentae, 2005-10-23 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

Frosty grades two exams for the Shadow Academy; for awhile, they were the only Obelisk exams. Frosty has, despite other duties, remained an active grader who is fair and efficient. Both of his exams are medium to high level in their volume.<br> <br> DA Anshar Kahn Tarentae

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2006-08-03 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Frosty was an incredibly active member of the House during this GJW, perhaps the single-most active member of the House. He participated in sixteen individual events for the entirety of the War, and also earned a Bronze Nova for the 1vs1 event of Weeks 2-4. He provides an active example of gaming membership, excellence, and also worked to try and help motivated members of the House into activity through discussion and uplifting messages. He is a valuable, dedicated member of the House, and has been since he joined. He maintains himself as a paragon of what we all aspire to be, and we are happy to recommend him for this Steel Cross. Congratulations, Frosty.

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae Quaestor, House Tarentum Sith Order

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2011-11-16 13:49:58 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

We always count on Frosty to bring home the gaming novae in big competitions, and he always delivers. During the Dark Crusade he was one of the few we could count on to participate and more often than not, win something shiny. Lately though, Frosty has also been running the newest of our two Battle Teams: the Knights of Tau. He's doing a great job, keeping in close contact with the House Summit and helping work with us to drive the direction of the House. He also keeps in close communication with his team, and has done an outstanding job building the fledgling team into an integral part of the House.

Now that we have our policy requiring all Tarenti be members of a battle team, Frosty's role has increased to that of a leader of half of all members of the House. He has taken that role on with enthusiasm and I am proud to be able to count on him as part of my leadership team. I offer this Steel Cross as a token of my appreciation for Frosty's hard work during the Dark Crusade and his leadership of the Knights of Tau.

Scion Tarentae, 2013-12-11 06:48:03 UTC
Additional reasons

I love Frosty's type of leadership. Lead from the front, not the back. His time as BTL of KoT aside for a moment, his participation as a member over the Crusades has been more than welcomed. Frosty is a gamer, through and through. My entire time knowing him, I have always counted him that way and he proved it in the last three rounds of the Crusade by always having a participation point in gaming. But that over looks how much gaming he has done, by my count he has earned 214 Clusters of Fire since August. Not only has this been towards Tarentum's Crusade efforts but he is a dedicated, key member of the TOR guild and representing Tarentum in that field. Additionally, he has placed in the top three for every Tarentum gaming competition in the last 5 months, from mobile to flash games. And the topper, he won 1st in October's Gorefest. He's one of Tarentum's many resident gamers, and he's always is leading the pack.

However, Frosty doesn't just game. In fact, he more than often gets out of his comfort zone for the betterment of Tarentum. Participating in trivia and misc events. just to get more points on the board for us; Frosty even was a member of Tarentum's 3rd place finish in Ashsa Ree's Run-on. I wouldn't be surprised if this is why Scion choose him to head the Knights of Tau, had I been Aedile at that point and involved in the conversation; hands down Frosty would have been my choice. His message is consistent in that he both pushes for members to do what they love, even helping lead and coordinate the groups into this, while at the same time he motivates them to do what they can for the House. His guidance as Tarentae has been greatly appreciated as we try to turn things around in Tarentum. And he always has a great sense of reason he brings with his input. For all this things, I believe Frosty more than deserves a Steel Cross in recognition of what he has done for Tarentum in just these last few months. Thank you Frosty, and congrats!

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2013-12-11 06:47:23 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Frosty Romanae Tarentae has proven himself to be one of the premier gamers in the Clan and the entire DJB through his activities in the GJW. Just since the beginning of the year, he’s earned an astonishing 247 Clusters of Fire, and in fact his efforts in the gaming arena were enough to earn him a Bronze Nova for Gaming in the first portion of the GJW. Beyond just gaming, he responded to our call to increase each member’s participation numbers by entering three other events for a total of four during the course of the GJW; though he didn’t place in the others, taking the time away from his gaming to do them was still very much appreciated and helpful.

Beyond just competing and gaming, however, Frosty is also a vital member of Tarentum, his seniority coming in useful as a mentor to the newer members of the Clan who aspire to be as strong of gamers as he is. For all these reasons, we are proud to recommend him for a Steel Cross. Thanks, Frosty!

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2015-02-27 04:26:49 UTC
Additional reasons

Frosty has been a huge help to Tarentum in many ways. He won a nova in the Great Jedi War for gaming and submitted to several other events to help boost our participation numbers. He has been active in discussions with everyone on IRC and email and was one of the first to join our WhatsApp group. He has contributed a lot to developing our plans for the future and in particular keeping our gaming culture alive and well. He and Egregious have begun hosting training sessions for gaming, which are sure to make us a force to be reckoned with in future competitions. I am proud to recommend this award in recognition of Frosty's many recent contributions in all facets of Tarentum's activities.

Scion Tarentae, 2015-02-27 03:02:56 UTC

This Frosty guy is about as solid and loyal a Tarenti that we have. He has racked up an impressing amount of CFs just this year alone, and I am sure he is just getting started. Frosty is an older member of Tarentum. He has been there and done that, but he recent actions have shown exactly what he is made of. He has taken it upon himself to teach the newer members of Tarentum how to game in the DB...and win. He is starting to hold classes on gaming every week. His dedication to his Clan and the DB is exactly what we all wish for in our membership.

Warlord Hades, 2015-02-27 04:20:40 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Tarentum has a solid core of experienced and incredibly capable Elders and senior Equites, but truly the most important group are our Journeymen. After all, without the new blood coming in, we'd grow stagnant and eventually die - we know, because we almost did. It stands to reason, then, that the position of Clan Rollmaster (tasked with overseeing the Journeymen) is one of particular importance. Luckily in Frosty we have that competent person. For the past six months, every new Journeyman to our Clan has been met with an enthusiastic and heartfelt greeting within hours of joining, and each very quickly understands they have someone dedicated to them and their needs. He keeps both the rest of the Summit as well as the entirety of Tarentum aware of what's going on and uses his reports - four so far under his tenure - to not only educate and motivate but also entice into activity with interesting puzzles in each. Under his leadership, we've seen three students reach their Knighthood and all together, he oversees and stays in regular communication with our eighteen Journeymen (not including our Knights) and eight Masters. Frosty also serves as an invaluable counselor to Beef and I in Clan-level discussions and decisions; to me, Rollmaster shouldn't be considered a second-class leadership position, and I always try to treat Frosty accordingly. Tarentum is a better place for it.

What makes Frosty even more worthy of recognition for his efforts is the fact that he's a truly "lead from the front" kind of person: since his last merit medal, he's received thirteen Crescents of various degrees for his participation in thirty-five competitions; he's also organized seven competitions on his own and co-organized another twelve. Besides being a gaming juggernaut (46 PvP matches for 225 CFs and 30 PvE activities for 95 CEs), he's also branched out to try his hand at writing and earned himself a CI in the process.

I truly could not ask for a better Rollmaster - capable in his own right while serving as an excellent role model for the Journeymen under his command - than I have in Frosty. I hope this Grand Cross shows you how much your work is appreciated.

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2015-11-25 14:20:10 UTC
Additional reasons

Frosty has always been a powerhouse in Tarentum for gaming, but in his current stint as Rollmaster he has really shone as a leader as well. He leads by example; he still games and is participating in the Grand Master's ACC tournament. He stays in regular contact with Journeymen and is a constant presence on Telegram. Frosty has put a lot of time and effort into being Rollmaster and helping to build Tarentum up. He is a huge part of the reason we're at 40+ members instead of 20+ today, and that our members are happy and sticking around. Tarentum Momentum is surging us forward today, and we largely have Frosty to thank for it. He very much deserves recognition for his time, effort and skill. Keep up the good work, Brother!

Scion Tarentae, 2015-11-25 14:18:05 UTC

Frosty is an ongoing contributing member of Clan Tarentum. He is consistent with keeping the rolls of Tarentum in order and in check. He always has his reports out on time, and always has something unique about them that keeps the report interesting, for example, running a competition within his reports. Frosty does an outstanding job of finding new recruits new masters, and making sure things between master and apprentice are going well. Frosty is a very active member of Clan Tarentum, always finding ways to be active whether playing in the Old Republic, or creating competitions. It’s not easy for Frosty to be with us all of the time, as his time zone is on the other side of the world, but when Frosty can, you can expect him to be there on the front lines. I have known Frosty ever since he has joined the Brotherhood, and Clan Tarentum, and he has surpassed me in in countless ways. He is a superior leader, and a superior comrade that I am proud to call my friend. It discerns me that this is the second time I have seen a request for Frosty to earn a medal be denied. We’re not asking for a promotion here, but a simple medal to show Frosty our appreciation. We in Tarentum do not just go around handing out medals and promotions willy nilly, we give them out when we know our team members have achieved well beyond the goals set before them, and to those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Frosty has gone well above and beyond the call of duty. Frosty is more than deserving to have this Steel Cross. Frosty you have earned it, and I will always have your back!

Zekk, 2015-11-25 14:19:28 UTC