Steel Cross events for Lontra Boglach

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Having settled into his new position as Rollmaster of House Gladius with ease, Raiju was quick to help Tarentum in the Rite of Supremacy. Not only did he submit to both fiction events ("Free Form" and "Infinities"), but he also worked in both rounds of ACC battles against the likes of IHR, CP, and CSP, winning a majority of his battles. The clan would like to reward Raiju for his contributions with this Steel Cross. Thank you, Raiju.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-02-01 15:29:26 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Another newcomer from Tarentum, Raiju has already made a great impression on myself and Shaz'air since joining up. Since joining us a little over two months ago, he has participated in several different competitions. He placed twice during Disorder, earning himself both a Silver novae as well as a Bronze one. He too has communicated with his Housemates over IRC, and email. He has earned two Topaz Crescents (one for Bens Boot, and another for Smack The Sith II), 44 CFs, as well as a Legion of Scholar. Thank you for all of your hard work, Raiju!<br> Anubis Annedu, Aedile of House Taldryan, Tribune<br>

Coming into the war Disorder Raiju displayed his knowledge and hard-working ethic for the Obelisk order and for his House. Participating in 6 events, Raij managed to place twice with a Bronze Nova and Silver Nova apiece. Added along with his novae this Prelate got down in the dirt, earning 44 clusters of fire for his prestige in gaming, he aided in the Obelisk being the dominant Order within this Vendetta. <br> Pre-Vendetta, Raiju also earned himself two first-place awards for competitions “Smack the Sith Vol. II” and “Where in the DB is Ben’s Boot?”, bestowing upon his ID line two Topaz Crescents. As if this was not enough, he has also earned himself a Legion of the Scholar for placing in a trivia event. Email and IRC activity were by far a key part of his activity. For these reasons Ithe Taldryn Summit hereby award Raiju Kang of House Taldryan a Steel Cross. Congratulations and well done, Raij! Thank you for your help, and go Obelisk! <br> -Quaestor Shaz’air Taldrya

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2010-11-05 00:14:10 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Raiju was one of the most-active members of Tarentum during GJWX, spearheading our attempts at the Wiki events, and for participating in a total of thirteen events during the course of the War. Since his return to Tarentum, he has been actively involved in the communication of the House, trying to spur things back into the motivated, dynamic state we had in the past, and stepping up to fulfill the role of Rollmaster for Tarentum, in an effort to help continue the work to befriend and motivate our new, young membership. Raiju is a dedicated leader, and a friend to all in Tarentum. He provides an example of activity and motivation, and has helped really spur our goals in leadership as it affects new recruits and recently-joined members. His activity in GJWX shows him to be a motivated member, and a valued asset to this House and to each of us as his friends. We are grateful to have him back, grateful for his activity, and are pleased to reward him with a Steel Cross.

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae Quaestor, House Tarentum Sith Order

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2011-11-16 13:49:59 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Eli Denan
Primary reason

Morotheri and I wish to award Prelate Raiju a Steel Cross for his activity over the past several months. Raiju has for this time been an active participant in the house and demonstrated himself as a member continuously striving to progress within the organization. He has completed an amount of 8 Shadow Academy courses, earned two novae and two Clusters of Ice for his successful efforts in the Horizons Vendetta as well as 14 Clusters Of Fire. For the same Vendetta he is also credited with having participated in 16 events for which he will earn an adequate amount of Seals for; Raiju alone was also the most active participant from Odan during the Horizons Crisis.

Aside from statistical information Raijus presence in Odan is acknowledged and respected. He is indeed a shining example of what is still possible for a member of our Order within the Dark Brotherhood to accomplish. Thank you, and congratulations!- Drodik Va’lence

From AED Morotheri Mithfaron:

Raiju has been a terrific example of what House Odan-Urr strives to become. Over the course of his term within the ranks of House Odan-Urr, he has both been an invaluable asset and a friend to all. During the Vendetta: Horizons, Raiju has displayed initiative and leadership as the single most active member representing House Odan-Urr, more than doubling the total score of any other member participating in the Vendetta: Horizons on House Odan-Urr's behalf. Adding on to this mountain of activity, Raiju has also taken a grand total of eight Shadow Academy exams since October the 22nd, and has amassed a total of two Novae, one Silver and one Gold for participation in the Vendetta:Horizons. As an Aedile, I am proud to have Raiju as part of House Odan-Urr and hope he continues to excel as a highly valued member of our house.

Eli Denan, 2012-11-13 20:42:45 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

This request is very late, for which I apologize. Raiju came into Tarentum at the tail end of the Crusade with his engines burning at full throttle. He was determined to do every single event for the remainder of the Crusade, which he did. Since then he's gotten 9 clusters of fire, a couple of crescents, and five scrolls of foundation just for the events he's placed in. He's helped organize about eight events including a regular IRC trivia night, which is a very popular event that #tarentum has been missing.

So at this point, we still seem pretty far away from a Steel Cross. Participation is great, and organizing competitions is even better although part of the regular job description for an Aedile of an Independent House. Where Raiju really shines is his understanding of Tarentum's situation and ambition for growing us into a strong House. Since becoming Aedile, his ideas and raw enthusiasm have been incredible.

Raiju has taken the initiative to welcome new members, manage the mailing list, and spearheaded the effort to make sure everyone who participated in the Crusade got appropriate awards at the end.

He and I have written a huge number of emails back and forth going over all aspects of the House from fiction to the debate about putting everyone in Battle Teams to recruiting. Raiju's ideas are fresh, creative and always right on the mark. This is a guy who knows what he's doing and also knows how to execute.

Raiju has also been a huge help in managing our old guard. Together we've been bringing in various people at all levels in the House to our discussions to make sure we're on a track that will be engaging and interesting to everyone. Raiju ran a survey to ask some key questions of our members about the direction they want to see the House go in for the next year. The results have been very instructive as to which elements we need to focus on in the next year.

Right now we're working together on building the House fiction for 2014. Raiju has gone above and beyond my expectations to propose detailed story arcs. Working together to flesh them out has been just about effortless. Raiju has been very helpful in bringing our BTLs and many of the Tarentae into specific portions of the discussion. I couldn't ask for someone better to work with, and I eagerly await being able to unveil the beginning of our story to the House starting in January.

For his efforts in the Dark Crusade for House Tarentum, for his exemplary performance of the duties as Aedile, for going above and beyond the expectations to organize and run several critical projects within Tarentum, and for being the powerhouse leader that Tarentum and I need in an Aedile, I request a well deserved Steel Cross for Raiju Kang.

Scion Tarentae, 2013-12-22 09:11:53 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Qor Kith
Primary reason

Raiju is a powerhouse of intense and positive activity, ensuring that the people who are watching him are certainly impressed. He’s participated in 43 competitions, completed 4 ACC battles which earned him 20 CIs and he has also collected 2 Seals of Loyalty for his service to the Brotherhood. He has earned 1 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, and 2 Topaz crescents. As an active gamer, Raiju has also earned 45 CFs, 31 CEs, and has earned 2 CGs for his artwork.

His hard work also pays off in his attention to detail in the SA structure, as he has completed 19 courses and passed 4 degrees.

While Raiju has been here and spent most of his time getting to know the members and help rebuild Imperium’s battleteam, he has been an invaluable member of our society.


Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2017-08-10 18:40:22 UTC
Additional reasons

Raiju has jumped into his new role as Battleteam Leader in House Imperium with not only vigour and zeal, but also a plan and a structure to his approach. His first report contains exceptional depth in his plans for the team, and can be found here: Shortly after that Raiju wasted no time in getting opinions from his members on the state of affairs from the battleteam level to the club level to further guide his plans by a gdocs survey which can be found here:

Since then, Raiju has created a planning group for his team on telegram which will be used to 'have real time conversations about the stuff that comes up in the surveys and where we figure out what our next steps are'. Raiju is a leader that is in constant contact with his members by a multitude of channels, and one of our most active members on the clan mailing list. We're lucky to have him on the leadership team.


Elincia, Proconsul

General Zentru'la, 2017-08-10 15:56:55 UTC