On behalf of my beloved Jedi:
Kairus - Promotion to EQ2
Sitting upon Summit for such a long time means that you are the one doing all the awarding. Such people are often awarded after the fact or neglected - this is very much a case of the latter, where this man has served with such proud distinction with no mention of thought or reward that it is an unfortunate truth that he has been overlooked. These things do happen. However, they can be fixed.
Let's examine some of Kairus' numbers. How about his awards since his last promotion two years ago? 7 Pendants of Blood, 462 Clusters of Fire, 20 different crescents, 11 Clusters of Ice, 1 Legion of the Scholar, 2 Bronze Novae, 5 Seals of Reminiscence, and one of each of our varieties of Cross. That is a storied career. That is a hardworking and considerable career of someone who has fought long and hard for the excellence of their unit. That Grand Cross was for kicking ass in sixteen out of seventeen possible Crusade events in the first chapter, and for serving as Quaestor for an incredible eight month term, with an almost four month term as Aedile directly before it. Almost one full year in leadership to the day. That is a solid career. He spent all that time as Quaestor leading from the front, making sure he entered everything he asked his members to do. He set a great example for everybody around him. Since then he has continued to work, and work hard, for Sadow - see the rec on his recent Anteian Cross, for which he is recognised for his activity in his Battleteam.
On top of this, he displayed the traits we want to see from a leader in this club. Not once have I ever seen Kairus belittle someone. Not once have I seen Kairus raise his voice, turn to anger. He's almost unflappable. I say almost; we're all human, and he probably has it somewhere. If he does, he keeps it locked down and away so that people don't see it. He's a consummate professional. He's polite, kind, helpful, respectful, always willing to lend a hand. He cares for those under his command and does it without hesitation or thought for himself. He was a mentor to myself who was still a low-ranking member of the Brotherhood, helping me set up a brand-new battleteam Tenebrae by, giving me the assistance and support necessary to lead the team and draw in a membership to the team, to write fiction, to integrate myself into Naga Sadow's Summit and beyond. Under his guidance, Journeymen such as myself, Syntari and even my own apprentice Yuriko came through ranks and promotions and accolades, building a solid foundation for the future. Personality is just as big a part of the job as the numbers, and Kairus definitely has the right stuff that we want to see in someone ascending the Equite ranks.
We don't often see the work of the sub-unit Quaestors, who are rather often overshadowed by the top level. They have a particularly difficult job; their world is not broadcast on the front page of the Brotherhood and is barely even seen by the others in their Clan - especially when your Clan Summit says that you are not permitted an Aedile to assist you with the work. However, the work they do is real. Their struggles are real. Their rewards should be equally so. When a sub-unit Quaestor works a miracle, he should be rewarded. For his efforts, I would like to applaud this absolute trooper.
This promotion is years overdue; he had earned it with the accolades of Quaestor long before he stepped down from the position. I spent a long time in his shadow, watching and admiring his work, seeing it from the perspective of a Summit subordinate to him. As such, it is my absolute honour and privilege to recommend Kairus for the rank of Equite Two.
I'd rec you for Equite 3, Kairus, but I don't think I can do that. You've earned this a million times over, my friend - thank you for everything you've done. Not just for me, but for an entire House.
I don’t write many of these, seeing as I don’t congregate with a lot of people. I’ve spent time with Kairus over the last few years and have found that he’s not only a highly active member, but he’s a good friend. Then, I asked myself what I could possibly say about him that would mean anything. Other people extol his abilities at getting medals or serving in leadership positions. I simply can only say that he’s a prime example of what a leader can and should be. He’s attentive to other people and what their problems are, he’s empathetic to their plights and is always willing to offer advice if they want it. His service to the younger members is a prime example of how we should all act. His patience is to be commended as well as his tenacity to insure they get awarded properly. His devotion to the Brotherhood is something we can all aspire to, so I will join my voice with the others in requesting his promotion to the second Equite level. I also join with them to congratulate him on this accomplishment.
While I haven’t had the privilege of knowing Kairus until his recent transfer to Odan-Urr, I have heard nothing but favorable comments from those I have spoken with. Judging by the recent interactions I have had with him, his character and personality are a perfect reflection of what we transpire to be in Odan-Urr. Having a solid career at the front of Units and his willingness to be productive, he is a wonderful addition to our House. Like most good leaders, his activity is colossal, and his tenacity is most impressive. While Mirus has covered the most part of his activity in a lengthy recommendation, I would like to point of Kairus’ ability to make friends in the Brotherhood. This is a man who has built up connections and friendships so deep, that I have had members relentlessly ask me to look into his activity since his transfer. Today is that day when I believe his contributions should be rewarded for all he has devoted to his past units. Congratulations, Kairus. You deserve this.
- A’lora Kituri, Aedile of Odan-Urr
Grand Master Declan Roark, 2014-06-16 03:05:02 UTC