Steel Cross events for Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

These past couple months it’s been quite a privilege to have Brimstone on my battleteam. Despite not having proper access to the internet, doing most of his DB A Brimstone submitted to 11 events during the Independence Games. He placed in four of those events, taking home two fourth place finishes, a third place finish, and a victory in the “Earthly Exchange” competition. On top of that, he received a sapphire crescent for taking second place in the “March Madness” competition just before the IGs started. Brimstone has also been a fixture on Plagueis e-mail list, encouraging others to participate. Because of all this, I feel Brimstone has more than earned this Steel Cross.

Congratulations man, just don’t make me try to say your full name =).

  • SW Arden Karn

CMDR - BT Karness Muur

Acting Rollmaster of Plagueis.

Brimstone and I, admittedly, have a bit of a rocky history. Our working relationship in Tarentum back in the day was pretty lousy, and it ultimately ended up sour between Brimstone and Tarentum. We didn’t see him for quite some time, up until he decided to transfer to Plagueis.

As you can see from my Rollmaster’s recommendation, Brimstone has done an excellent amount of work in competitions. I would like to add that his participation in Chapter II of Phase I of the Dark Crusade was spectacular, as he submitted to 4 out of 5 events. His RO involvement was phenomenal, as he has always harbored an immense enthusiasm for storytelling. As stated, in the IGs, he placed in 4 out of 11 events, becoming one of the top Plagueian participants. His work included fiction, trivia, and other miscellaneous submissions.

This may seem really blasé to some people. Like, “Oh, gee, he submitted to competitions. Whoop-dee-freaking-doo. What, you want a medal?”

Um. Yes. We do want a medal for Brimstone. We want a Steel Cross for Brimstone. Because believe it or not, he did all of those competitions - all of his hard, strenuous work in both the Crusade and the IGs - on his cellphone.

Let me reiterate that: ON. HIS. CELLPHONE.

Brimstone has not just raised the bar for participants in every vendetta and competition - he’s obliterated it. Now tons of excuses for not participating in events have been tossed in the bin - because Brimstone did it all on his phone. That is absolutely astounding, and it really emphasizes the amount of awesome energy that this guy has for his unit.

Maybe it’s because he’s gung-ho. Maybe it’s because he’s stubborn. Maybe it’s because, as we sometimes joke, he’s Chiss. But one thing’s for sure - Brimstone’s drive, skill, and fortitude have more than merited this award.

Ronovi Tavisaen Aedile of House Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2013-05-26 17:55:31 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Brimstone is a force of nature. Everyone knows his name, for better or worse. He keeps the Plagueis mailing list active with interesting videos and articles, masters multiple young members through the ranks, participated in the ACC Beta, the Fading Light Runon event, and the Fading Light ACC tournament. When his BTL stepped down, he stepped up during the interim and maintained active communication with his battle team members even when most seemed AWOL or Rogue. He pushed hard as Battle Team Leader, and that’s not easy when the Dark Brotherhood naturally gets a fair number of dead joins. Brimstone encouraged them all of the same. Finally, he submitted to all eleven events during the Plagueis house feud “Sphere of Influence,” and placed in the Top Five overall for his hard work and dedication. As a BTL and a member, Brimstone always performs. He is an integral experience of Clan Plagueis’ culture and we are proud to have him as a part of the family ~ DA Aabsdu Dupar, Consul of Plagueis

Zanet Xox, 2014-07-17 01:11:14 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Seer Eiko
Primary reason

It is hard to overstate the monumental effort that Brimstone has put into being a part of Plagueis and House Karness Muur. Competing in all seventeen events of the Tarentum-Plagueis cooperative event "Forged Alliances" is, in and of itself, a significant achievement. Walking out of that event with six total placements (three 1st place finishes, including one in Team Run-On, and three 3rd place finishes) isn't easy -- and that's only the activity that happened over the course of the event.

Brimstone has been at the forefront of Plagueis's active membership for a very long time, competing in another eight Brotherhood- and Clan-wide competitions since his last award, bringing his total number of competitions entered to 25. He is one of the first people in Plagueis to congratulate others on their achievements, and his constant presence and communication have been central to the healthy and active condition of House Karness Muur. His presence in gaming (Diablo 3 and Pazaak) and ACC matches have not gone unnoticed, based on the dual Pendants, 18 Cluster of Fire, 7 Cluster of Ice, and 55 Clusters of Earth he has added to his collection.

Based on all these things, I am proud to recognize Brimstone with this Steel Cross.

Seer Eiko, 2015-12-04 16:47:10 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Brimstone is, like the bureaucratic mentality, one of the few constants in the universe (As Dr. McCoy would say). For years he has always been there for his clan mates, and since his last recognition he’s continued to do just that. During our recent feud, he submitted entries to three of the available competitions to help contribute to the overall Clan Plagueis victory effort. All told he has submitted to twenty-four competitions since his last award five months ago, earning himself three crescents (two sapphire and one emerald) in the process. As a gamer he’s also pulled in one hundred and forty-two clusters of earth, eight clusters of fire, and two pendants of blood. He’s also been one of our most active members in the arena of Clan communication, always priming conversation on both telegram and email in order to help build our clan’s community. His continued presence along with contributions during Between Light and Dark show him to be deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2016-04-27 23:35:11 UTC
Additional reasons

Any time Brimstone is around, you know it. Whether you're new to the group or not, you are greeted warmly and quickly. Whether you are down to game, or looking for motivation to continue participating in events, Brim is a presence that can get you going.

Once again, Brim has met the mark, and once again he has made an excellent contribution to House Karness Muur and Plagueis at large. Great work.

, 2016-04-27 20:43:45 UTC

Among all the members that I've had the pleasure of working with in Plagueis, it's hard for me to identify someone as consistent as Brimstone. His activity level keeps tempo with the events around him, and his presence and energy have been a significant part of Plagueis's participation, camaraderie, and achievement. Another Steel Cross to his portfolio is well-earned and a welcome addition to his steadily increasing collection. Congratulations!

Seer Eiko, 2016-04-27 21:34:01 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

Brim has been one of the leading participants in the clan his entire time here, so it’s no surprise that he yet again turned out a high level of activity in the past few months.

In that regard, he has participated in 34 competitions, placing in 11 of them. He was the highest-scoring Vizsla member in the Pro Bowl competition, helping the Rot-Worms take the win in this recent multi-clan event. This is exactly what we look for in our leaders, and in that regard, Brim is showing his mettle as Aedile of House Wren perfectly.

One other thing of particular note – something that I wouldn’t have particularly noticed unless it was missing – is his engagement with the rest of the club as a whole. We are a social club at heart and he is active in most, if not all, the public channels in Discord and has also added comments/questions/thoughts to 20 news posts. His upbeat attitude and his willingness to participate is greatly appreciated and welcomed in the clan.

For that, I am pleased to recommend him for this Steel Cross!

General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla, 2021-10-26 18:02:34 UTC
Additional reasons

Zoron covered Brims activity quite well. Where Brim is coming into his own and growing quite well is on the leadership front. He is the most vocal member in the summit chat and brings fresh ideas. His ability to motivate members to participate without sounding like he is forcing them is much appreciated. I am a firm believer in leading by example and Brimstone embodies this. Both in his activity and his vocal role as Aedile of House Wren. He knows his strengths and plays to them but also is willing to step outside of those where needed as could be seen in his learning Diablo 3 and then helping members inside and outside of the clan learn the game as well. Hype men are great to have but Brimstone goes above that and actually helps his clanmates succeed.

Vynn Salm, 2021-10-26 17:15:02 UTC