Sage Lontra Boglach

Equite 4, Clan Arcona, Force Disciple, Criminal Syndicate
Displaying events 601 - 620 of 715 in total
Event ID
Battleteam Leader
Dorimad Sol
Event ID
Source Unit
Scholae Palatinae
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

General Ood Bnar, 2010-07-31 08:29:26 UTC
Event ID
Battleteam Sergeant
Event ID
Source Unit
Acclivis Draco
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

General Ood Bnar, 2010-07-23 00:40:26 UTC
Event ID
Battleteam Sergeant
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Raiju provided excellent participation on the CSP Spring Games, with participation in 6 events. These include; A first place multiway tie in“Santa Toss”, and submissions to “Belly Flop”, “Insult to injury”, “Family Crest”, “Potty Humor”, and “Day of Victory”. This outstanding activity over the short period of two weeks makes Raiju worth of an Anteian Cross.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2010-07-09 20:22:35 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

For previous wins in the ACC

Lord Halcyon, 2010-06-22 16:11:43 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

For ACC Wins during the RoS: Spoils of War

Lord Halcyon, 2010-06-21 11:31:53 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Bone
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

For participation in events of the Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War. I apologize for the delay.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2010-06-21 07:18:21 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Spring Games: Day of Victory
Requested by
General Ood Bnar
Primary reason

First Place in the CSP Spring Games: Day of Victory Fiction Event, Congratulations!

General Ood Bnar, 2010-06-10 12:04:40 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Spring Games: Potty Humor
Requested by
General Ood Bnar
Primary reason

First Place in the CSP Spring Games: Potty Humor Poetry Event, Congratulations!

General Ood Bnar, 2010-06-10 11:57:17 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Spring Games: Santa Toss
Requested by
General Ood Bnar
Primary reason

Shared First Place in the CSP Spring Games: Flash Games: Event: Santa Toss. (Downgraded from 3rd level to 4th) Congratulations!

General Ood Bnar, 2010-06-09 02:00:35 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

First Place in the Helicopter Competition with a score of 1646. Congrats!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2010-05-07 21:47:12 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Acclivis Draco
Primary reason

I'd like to transfer to CSP to be back in action with Xen. Just looking have the same fun we used to have back in the day. Tar Consul spoken to and aware of this already.

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2010-05-04 09:51:32 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Since his appointment to the position of Rollmaster of Fiction within Clan Tarentum, Raiju has been instrumental in developing the recent (and currently untitled) clan story arc. He has brought many ideas to the table and ultimately given the clan storyline a plot, an antagonist, and a mode of action. He has also done exponential work monitoring the M/S program of Tarentum, allowing newer members and available masters a chance to become a student or a mentor respectively. He is also one of the founders of the Tarentum Library, helping establish it on the Tarentum message boards. Raiju's work as an advisor, a writer, and a mentor has seen to much clan/house building and development since the opening of House Kaerner and Reinthaler, and we are sad to see him leave the position of RM. We hope this medal serves to exemplify his incredible work and support for Tarentum.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-05-01 08:40:43 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Darth Aeternus, 2010-05-01 08:05:53 UTC
Event ID
Event ID
Legion of the Scholar
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

For placing second in the Kaerner trivia session on the #tarentum channel on April 25th, 2010.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-04-25 09:22:36 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
New Order
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

Character development - always planned on being sith once I got to Eq2...just happened sooner than I thought

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2010-04-21 06:37:06 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

What can I say about Raiju that he doesn't already say through his actions. He is a devout member of Tarentum and has always worked hard for whatever House he is in. When jobs come his way he knocks them out efficiently and effectively unlike any other person I've seen.

Raiju has done a lot for Gladius up to its closing. He took on the task of writing a House fiction and went to work quickly without any questions. He monitored the House's activity, bringing any accomplishments to Scion and I's notice so that we could deal with it accordingly. He was always working, if not for Gladius, then for the Clan or the DB as a whole.

Raiju is a supremely energetic person and always strives to do what he thinks is best. Usually, what he thinks is best really is the best for the clan.

Raiju also cares about the members of Tarentum. I myself have received numerous tips and help with things that I needed, or if I didn't need anything, he was always there to chat and check up on my real life. He is a selfless, hardworking member who has proved his worth countless times through the many leadership positions he has been in.

Congratulations Raiju, you're one of a kind.

~Severon Vercingetorix BTL of Black Phoenix

Raiju, since my very first day in the Brotherhood, has been a very prominent force in Tarentum. His work as Tridens' Quaestor brought a time of prosperity to the house. His recruiting efforts for Tridens, and most recently for Tarentum has brought us very valuable and key members into it's structure.

Upon finishing my time in the Shadow Academy, Raiju had integrated himself into Tridens, replacing Tlaloc Elols as the Quaestor of House Tridens. His work in the position brought reform and prosper to the house. Twice Raiju has spent his personal time giving his aid to Tarentum, recruiting much needed members into the house who might have been left behind in the rogues.

With the new houses being formed in Tarentum, Raiju has yet again taken time from his schedule for a tremendous effort. A complete revamp of Tarentum's fiction is a great task for a great member, which Raiju accepted for naught but the general good will of Tarentum.

Raiju has been an extremely valued member of Tarentum, and this EQ2 promotion is one way I can think to award him for his lengthy and hard work for this clan.

~Jagen Phoenix Tetrarch of Spectre

For months now Raiju has been one of the silent workhorses of Tarentum. He never asks for reward or acknowledgment for the fiction he writes for us or his very successful and appreciated participation during Vendettas. In fact Raiju was not only an important part of the now closed House Gladius, but he is also the first Rollmaster of House Kaerner and, by extension, the director of fiction for the entire clan. Raiju's been working hard for a very long time since his EQ1 promotion and he doesn't show any signs of slowing down.

We could hardly ask for a better clan director of fiction and he's been a delight to work with since the creation of the position. I'm greatly looking forward to the many story arcs, runons, and fiction events we will undoubtedly run together. Since I'm on my way to work I'll keep this rec short, sweet and to the point. Thanks for your service to Tarentum Raiju. It is greatly appreciated and we hope this makes up for your work having been overlooked for so long.

~Ji K'awiil Proconsul of Clan Tarentum

Raiju Kang has been an Equite 1 for a very, very long time. And never before have I seen such work overlooked, never before have I seen such times for him to be awarded and promoted never granted. It's interesting, to me, how I begin this recommendation with an apology. An apology for not recognizing this Tarenti's amazing work until now.

Raiju has been an influential leader in both Tarentum and Plagueis, working as Aedile and Quaestor in House Satal Keto before returning to House Tridens to become its Quaestor. In the ninth GJW, he showed extraordinary loyalty and leadership, as well as brilliant fictional skills - his fiction earned a Silva Nova, and his guidance and support in the run-on led to Tarentum earning a Bronze Nova for it. He has served the Chamber of Justice, worked as Rollmaster of House Gladius by improving its house fiction before its closure, and now is showing exemplary work as the Rollmaster of Fiction in Clan Tarentum.

Raiju, more than anything, has energy. Even when he has had to step down from positions, it was as if that break was to refuel a powerful engine of activity and contributions. His many merit medals do not speak enough for his work for Tarentum. In his assertive, energetic manner, he has updated countless Tarentum wiki articles, as well as been a driving force in the development of the two new houses' fiction and backgrounds. He has been a fictiona advisor to me just as I have assisted him in his craft, reminding me that I, too, am learning and can improve my fictional prowess.

Raiju has been Equite 1 for almost two years. Now it is time he join me and others as a Krath Archpriest. He has not disappointed me in his new position, and in his amazing drive to assist the clan. I consider him a friend and a partner-in-crime, a hard worker and a man of utmost dedication. Thank you, Raiju, for all of your work, and I apologize that this promotion did not come sooner.

~Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae Consul of Tarentum, PYRG

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-04-19 12:32:12 UTC