Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine

Elder 2, The Council, Sith
Displaying events 801 - 820 of 1007 in total
Event ID
Seal of Bone
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

For participation in the first week of the RoS

Darth Aeternus, 2010-03-11 13:31:53 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
3.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya
Primary reason

For the third week of Clan vs Clan gaming of the Rite of Supremacy of January 2010.


Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya, 2010-03-07 01:43:16 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya
Primary reason

For battles fought during the first week of the Rite of Supremacy of 2010.


Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya, 2010-02-27 07:55:58 UTC
Event ID
Magistrate to the Grand Master
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in Gaming Nights from 1/9/2010 to 1/15/2010. Congratulations! ~SBL Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya

Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya, 2010-02-19 11:13:57 UTC
Event ID
Silver Nova
XP Value
450.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Second place in the Fiction event (Scholae Palatinae vs. Plagueis vs. Tarentum), in the third week of the Rite of Supremacy.

Darth Aeternus, 2010-02-15 09:54:47 UTC
Event ID
Gold Nova
XP Value
600.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

First place in the Fiction event (Scholae Palatinae vs. Taldryan), in the first week of the Rite of Supremacy.

Darth Aeternus, 2010-02-15 09:39:20 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

As Tradition dictates, we hand out Seals of Loyalty on the Day of the Fox. These individuals have shown great loyalty to the club as a whole, in their efforts to keep our club fun, interesting, and growing into the future. It is a token of our esteem, and I wish to congratulate this year's recipients.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-11-05 21:51:41 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Unity
XP Value
425.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

For participation in the Ninth Great Jedi War.

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2009-06-01 12:25:21 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

For valiant effort in leadership during the Ninth Great Jedi War and leading his clan to third place, Thran is hereby awarded the Sapphire Blade. Congratulations and well done. ~ Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

From the 5-11-09 GM report: First Place, Arcona's Sashar, will recieve an <b>Amethyst Kukri</b> for his efforts in leadership. Despite a major snafu that left him without half his summit, Sashar was still able to keep Arcona on track and fighting to unseat Taldryan.<P> Taldryan's Shadow and Scholae Palatinae's Thran will both be receiving <b>Sapphire Blades</b> for their work to keep the war close. With so few points different and the tensions high, it was quite a feat to keep everyone going that long. Plagueis' Braecen, Naga Sadow's Bob, and Tarentum's Anshar will all be receiving <b>Grand Crosses of the Dark Side</b> as well, for their efforts. Congratulations, Consuls, and well done.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-05-11 10:30:58 UTC
Event ID
Gold Nova
XP Value
600.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

1st place in the "Contingencies II" battleplan event in the Ninth Great Jedi War.

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2009-05-07 09:09:46 UTC
Event ID
Bronze Nova
XP Value
300.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

3rd place in the "Contingencies I" battleplan event in the Ninth Great Jedi War.

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2009-05-07 09:07:04 UTC
Event ID
Legacy of Palpatine
Requested by
Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2009-04-25 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Thran Ocassus has been a study in motivation. Since I have come into the Clan, Thran has functioned effciently and successfully in many positions. Over the last eighteen months, Thran has led the re-opening of House Dorimad Sol to a functional and effective tet a tet with House Acclivis Draco. He has provided motivation leadership, causing member re-engagment, member retention, and member advancement. He has shown the ability to not only motivate, but to keep his members on task, involved in development both personal and house/clan. He has proven his ability to drive fictional development, working both on the house level and the clan level.

Since his elevation to PCON, Thran Ocassus took over as the day to day administrator of CSP, handling all functional issues while also spearheading several large projects for former Consul Lucien Kaeth. This includes but is not limited to, the Dominion Project, which Lucien took with him when he left, the Fiction and development of the Clan Feud: Rise of a Rebellion, as well as the Rebellion proper which is currently slated for after the GJW. He has also worked hard to help overhaul Marshal Plan Charlie, keeping the documents on the wiki up to date and associated with the Clan as members change position.

Thran has succesfully motivated the clan to remain active during hard times, and has also taken over cleanly, after Lucien's Departure. In the month since, Thran has led three successful comeptitions, has motivated the membership to keep moving forward, and been directly involved with finding out what people want. He has worked hard to reward members that have earned it, promote members past due for it, and bring the Clan together under his banner.

He has earned his promotion to Sith Warlord, which is long overdue.

OT Tra`an Reith Quaestor of Acclivis Draco

Timing is everything with Thran. Like us all he has his good days and his, not so good days. It took me awhile to realize that it wasn't me but his usual fun drunk stupor. In turn that makes Thran the great person...no Sith, that he is. Sure we have had our quarrels but isn't that half the fun?

I would say that about half the things I have done are because of Thran. He has helped me build up a great portfolio by giving me the confidence to do so. One of the first things he ever asked me to do was write up a House history. I was like "O...aa..um." not even sure where to begin but he allowed me the time to do so and get it done. Some of the other things he had me create included a Pauldron for the battle team Blades of Chaos, and even design and program the house website. Both of which he made me feel really good. Gave me an almost warm mushy feeling inside.

I have personally asked Thran to include me in some of his report-fictions, because I have and still do enjoy what he writes. When I see a report from him, no matter what I am doing I tend to ignore everything and go and read his writings, whether it be fiction, report or other.

He was just promoted to Clan Proconsul then was bumped up to Consul when Lucien took his leave. That alone can drive a man insane. He also was the only Summit leader for at least a week before a second in command was inducted. This all about 2 weeks away from the grandest competition ever, The Great Jedi War.

I would like to highly recommend Thran Occasus for promotion.

Robin Hawk Aedile of Dorimad Sol

When one thinks of Thran, many adjectives come to mind, but there is one thing that stands out amongst all the rest: dedicated. His leadership of House Dorimad Sol over the past year has been outstanding as the House led the way for the clan's victories in both the Independence Games as well as the recent three way feud, Uneasy Alliances, that occurred between Clan Plagueis, Clan Arcona, and Clan Scholae Palatinae. Within the Clan itself, House Dorimad Sol dominated all comers while under the command of Thran. During the House feud with Caliburnus, Thran led the attack against his former house, and the troopers of Caina obliterated their enemies on Ptolomea. From the wiki to the ACC to the gaming servers, Thran led by example by earning 20 competition seals during the past year as well as numerous other honors. He also devotes time to clan-wide projects such as the CSP TIE Corps, the CSP Dominion, and the War Council. Since his assumption of Proconsul, Thran was the primary force behind our recent clan competition: Rise of a Rebellion (RoaR) which we are running as a split competition. His 40+ pages of fiction that he wrote for this competition are amazing, and they will serve to push our clan's history forward after the Great Jedi War is completed.

Since his elevation to Battlemaster: Sapphire Blade - 1 Grand Cross of the Dark Side - 1 Steel Cross - 1 Anteian Cross - 1 Dark Crosses - 2 Novae - 2 Crescents - 28 Seal of Loyalty - 1 Competition Seals - 20 Cluster's of Fire - 118 Legions of the Scholar - 3

Now, as he begins his journey as the Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae, Thran will continue to be as active and productive as he was as the Quaestor of the most dominant house in the Clan.

Angelo Dante Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae

I have had the privilege of knowing Thran since he joined our club several years ago. It was right before Clan Exar Kun merged with Satal Keto to make Chi's super clan, but in all the madness that ensued... it was obvious that #5101 would be something special. And today I get to award him for his long overdue promotion to the final tier of the Equites.

When I was in the process of rebuilding Scholae Palatinae, Thran was a key piece to the planning. Not only does he have a fantastic work ethic, but he connects with his members on a very personal basis. His engagement level, I would wager, is matched by very few in the entire Brotherhood. His ability to balance the reporting aspect against personal e-mails (filled with ideas, concerns, plans and more) is astounding. And, as a result of his communication, he has helped CSP in a number of ways... from writing the 14 page document for the planet of Ptolomea, the Member of the Month program for each of CSP's three houses, brainstorming a number of events for the 2008 Independence Games, organizing the Clan's Fleet Reset, reworked the CSP Master-Student Program, running house feuds, and all of his work in HDS.

Amongst his accomplishments for HDS - and there are many - the chief one amongst them all is creating one of the most active, dedicated Houses in the Brotherhood. Thran has had his hand in all things involving the House... wiki pages, planet documents, military/political involvement, battle teams, member of the month, competitions, web sites, prospectus, history... all of it. And, in the process, created a group of soldiers whom were the most active unit in the 2008 Independence Games. In fact, his House (alone) had more participation than four of the DB's clans. And from his House, a number of leaders in CSP have blossomed and found their stride.

All in all, when I ask what I expect from members in the highest tier of Equites... those whom will be future Elders of the Brotherhood... I look towards Thran as one of those examples. He is fiercely dedicated to improving everything around him, and works solely for the betterment of the Brotherhood.

Braecen Kaeth Consul of Plagueis

Thran Occasus is a shining example of what a leader can and should be. Regular reports continue to be issued, a constant presence on IRC and most importantly he has a brilliant sense of humour and has a passion for CSP, something that is essential for a leader in this clan. He leads by example, earning since his last promotion more crescents than I can count on my fingers and toes, and way over 50 clusters of Fire. His work as Quaestor of Dorimad Sol ushered in an era of prosperity and he masterminded the construction of Arx Ondorii, the dwelling place of HDS. His determination and sheer whirlwind of activity did not end when he moved into the Clan Summit. He has written well over thirty pages of fiction for the Clan Event "Rise of a Rebellion" which will continue after the GJW.

On a more personal note, Thran has always kept in contact with me regarding projects and stuff. When he first took PCON, he took stock of everything I was doing and gave me some good advice on how to improve. This has continued, to the point that if I need some advice from outside the HAD summit, I will always go to Thran because of his ability to advice and criticise. Thran, you are one of four people who have made me the leader I am today. Thank you, and congratulations on your promotion, it's been a long time coming.

Kalak Ragnose Aedile of Acclivis Draco

As one can see from the reccommendations above, Thran has done well in his duties with the clan. His transition from proconsul to consul was easy, and came highly recommended by those within the clan. So far, his action as Consul has been well received as he rallies his clan to war. Aside from that, Thran has accumulated a bevy of medals from successful competitions and significant work done to improve his clan. His actions and his deeds motivate me to promote Thran Occasus to the rank of Sith Warlord. I look forward to seeing his future contributions to the club as he works his way toward Elder.

Muz Ashen Grand Master of the Brotherhood

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-03-29 11:15:52 UTC
Event ID
Scholae Palatinae
Event ID
Scholae Palatinae
Event ID
Scholae Palatinae
Event ID
Dorimad Sol
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
3.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in Gaming Nights from 10/1/2008 to 10/31/2008. Congratulations! ~OP Angelo Dante

General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2008-11-01 08:08:38 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
9.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in Gaming Nights from 10/26/2008 to 10/29/2008. Congratulations! ~OP Angelo Dante

General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2008-10-28 23:22:56 UTC