Character Sheet Reference

Displaying aspects 21 - 40 of 92 in total
Title Type Description Availability Created / Updated
Wise Guy Personality

Despite an aversion for physical confrontation, The character has a quick-witted and sharp sense of humour, and never passes up the opportunity to make a quip or jibe about their situation, or to taunt their enemies. While some find The character to be funny and likeable, others do not always respond so warmly, and occasionally The character will get themself into more trouble than they thought when someone takes a joke the wrong way.

Public 2015/08/09 / 2018/06/15
Ooh, Shiny! Personality

The character is mesmerized by anything shiny and can easily spot shiny objects from a distance. This makes them good at finding things of importance or value, but they may also be distracted by pretty baubles.

Public 2013/07/31 / 2018/06/15
Easy Going 'Till the Fight Starts Personality

While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, The character's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. They become focused and quiet, with their smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

Public 2013/07/20 / 2020/08/13
I Rely on Passion Personality

The Sith rely on their passions to give them strength. The character thinks inwards, only of things that matter to them, and always does what is in their best interests. They feels nothing about hurting others, or exploiting opportunities, and believes themself to be special, and above all others.

Public 2015/08/09 / 2018/06/15
We Must Protect This House! Personality

The character is devoutly loyal to their House or Clan and will follow orders unquestionably. They would sacrifice their own life to protect their House or Clan from harm. This attitude, however, often clouds their ability to see things from an arbitrary or objective point of view and they can come off as extremely narrow-minded.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/06/15
I Am Not A Committee! Personality

The character likes to engage in detailed discussions and think through situations carefully, often collaborating with others to seek their opinions before deciding on the best course of action. While this often ensures The character is more fair and well-respected amongst their peers, sometimes others do not have time to discuss this in a committee.

Public 2015/08/09 / 2018/06/15
Natural-born Killer Personality

Killing has never been a problem for The character; and they kind of enjoy it now, if they are honest. Killing's what The character does, and they like what they do.

Public 2013/07/20 / 2018/12/17
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Personality

The character is very cheerful and happy, and always looks on the bright side of life. When chewing on life’s gristle, they don't grumble, but give a whistle. They always hope for the best, and enjoys laughing, smiling, dancing or singing. This unending optimism often improves the morale and spirit of everyone around them, and The character is always quick with a smile or a joke, even when drawing their terminal breath. This same exuberance can also be tiring to more jaded curmudgeons.

Public 2015/08/09 / 2018/12/17
Addictive Personality Personality

The character has a tendency to get addicted to things, even if those things aren't addictive.

Public 2013/07/20 / 2013/08/06
Don’t Call Me Small! Personality

The character is known for walking tall despite being of below average stature. they are quick to anger when called out for their height, and is not afraid of taking on an opponent regardless of their size or intimidation factor. This same tenacity makes The character easier to rile up, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation at hand.

Public 2015/08/09 / 2018/12/17
Technically Legal Personality

The character prefers to push the rules to the absolute limit. While they are unlikely to actually break rules or disobey orders, they toe the line between what is allowed and what isn't at every opportunity.

Public 2013/08/06 / 2018/12/17
Straight Shooter Personality

The character tells it like they see it, when they think it; and they don't try to sugar coat what they say.

Public 2013/07/20 / 2018/12/17
Cowardly Lion Personality

The character doesn't like conflict; so they try to avoid it whenever possible, both in terms of combat, and interpersonal relations.

Public 2013/08/06 / 2018/12/17
Heavy Handed Personality

The character is not afraid to exploit any advantage or position of power they have when dealing with others, and relies on a combination of fear, intimidation, manipulation and shows of strength to convince others to compromise and lose. The character can be quite callous in their dealings with others, and never gives up their power. This has earned The character with the reputation of a “bully” and can often make negotiations difficult before they even begin.

Public 2015/08/09 / 2018/12/17
They're Animals, and I Slaughtered Them Like Animals General

The character has a legendary and virulent need for vengeance. Once crossed, they will make it their life’s work to ensure that whatever slight was received is repaid tenfold. This need for vengeance can be all-consuming, and can often lead to short-sighted decisions.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/06/15
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel General

The character is a master of the 'tricks of the trade' - the cheating and stealing trade, that is. With a certain propensity and natural talent for stealth and thievery, The character is a professional when it comes to crimes, from minor to major. Sometimes it is as simple as a few more favorable cards in a hand to a set of sticky fingers to something as big as a heist. Either way, The character knows their way around a job. However, everyone is bound to get caught eventually, and reputations have a way of finding a way to bite you in the rear. . . not to mention those looking to extract a little vengeance.

Public 2013/07/31 / 2018/06/15
How Hard Can It Be! General

The character always seems to underestimate the gravity of important situations or the difficulty of tasks by about a mile or ten.The character is a bit of a slacker, never really thinking things all the way through - and it usually comes back to bite them in a wildly comedic way. However, they also tend to not be deterred from things that would often scare others away.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/12/17
There’s An Easy Way? General

The character somehow always finds themself in tricky situations that put them in over their head. As such, The character always seems to be digging themself out of some kind of dilemma. While this speaks to The character’s ability to think outside the box to find solutions, their moral code often gets in the way of taking the easy way out.

Public 2015/09/14 / 2018/06/15
We Must Protect This House! General

The character is devoutly loyal to their House or Clan and will follow orders unquestionably. They would sacrifice their own life to protect their House or Clan from harm. This attitude, however, often clouds their ability to see things from an arbitrary or objective point of view and they can come off as extremely narrow-minded.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/06/15
Bothans Do It From Behind General

The character will never go into any situation head-on. Whether it be combat or just strolling down the street, they will stick to the shadows or cloak themself in the Force. The less they are seen, the better. If they cannot sneak up on someone, then The character will not bother confronting them.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/12/17