Character Sheet Reference

Displaying aspects 41 - 60 of 92 in total
Title Type Description Availability Created / Updated
How Hard Can It Be! General

The character always seems to underestimate the gravity of important situations or the difficulty of tasks by about a mile or ten.The character is a bit of a slacker, never really thinking things all the way through - and it usually comes back to bite them in a wildly comedic way. However, they also tend to not be deterred from things that would often scare others away.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/12/17
They're Animals, and I Slaughtered Them Like Animals General

The character has a legendary and virulent need for vengeance. Once crossed, they will make it their life’s work to ensure that whatever slight was received is repaid tenfold. This need for vengeance can be all-consuming, and can often lead to short-sighted decisions.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/06/15
He Told Me Enough, He Told Me You Killed Him General

Someone in The character’s past was killed and they have vowed to avenge their death. Should the object of their vengeance be discovered, they are likely to to do whatever they can to exact revenge, no matter the cost.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/12/17
I'm Getting Too Old For This General

The character has both been there and done that. they thinks they have seen every imaginable scenario of war and battle and survived it all, and that nothing can phase them. The daily grind has almost become too intolerable for The character and they are prone to lash out at anyone who attempts to coerce them into another adventure.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/12/17
You've Failed Me For the Last Time General

The character possesses a cold and completely uncaring demeanour. This will manifest itself in the fact that when push comes to shove,The character will just as soon leave a struggling ally behind rather than put themselves in danger. While this may ensure their survival, it often leaves them as an outcast amongst their peers.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/06/15
Spacer General

The character has no home planet, at least not one that they can remember. As a child, The character would spend most of their time on different starships and grew accustomed to the atmosphere and nuances of space and the various crafts that traverse it. As a result, The character feels more comfortable on a ship than on any planet.

Public 2016/09/20 / 2018/12/17
I'm Gonna Be a Master of Disguise General

The character is a master of fitting in and impersonation. There is scarcely a planet in the galaxy where they can't manage to find a way to fit in, be it throwing together a convincing imitation of local guard or pretending to be a regular local. The character is so good at such that they may have seemingly lost all sense of personal style and flair, leaving them as always simply the imitator.

Public 2013/07/31 / 2018/06/15
Circuit-Brained General

The character loves to play with computers and enjoys interacting with them more than they do with people. Some may call them antisocial - and they'd be right.

Public 2013/08/06 / 2018/12/17
Due Diligence General

When The character does things, they make sure everything is done correctly, no matter how long it takes. This means there are frequent delays in The character's work, but it's usually done right, at least.

Public 2013/08/06 / 2018/12/17
Prideful General

Despite whatever all their other characteristics may convey, The character retains the air of a person that is confident, if not arrogant. Minor (and often, major) things in their body language - their walk, their stance, their expressions - reveal these feelings. At times, it seems they border upon narcissism, especially judging from how much they enjoy their own company.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/12/17
Bothans Do It From Behind General

The character will never go into any situation head-on. Whether it be combat or just strolling down the street, they will stick to the shadows or cloak themself in the Force. The less they are seen, the better. If they cannot sneak up on someone, then The character will not bother confronting them.

Public 2013/08/09 / 2018/12/17
There’s An Easy Way? General

The character somehow always finds themself in tricky situations that put them in over their head. As such, The character always seems to be digging themself out of some kind of dilemma. While this speaks to The character’s ability to think outside the box to find solutions, their moral code often gets in the way of taking the easy way out.

Public 2015/09/14 / 2018/06/15
Didn’t Say Anything About That General

Be it during a fight or life in general, moral compass means little to The character. If you don’t want a person harmed, you had better specify. General terms mean nothing to them as The character only deals in specifics. If the rules of a duel say you can’t shoot before the count of three? A grenade over the shoulder is fair game, then. Tell The character to stop someone at all costs, well, you better not be concerned if they’re brought back dead or alive.

Public 2016/09/20 / 2018/06/15
Intergalactic Drifter General

Having been born inside a star-ship as opposed to planet-side, The character has never had a particular world to call their home. They grew up in an environment that requires being of use in order to survive, and without the borders that breed patriotism. The allegiances of the galaxy mean little to them, only the strength of individual merit. They are most at peace when in space, and will take on any contract or mission that enables them to remain firmly seated in a cockpit.

This utter lack of affiliation often results in what can be construed as insubordination and disloyalty, putting them at odds with those that value such things.

Public 2016/08/27 / 2018/12/17
Riff Raff General

The character never really learned the definition of true consequence. They have “thieved” and tricked their way into the hearts of strangers, friends, and family but has never dealt with nor experienced a heavy sense of responsibility for those actions. This makes The character a very carefree soul, but he isn’t one for serious conversations or threats.

Public 2016/09/20 / 2018/12/17
Mad World General

The character has a sick sense of humor, viewing the world through dark colored glass. They have a biting sense of black humor, often laughing at things that most people would find reprehensible or down right soul crushing. As a result, those that are not used to their brand of humor often find The character downright unbearable or overly morbid. At the same time, their cynicism can be useful for seeing through the optimistic altruism of those they encounters.

Public 2016/09/20 / 2018/12/17
Alternative Methods General

The character's skills as a medic are not just limited to holo-books and lectures. They has read up and practiced a handful of experimental treatments while inventing a few home remedies of their own. This allows The character to work outside the box in less than ideal situations, and can lead to them solving mysteries other trained medics might struggle with. This, of course, comes with its own string of failures, as nothing is ever perfect. That, and some of the more established professionals in the field often doubt or question The character's alternative practices. They typically brush them off in favor of doing everything they can to help a patient, but does quietly seek recognition for accomplishments as a healer.

Public 2016/09/07 / 2018/12/17
We’ll Break Their Legs General

The character can be very protective, and when any of their friends are being bullied or threatened, they will step in to defend them. This can gets The character in trouble when they refuse to back down during these exchanges, and sometimes has trouble discerning between friendly teasing and intentional insults. However, because of this fierce loyalty, their friends know that no matter what, The character will be there for them.

Public 2016/09/20 / 2018/12/17
Loyalty Is Earned, Not Bought General

While The character will see a job through to its conclusion and put forward their best effort, it’s still just a job. The character's true loyalties lie to their friends, and through thick and thin,they will stand by them and die for them if needed. This loyalty is reserved for those who have earned The character's trust, putting them at odds with other Mercenaries that are only doing a job for the money. This also makes it harder for employers to trust their motives, often times creating extra competition and difficulty finding work. None of it matters to The character, though, because loyalty to their friends is not something credits can buy.

Public 2016/09/23 / 2018/06/15
My Fees Are High For A Reason General

The character does not charge a high price because they have to pay for a life of luxury; they charge a high price because they know that they are the best in the game and worth the credits. Those who do not know The character will feel they are gouging them, but those who have seen them in action know that they always deliver. This bravado follows The character around and builds on the success of completed jobs and can be off-putting to other Mercenaries that will try and lash back by pointing out their failures.

Public 2016/09/23 / 2018/12/17