News for 2/2017

Displaying news items 1 - 20 of 65 in total
Date Title Author Context
2017/02/28 Master at Arms Report 2 Howlader Taldrya Master At Arms (The Council)
2017/02/28 Tarentum PCON Report #12 Master Zsarion Bloodfyre Proconsul (Tarentum)
2017/02/28 Regent Report: 9 Lord Evio Nezsa Regent (The Council)
2017/02/26 Knights of Allusis Report #2 Torin Ardell Battleteam Leader (Knights Of Allusis)
2017/02/25 Clan Naga Sadow: Consul Applications Grand Master Declan Roark Grand Master (The Council)
2017/02/25 Biennial Confirmation of the Justicar Grand Master Declan Roark Grand Master (The Council)
2017/02/24 Shadow Gate February Report! Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate)
2017/02/24 Character Sheets - Unit Conversion Ascendant James Lucius Entar Seneschal (The Council)
2017/02/24 Atyiru Arconae Ascendant James Lucius Entar Seneschal (The Council)
2017/02/24 A New di Plagia Master Selika Roh di Plagia Consul (Plagueis)
2017/02/23 [CNS] HMR Aedile Report - February 2017 Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow Aedile (Marka Ragnos)
2017/02/23 Tarentum Rollmaster Report #1 Kromtal Bloodfyre Romanae Rollmaster (Tarentum)
2017/02/23 A Brief Announcement Epis Locke Sonjie Consul (Naga Sadow)
2017/02/22 Shadow Guard Report #10 Tribune Kanal O'neill Battleteam Leader (Shadow Guard)
2017/02/21 Tarentum's new Rollmaster chosen Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Rollmaster (Tarentum)
2017/02/21 House Galeres Report: Q is for Quaestor, That's Good Enough for Me Qyreia Arronen Quaestor (Galeres)
2017/02/20 House Karness Muur Quaestor Report #1 Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia Quaestor (Karness Muur)
2017/02/20 Quaestor Report #11: The Good Times Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Quaestor (Shar Dakhan)
2017/02/20 House Ajunta Pall February Aedile Report Dr. Giyana Jurro Aedile (Ajunta Pall)
2017/02/20 (Another) Inaugural Deathsworn Report Minister Cor-Hatha Vow Battleteam Leader (Deathsworn)