I would hereby like to request a promotion for Jedi Hunter Etah dTana, who has currently fulfilled all requirements for promotion under Clan Arconas promotions guidelines, which can be seen at: <u>http://arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotionguidelines.html</u><BR><BR>
Etah has fulfilled all of these requirements, as follows:<BR><BR>
Be in contact with your House and Clan:<BR><BR>
Constant contact over IRC and Email, consistently one of the first to report in when information is necessary.<BR><BR>
Have two of the Leadership exams completed:<BR><BR>
Has all SA Leadership exams completed<BR><BR>
Decide on your Shadowcrafting Path: <BR><BR>
Has chosen the Outer Darkness in a recent fiction<BR><BR>
Request your Warbanner: <BR><BR>
Etah has requested his Warbanner as a Guardian<BR><BR>
Promote and run a competition for your battleteam, successfully: <BR><BR>
Etah has run three Battleteam competitions for Qel-Droma Phyle
Ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost of Christmas Present, and Ghost of Christmas Future<BR><BR>
Participate in at least fifteen activities: <BR><BR>
11/25/2006 - [Galeres] Investigation <BR>
12/12/2006 - Title: [Galeres] Defining Colours <BR>
12/26/2006 - [Galeres] Dark Valour <BR>
12/31/2006 - [T:F] Season's Greetings <BR>
1/1/2007 - Power Poetry <BR>
1/3/2007 - Cotelin, Jac Cotelin <BR>
1/3/2007 - Galeres Winter Competition <BR>
1/17/2007 - [Galeres] Masks <BR>
1/17/2007 - [Galeres] Before the Brotherhood <BR>
1/19/2007 - Motivate me, baby! <BR>
1/29/2007 - [Gal] Trivia <BR>
Events 4, 5, 7, 7 of the Arc vs. CSP Feud<BR><BR>
Do one, or a combination of:<BR>
-Earn fourty Clusters of Fire<BR>
-Complete five battles at the Antei Combat Center<BR>
-Write fifteen pages of character-based fiction<BR><BR>
Has recently written a 23-page character-based fiction<BR><BR>
Write either a High-quality fiction detailing the creation of your lightsaber, or create a high-quality graphic depicting your lightsaber.
As part of his fiction, Etah has detailed his lightsaber creation<BR><BR>
As Etah has completed all of these guidelines, and more, I would like to respectfully request his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. <BR><BR>
In darkness, <BR><BR>
-KAP Timeros Caesus Entar.
Warlord Etah Obsidyn, 2007-04-07 22:00:00 UTC