Greetings Master at Arms,
I bring before you today a member of the Royal Clan that has influenced more than just his House and Clan. Kalak Ragnose serves as Magistrate to the Headmaster, specializing in Journeyman Competitions. So far, there have been 3-4 such competitions, some of which didnt garner much support, but have been shown to be improving over time. This, in conjunction with his work as Rollmaster of House Acclivis Draco, taking over from the very capable Traan Reith, more than warrant him for promotion into the Equite ranks.
Most of my interaction with Kalak comes on the House level, where he serves as Rollmaster of HAD. He has started several competitions for his House and ensures that QUA Timbal and AED Traan have the most up to date information on their members as possible. This ensures that the members of HAD are promoted and recognized as soon as humanly possible for their efforts.
Kalak is a constant presence on IRC, offering a helping hand and information to anyone who asks. It is these selfless acts that have truly endeared him to me. He is always willing to assist a new member, whether they are from his House or not. His dedication to the younger members of the Clan and Brotherhood is surpassed by only a few of the old timers in the Club. It is my distinct opinion that Kalak is far past due for promotion into the Equite ranks and it is my pleasure and honor to finally recommend him for promotion to Krath Priest.
Congratulations Kalak, you have earned it.
~Exarch Lucien Kaeth Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
Son of Palpatine
Since joining the House Summit at the end of August of 2008, Kalak Ragnose has been quite dedicated to his duties as Roll Master of House Acclivis Draco. From the beginning, he has taken on his duties with a passion, individually contacting each member of the House to see where they stand, and working with myself and the Aedile to work out any outstanding issues that may have been in play.
In addition, he has always kept on top of the House roster, checking weekly for anything that might have escaped our attention. His report writing is right up there, concise, to the point, and having a good load of information.
Hes successfully run several competitions for the House, getting valuable feedback from the House members that we use to tailor the way we run things.
He has also been on point when it comes to our on-going Master/Student Program. Hes successfully been able to pair up various Masters and Students, and in the case of one particular Master/Student pair, hes also kept up with the on-going work of the Student to ensure that they get properly recognized when they submit work.
His presence in IRC is quite commendable, being there more often than not, and being a really approachable member of the Summit to any House member. His insights in our conversation are often interesting and fun.
On the Summit project side, hes single-handedly responsible for the creation and fleshing out of the House companies and facilities information that were doing for the House, something that is quite critical in creating a believable fictional setting for us. Hes also a great sounding board for new projects or ideas, and he doesnt hesitate to run with something that we request him to do.
Finally, since being elevated to Dark Jedi Knight, Kalak has received seven Legion of the Scholar awards, six Crescents of various kinds, three Scroll of Foundation awards, an Anteian Cross, a Seal of Loyalty, six Seal of Remembrance awards, and a Dark Cross all have been earned. This is truly an outstanding effort and an indicator of how much he puts in into the House.
It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome Kalak Ragnose into the ranks of the Equites, and I am looking forward to seeing him climb up to greater heights. Well done, Kalak!
KE Timbal Palpatine (Krath)/QUA-EP/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
Since joining the Summit of House Acclivis Draco at the resignation of Revenge X Palapatine, Kalak has exemplified what a Roll Master should be. He has worked extremely hard to encourage the members below DJK, picking up where I left off and finding all persons in need of a Master, a Master. He has worked with other RM's to get this done in a timely fashion, devoting himself without more than a thank you from Quaestor and Aedile. He has spent countless hours editing house documents, adding to House Companies and Facilities, and truly being an outstanding summit member.
He is a friendly face that is one IRC everyday, easily accessible, and very inventive. He has come up with two house competitions, once of which we ran in an attempt to garner feedback from our House. What we got was limited, but mostly goodjobs, and attaboys, some of the newer members complimenting Kalak on helping them. He helps formulate other competitions, some of which we are planning to run after the GJW.
This truly devoted member of the House has earned his right to be called KP Kalak Ragnose.
Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2008-11-18 13:43:57 UTC