Grand Cross events for Adept Macron Goura Sadow

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Following the Sadow Conclave for August 2005 the Inner Circle of of Clan Naga Sadow wish to present Macron Goura with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

I could go into a long winded explanation but it really wouldn't be necessary. This recommendation comes in short from Muz and myself for Macron's work on the Lightsaber Combat Guide. Without his assistance the guide would have taken much longer to complete and a great deal of the material on the creation of lightsabers would not have been compiled. speaks for itself more than words can achieve.

It is for that reason the Clan, though particuarly Muz and myself, wish to present Macron with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Consul Xanos Sadow & Inner Circle

, 2005-08-14 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Macron has been a very important aspect within our clan from the day of his arrival. He has been working very hard not only at the Feud activities, but also as a strong participant in the message boards for the runons. His presence is one that activates the clan, and provides strength and guidance. Macron fully deserves a Grand Cross. ~ Kat Pridemore, QUA of Marka Ragnos<br> <br><br><br> **<br><br><br> The story of the Battlemaster Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura is a long one. After he stepped down from his position as the Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh due to irl issues, we feared that we might lose a valueable member. Still he assured us that he was not completely gone. We were completely wrong. He is showing us the highest level of activity I could ever expect from a member of the DB. He continued his battle in the ACC, earning an Amethyst Crescent from the GMRG Lost Academy comeptition (1st place), taking part in the Sadow Dueling Competition where he won a Crescent Sapphire for the 2nd place. He earned two Scrolls of Indoctrination and did a Shadow Academy course. Still as if this wasn't enough he took part in the GMRG runon and the still running campaign "The reclamation of Kyataru". He continued to take part in the series of competitions for the position of one of the three Battle Team Leaders, contribruting a lot of excellent posts in the competition runon. He managed to achieve the 4th place and was given the spot as my current Black Guard (which was my personal prize for the unthankful 4th place of that competition). Another Crescent Sapphire was given him from the 2nd place in the competition of the Gethsmane Incident. And one Crescent Topaz from the 2nd place in the competition "Run-on Madness". As soon as the feud started, he sent in three fictions and one image, which earned him the place 5 of all contrinbuted points from this clan. And more to add to the list: He earned 2 Dark Side Scrolls for Dark Voice Submissions, he graded a lot of Shadow Academy courses, submitted a trivia to the Herald Muz Keibatsu and wrote another Dark Voice article about Sith Hounds. He took part in a competition of the squadron he is in, entered a create battle testing in the ACC. And last but not least he currently started and leads a fiction runon in the forum "Trayus Academy Dig", an idea that came from posts he and his new student did in the never-ending fiction runon "The Lounge" on the DB forum. We discussed in what way to reward him and the Grand Cross is the right one! Congratulations ~ KAP Xia Long, Sildrin Sadow<br> <br><br><br> *<br> <br><br><br> When writing an award recommendation for Macron you're tempted to write "just give him the medal!" For anyone who joined in the last year Macron has been one of those ever prominent members in the Clan for as long as you can remember. Excelling as Commander, Aedile and Quaestor, earning crescent after crescent and merit award after merit award, designing better and better competitions and runons that are fun and Shadow Academy courses such as Sith Alchemy and Dark Side Meditation that show a creative and innovative attitude to the Brotherhood. When he retired as Quaestor his high level of activity kept going, he's still coming up with those great runons, and he's still participating in every competition he can get his hands on, especially in the feud where his fictions were not only point winning but amusing and interesting and he was one of the top participants in the Clan with a score of 108<br> Therefore Macron has definitely earned a Grand Cross. ~ Malisane de Ath, Aedile of Ludo Kressh<br> <br><br><br> **<br> <br><br><br> I've always believed that anyone can become a leader independent of their position. In fact, I've been awarded medals just for that. Any member can inspire their fellow members to be active, and Macron has done just that. Despite no longer being the Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh (a job he did superbly), he has continued to be active in the Clan. He is a kindhearted man and people feel comfortable talking to him or seeking out his help. I am new to my job as Proconsul and I'm not always aware of everybody's history, but from what I know and from the recommendations above, I too recommend a Grand Cross for Macron. ~Sith Warlord Manesh Sadow, Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Manesh, 2006-06-05 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

Macron participated in 10 events during the Sixth Great Jedi War. He earned 466 points, putting him at 11th out of 51 participants in Clan Naga Sadow, and helping to lead the Clan to its best finish in a Great Jedi War. Macron was also instrumental in keeping the run on going and assisted in the progression of the story. He assisted the war efforts through his encouragement in emails and in his own actions.<br> <br> For his outstanding performance in the GJW, I believe Macron has more then earned this award. Congratulations, and thank you. We appreciate your activity on behalf of Naga Sadow. ~ Kat Pridemore, PCON of Naga Sadow.<br>

Kat Pridemore, 2006-09-03 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Warlord Robert Sadow
Primary reason

Wow! Old Silly Dinosaurs can still participate! Watch out everyone, Macron scored 1762 points out of 11501, coming in at 15.3% and just barely missing Zaxen. Macron definitely showed his House and Clan what one old Equite and a bag of tricks can do. Macron seriously closed the gap on Zaxen, and had the Feud just been an event or two longer, he would've likely surpassed Zaxen and claimed MVP himself. Macron really broke boundaries with the scoring system setup the way it was, and he did it with style. For all his amazing work during the House Feud, and taking home the title of Runner Up Most Valuable Player, I'm extremely honor to lend my voice to his recommendation for a Grand Cross! Hoorah! ~SBM Derev Niroth, QUA of HMR

Macron Sadow scored 1762 points in the Clan Naga Sadow House Feud "Battle for Inos", which was Second in overall individual points awarded in the House Feud. He also participated in 15 of the 19 events, and placed 1st in 4 events, 2nd in 4 events, and 3rd in 1 event. He earned an amazing 10 Crescents (1 Amethyst, 3 Sapphires, 3 Emeralds, 1 Topaz, 1 Quartz) and a Legion of Scholar in the House Feud showing a high level of quality in his participation. He lead the Clan by posting 15 times in the Clan Run On portion of the Feud helping the story develop and come to a close for House Ludo Kressh. For his amazing effort and skill in the Battle for Inos, Clan Naga Sadow is pleased to award Macron the Grand Cross. –CON Robert Sadow

Warlord Robert Sadow, 2008-10-23 12:48:16 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Macron is one of those enthusiastic, committed, dedicated members who this club cannot do without, and who we are forever in need of far more of. In the many years I have know him -- and many years it is, half a decade in fact -- Macron has remained someone I have been able to place my trust in at all times as a fellow brother. While he may once have been that newbie with the tattoos, he has grown into a true veteran of the Clan, a Son of Sadow, and a firm stalwart of now the House. While I could write pages about what Macron Goura has done during his time here in the Dark Brotherhood, I see no point in wasting my or anyone else's time, for I would simply be stating the obvious. For that reason, I shall focus instead on what I consider to be his greatest contribution. Where the Brotherhood faces a recognised problem with member retention, Macron has consistently been one of the few elders who I have seen putting in the work to train the next generation, having nurtured numerous Apprentices through to Dark Jedi Knight. I have always considered the training of new members to be the greatest service that anyone can give to this club, beyond any amount of run-ons or wiki articles, for without new blood the Brotherhood would wither and die. For that, I salute Macron, and forever feel in his debt for what he does for the club as a whole. Beyond everything else he may have done, it is his continuing dedication as a Master to other members that in my eyes is his crowning achievement -- and something I freely admit shames many of us, myself included, who cannot say we have done the same. It is for that reason that I find myself congratulating -- and thanking -- Macron yet once more, for everything he does not just for the House, not just for the Brotherhood, but for his Apprentices and the members of tomorrow. Thank you, my old friend. It's always an honour to have you by my side as a fellow Sadow. - Lord Xanos Zorrixor, Son of Sadow

Greetings and Salutations; There are many places, many groups of people who would consider the voice of one beneath their position to be offensive, or annoying at best. I don't feel this is that kind of forum, but were it, I still would not hold my voice. For some, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood is a very large, very impressive, perhaps intimidating organization, made up of a myriad of things in which one could participate. It is, for some, a place where the various and sundry with more time in, can seem unapproachable. Certainly, these are the reactions of the timid, to a degree, but everyone has to begin somewhere. My time here, though I feel some shame in admitting it, began with this timid behavior, too nervous to ask for help for quite some time, and too shy to attempt to forge real relationships and friendships. This has changed, something for which I am most grateful, and there are things intrinsic to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood which helped considerably with that. One aspect of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood is the Master and Apprentice program, easily the first big step in making such a large place seem more comfortable, whereby a newcomer might take these early steps into becoming a part of a larger whole. Once I reached the rank where I could request a master, I immediately asked how I went about it. I followed the instructions I received, and very shortly thereafter, I had the distinct privilege and honor of meeting Macron Goura Sadow.

From day one as his apprentice, he encouraged me, guided me, and was, in every way, shape, and form, what I truly think is the definition of a mentor. I'm prone to wild flights of fancy, and when necessary, he explained why my grandiose ideas weren't suitable, but still encouraged me to try all the same. When I had questions, he had answers. When I was stuck, he provided the leverage to get me loose. Above all of these things, he kept me on track. Without him, I might still be foundering in the middleground of Journeyman, instead of wearing my knighthood with the pride and honor I can only hope he would respect. Thanks to him, I am now a master to an apprentice, armed with the tools I need to see my own grow to their own power. I'd never have that without him, and I am truly grateful. The point of my speech is that, I feel that now is the time that Macron's efforts be brought to light, and awarded the highest merit award that the Dark Jedi Brotherhood can bestow upon one of its members, the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Thank you for your time. - Dark Jedi Knight Venator of Naga Sadow, Order of the Obelisk #11584

Mac is a voice amongst the summit that is always needed. He provides us insight on the work that Sai and I do for the house, and is another leader that stays in the shadows backing us up. From June 30th to October 1st, he was the Consul and Quaestor of Naga Sadow. His work including the beginnings of the inner order revamp, our Prefect revamp, making sure that the house was secure after the downsizing, and taking care of the Naga Sadow wiki Audit. Recently during the Disorder vendetta, while he had just resigned from Quaestor, he made sure his voice was still heard to the members of Naga Sadow, inspiring members to do more, while he himself participated in eight events. After the vendetta he still worked hard, including fleshing out one of our moons in the Orian System. And just recently, he brought newest apprentice Venator to the rank of DJK, his 5th apprentice, and shortly after took on a 6th, to make sure that another member would make it to the rank of DJK. For his work as Consul, Quaestor, his participation in the vendetta, his wiki work, and always helping out new members, I wish to recommend my friend Macron Goura Sadow a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congrats bud, its truely deserved. ~Prelate Fremoc Pepoi, Aedile of Naga Sadow

Macron has been working like a madman. After all his hard work as the QUA of HNS he stepped down in the title but is still going strong. Helping out on projects as well as getting others involved. He took part in the vendetta and even played as an ambassador to another House with the battle Plant Event, so well in fact he received complements from the members of that House who took part. Macron is here to have fun and he shows it while passing it along to those who ask to be involved. He deserves this medal! Congrats my old Master!! - KAP Jade Sadow

Mononoke is truly deserving of much more than I can currently give him, but I’ll begin with a Grand Cross of The Dark Side. Since I joined the DB, he has been a constant influence on my own career as well as others that surround him. His passion and fervor for his House and the Club is hard to duplicate, and that enables him to continue to be a voice of goodwill. His work is beyond compare, and his leadership has influenced my own. Mac is a trusted voice of both reason and dissent; a rare quality in one so advanced within the Club. Rather than become jaded or take on an elitist attitude, he is quick to remember what it is to be a new member and strives to make any and all who cross his path. In fact, his recent guidance of his fifth - count ‘em, 5 - Apprentice to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight illustrates his willingness to give of his own time and energy to ensure the enjoyment of those who will seek his counsel. Therefore, it is for the above reasons and others to numerable to count that I wholeheartedly lend my name to the list of recommendations for Mononoke to receive this award. Congratulations, Mac-iavelli! ~ Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow, HNS Quaestor and Son of Sadow

Darth Aeternus, 2010-12-08 14:05:26 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

Five months ago I found myself in need of a new Proconsul, fortunately I did not have to search for long as Macron had literally been pestering me for weeks about getting the opportunity to do more to help out Clan Naga Sadow, a Clan that was struggling at the time with ups and downs in activity levels and member retention. If I look at the status of Naga Sadow today then there is no doubt in my mind that I picked the right guy for the job.

One of the first things Macron did after his appointment to Proconsul was to look at the fictional background changes the Clan had taken in the year or so before that time, which had failed to get the Sadowans excited about it, and he quickly came up with a suggestion for a new direction. The high level of activity in the run ons he has run based on those ideas show a clear picture, Macron knew what the people wanted and he provided it for them.

It has resulted in increased activity levels across the board, from the newest journeyman to the oldest and most crusty elder or equite, at all levels we now see more people involved and interested in making Naga Sadow prosper once again.
Macron didn’t just provide the outline for people and then ignore it either, he was an avid participant in all the run ons himself as well, always offering to guide and help new members as well.

Outside of his Proconsul duties Macron also managed to guide Armad to knighthood, which I believe makes five apprentices in total who have reached that point under Macron’s tutelage, which itself is a remarkable feat. Of course as Proconsul he also has a hand in the advancement of all our other journeymen, of which we have a good number close to knighthood at this very moment.

Most recently he has also lead a recruitment drive to get former Sadowans interested in the club and the Clan again and as such he has played an important role in us being above the magical 40 member mark currently.

I can honestly say that I doubt very much Clan Naga Sadow would be in the condition that it is in right now had it not been for Macron which is why I think he very much deserves this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Thank you Macron!

Master Malik Sadow, 2014-10-19 20:06:37 UTC
Additional reasons

Macron is a leader among leaders. He has been Proconsul for less than four months (this time!). He has consistently been a leader among the Summit, demonstrating for everyone what an ideal Proconsul should be. He has also continued to set the bar high for our regular members as well. All in all, Macron is an amazing member, and his presence is like a rallying point for the Clan to gather around. He seems to have some effect like battle meditation, except always active. Yet this is the real world, and instead of being caused by a Force power, this effect is caused by Macron's drive and personality.

First, in his time as Proconsul, Macron wasted no time in getting the ball rolling. When he got the position, we (the other members of Summit) were doing our thing, but we lacked a unified front or idea of what direction we really wanted to go. Macron jumped on board and pushed forward the move to a new, unique fictional identity which the club had not seen in recent memory, if ever. He wrote nearly all of the fiction for the Orian Assembly, making sure that everyone understood what this idea and transition were about. It is not untrue to say that we have our identity that we have today because of Macron.

Furthermore, he has been a leader among the Summit members. Macron demonstrates the key attributes of what makes a great Summit member day after day. He keeps up with things such as reports, competitions, and recognization, showing us other Summit members how it should be done and making sure nothing is forgotten. This can often be an unforgiving role, but Macron performs it well among his other duties. He is also available every day if anyone needs help or wants to learn how to do something, and has had a key role in solidifying the confidence and position of the current Summit. In addition, he continues to assist the regular members of the Clan as well, exemplified by the ascension of Armad to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. That is Macron's seventh apprentice to reach Knighthood!

Finally, Macron is just plain really active. Even if he wasn't on Summit, he would be worthy of great recognition. Macron participates in nearly every thread on the Clan mailing list. He is jovial and outgoing, and socializes well with everyone. He is also encouraging and always willing to give everyone that extra push in the right direction. Right now, the Clan has a lot of pride, and while it comes from everyone, this latest surge started with Macron. Additionally, Macron continues to demonstrate his will in competition with his participation, setting an example for everyone. As an example, he recently won the Project D.I.E. runon competitions with a startling number of high quality posts. These weren't just about him though. They included everybody, and helped new and old members get back into the art of participating in runons, while also helping to coordinate the whole group, despite not having any hand in the organizing or story of the event.

Macron is a leader. He is not just any leader, though, he is a leader of leaders. His accomplishments in the past months have picked up the Clan and given us an awesome direction. He has shown what it means to be a leader on Summit, and set the par for future Clan Summit members of what they should bring to the table. When a new idea comes up, Macron is the quickest to help hammer it into a solid product and implement it immediately. And finally, Macron's activity puts almost everyone else to shame. It's inspiring, and well due for recognition.

For the above reasons, I would like to add my recommendation for this award. Congratulations, Macron!

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2014-10-19 20:03:26 UTC

How many times have you heard Macron say that he can't write a post because real life happened and then by the end of the night he's posted anyway? More often than not this is the case and those posts go up. Macron is incredibly active. He is engaging, approachable, he is exactly what a Proconsul should be. Above all he breathed new fervor into this Clan and helping do a great job with restoring it to greatness. He encourages and drives members, old and new, to strive for better things. He is a force to be reckoned with. Macron, thank you for all that you have done.

Lak Nafri, 2014-10-19 20:04:08 UTC

Mac has been extremely instrumental in all his ventures. He has been the driving force on keeping members occupied on the clans focus and helping the clan not suffer because of all the AWOLs. It was also with his help I was able to do my job as Quaestor more efficient with them pushing things around.

This coupled with the fact that he's also working and finishing up the lightsaber combat guide and the Sith alchemy guide.

What's even more a testament to his dedication is his guidance in being a Master. Now considered a guru with his many master apprenticeships, I can say he's been a great Master and a great mentor. And he is always willing to do more.

Shirai Dupar, 2014-10-19 20:04:55 UTC

Some recs are easy to write. Other writes are like War and Peace. Sadly for you, dear readers, this will be one of the latter, and because I am mean, so there shan't be any TL;DR at the bottom. Okay, so, I'm not that mean, but there still will be no summary, because to summarise everything that Macron does for his Clan, his friends, his club, his family would not be to do justice to the endless hours that Macron literally bleeds-- well, maybe not literally, but knowing Mac, who knows?!-- into this club for the rest of us. It's been nearly two years since his last elevation, and even longer than that since his last major award, which was way, way, way back in April of 2012.

That's a long time. For most Elders who reach the point Mac is, it usually means a nice, peaceful, relaxing time, a time for kicking back, chilling out-- or chillaxing, to use that horrible, horrible modern word-- and generally just enjoying the fruits of retirement. But not for Macron. Not by a long shot. In the last two years, Mac has been... the word busy isn't enough, and the word assiduous sounds far too Krath for my Sith apprentice, but suffice it say, Macron has been active, and diligently so for a long, long time. From his own endless participation in the Dark Crusade a year ago, to the work he did for the Shadow Academy, to the neverending sea-- or maybe avalanche, of medals and smaller awards that he has tallied up, over and over, for one project after the next. Looking back, even though he cannot be recognised for the same things twice, the words that people wrote long, long ago, continue to resonate just as strongly today as before. "Macron continues to be a helpful adviser to Summit." "Macron continues to offer his services to the outside the Clan." "Yet again Macron is the bright star whenever we need light to shine." I could go on forever, but those three examples-- each from someone different-- show just how far Macron's touch has reached over the years, and moreover, the constant impact he has continued to always have, again and again.

And, indeed, the impact he continues to have right now. There's a lot I could fill this rec with, from the hours he has spent on the Lightsaber Construction Guide, to his ever-nagging voice in the back of even my ear pushing me to hurry and get off my own lazy Elder backside to finish the Lightsaber Combat Guide, to the other projects he has worked on of which I know too little to speak of, such as the Alchemy Guide. Project after project, mission after mission, and all this whilst holding down the hatches, and having stepped up to the table again earlier this year to be Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow in a time when it needed it most. Having held that spot before him, I speak from first hand experience of knowing how hard it can be to take on a job that I once did in my sleep, but which this time last year was so foreign, so alien-- and made me quickly appreciate how old I now am in comparison to the budding Journeymen that now flock to the Dark Brotherhood, and so desperately need a mentor to guide them and keep them. But where I was unable to do that to the level I could a decade ago, Macron has so easily slotted back into the driving seat, and so easily-- and quickly-- become the guiding hand that Clan Naga Sadow had been in need of. Did he want this? No more than I did. I know Mac well enough to know how little he wants to be on the Summit again, how much he wants to see the new flock of Journeymen grow just that tiny bit more to be able to take their own seats on the top table. Mac has done all this not for himself, but for the Clan that he has helped time and time again over the years to survive, to continue, to improve, and the growth of so many Journeymen just in the last two or three months, under Mac's influence, from the competitions he has run, to the polls and questions he has put to the membership, to the ever present voice he provides, whether through email or reports or everywhere else.

This all coming on top of all the other projects I mentioned earlier. That takes a lot, and indeed, Mac has made a lot of sacrifices to help other people. Yes, there will be other medals, yes, when all his projects are done and dusted, I am sure he will see honours and accolades far reaching what he had ever expected, but in the end, it's not the Prestige or the graphics, but the respect and acknowledgement of his peers of what he has slaved over, and for that, I extend my own thanks and gratitude to Mac for everything he has done-- and continues to do. Thank you, Mac, we really, really wouldn't be here without you.

, 2014-10-19 20:06:02 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Macron continued to serve as my Proconsul until after the Great Jedi War, in that capacity he worked hard to not only motivate others but also act as a good example himself by participating in ten of the eleven events, with his run-on team taking third place in the event. He also made a strong showing in round three of Fading Lights where he participated in four of the five events.

In between Fading Lights and the Crusade Macron, along with Locke planned and organized a clan competition with ten events over three weeks. Part of that job consisted of writing and posting regular fictional updates in the run on.

Macron consistently kept the members of Naga Sadow updated about the going ons in the Clan and in the Brotherhood as a whole through his monthly reports during his tenure as Proconsul as well.

  • Malik Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2015-02-27 18:02:28 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Dark Adept Macron Goura Sadow was the lead author of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's Alchemy Guide and contributed over 14,000 words towards the effort. This project supports our various role players and those interested in the esoteric and arcane world of Star Wars alchemy. Dark Adept Macron Goura Sadow also enhanced this project with the creation of a Shadow Academy Course to support the Guide. This course currently stands in the top 25 of all courses taken, despite its relative youth in terms of availability.

Dark Adept Macron Goura Sadow, the Dark Council and I are greatly appreciative of your efforts and are honored as a collective to award you with the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Thank you for your dedication to our Club and our Members.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2015-06-29 19:14:42 UTC