Character Sheet Reference

Displaying disciplines 1 - 20 of 62 in total
Discipline Description Granted Feats Created / Updated

“I can fly anything. Wings, no wings, push-pull echo force, in or out of lightspeed—just show me it.”

Whether flying for a cause or just flying for themselves, Aces are more than just “pilots”. Their understanding of the technology that they use to set a machine into motion allows them to apply their aptitude to a wide range of vehicles found in the Galaxy. This can be anything as small as a speeder bike to as large as a capital ship. Knowledge pairs with instinctive, seemingly inherent talent that allows an Ace to pull off incredible stunts without any intervention from the Force.

(Note: Preferred Vehicle must be listed in weapons load-out on the Character Sheet).

Aces gain:

  • Smooth Operator, which grants a bonus to Piloting
  • I Can Fix That, a unique Ability for Aces
Equite: Smooth Operator II I Can Fix That II
Elder: I Can Fix That III Smooth Operator III
Grand Master: I Can Fix That III Smooth Operator III
Journeyman: Smooth Operator I I Can Fix That I
2016/08/02 / 2021/02/10

"Mock our rituals all you want; the results speak for themselves."

Perhaps the most misunderstood of Disciplines, Arcanists study the Force and how it connects all living things. By focusing on the more arcane and studious nature of the Force, they have created their own rituals and philosophies that let them accomplish tasks alien to the common Force-wielder. They can track a being through the Force using things as simple as a torn piece of cloak.

Arcanists gain:

  • Dowsing, which modifies the Force Power: Sense
  • Channel, a unique ability for Arcanists
Equite: Dowsing II Channel II
Elder: Dowsing III Channel III
Grand Master: Dowsing III Channel III
Journeyman: Dowsing I Channel I
2015/08/09 / 2016/08/02

"The only time you have too much fuel is when you are on fire."

Big ships, small ships, and everything in-between, it matters not to an Aviator who knows how to operate any space-faring vehicle in the galaxy. They are a welcome addition to any crew, and are usually exceptional pilots in their own right.

Equite: Smooth Operator II Capital Commander II
Elder: Smooth Operator III Capital Commander III
Grand Master: Smooth Operator III Capital Commander III
Journeyman: Smooth Operator I Capital Commander I
2024/09/30 / 2024/09/30
Balance Bringer

""Where there is life, there must be also death. The Force cannot exist without both sides of the coin. The Light and the Dark; I shall bring them into harmony.""

The Balance Bringer lives in the center, allowing the Light and Dark sides of the Force to flow through him. He is connected deeply, and finds both peace and ruthlessness available to him.

Equite: Primed II Battle Haste II
Elder: Primed III Battle Haste III
Grand Master: Primed III Battle Haste III
Journeyman: Battle Haste I Primed I
2024/09/25 / 2024/09/28

A cleric and redeemer focused only on healing others, regardless of alignment or deed, at any cost to themselves.

Equite: Synergy II Channel II
Elder: Channel III Synergy III
Grand Master: Channel III Synergy III
Journeyman: Channel I Synergy I
2025/02/23 / 2025/02/23

"For the Father and Daughter to fulfill their celestial roles, so too must the Son."

The Deathsworn are a sect of Sith cultists who believe that entropy, known as Bogun, is an essential aspect of the Force, complementing the Living Force (Ashla) and existing within the greater Cosmic Force (Bendu). Rather than seeing themselves as enemies of the Jedi, they view their role as counterparts. The Deathsworn sow destruction and reap suffering because they are necessary forces in the universe; for just as life grows and flourishes, it must also decay and perish.

Equite: Channel II Arcane Shield II
Elder: Channel III Arcane Shield III
Grand Master: Channel III Arcane Shield III
Journeyman: Channel I Arcane Shield I
2024/09/28 / 2024/09/28

"I make ‘hanging back’ look good."

Defenders have dedicated themselves to the study of how best to use their gift in the Force to better control an engagement from behind the front lines, though they can hold their own just fine. A combat multiplier on the battlefield, Defenders are the bulwark that allies rally to and the rock face that enemy attacks shatter against. They can modify Suppression to help combat enemy Force attacks to defend themselves and their allies.

Defenders gain:

  • Force Pulse, which modifies the Force Power: Suppression
  • Synergy, a unique Force Power for Defenders
Equite: Synergy II Force Pulse II
Elder: Synergy III Force Pulse III
Grand Master: Synergy III Force Pulse III
Journeyman: Synergy I Force Pulse I
2015/08/09 / 2022/05/18

“It’s a trap!”

Leadership comes in many forms, but there are those that are born with certain gifts that help them stand out from others. Whether brokering in diplomacy or warfare, a Director seeks to manipulate events towards their desired outcome. They see beyond what is right in front of them and tend to be thinking of their next course of action before the current is even completed. Beyond that, they know how to influence the emotions of those that follow their command—all without the aid of the Force.

Directors gain:

  • Checkmate, which grants a bonus to Intellect
  • Silver Tongue, a unique Ability for Directors
Equite: Checkmate II Silver Tongue II
Elder: Checkmate III Silver Tongue III
Grand Master: Checkmate III Silver Tongue III
Journeyman: Checkmate I Silver Tongue I
2016/08/02 / 2016/08/02

"A thief sees what’s theirs for the taking. A fence sees how to make a fortune out of it."

Fences are the silent architects of the underworld, the masterminds who turn chaos into profit. They operate in shadows, pulling strings from behind the curtain, ensuring stolen goods vanish and reappear with clean histories and heavier price tags. Guile is their weapon, deception their armor—while others take the risks, Fences reap the rewards. Every deal, every whispered word, every forged document consolidates their influence on the criminal economy and makes them indispensable to thieves, smugglers and syndicates alike.

Equite: Fly Casual II Checkmate II
Elder: Fly Casual III Checkmate III
Grand Master: Fly Casual III Checkmate III
Journeyman: Fly Casual I Checkmate I
2025/03/12 / 2025/03/12
Field Medic

“ save the mother and lose the babe. It’s hard, and nobody ever thanks you for it, but we’re the ones that have to make those choices.”

In a Galaxy where Bacta salve solves most of life's woes, and mystical beings exist with the power mend wounds using nothing but the power of the Force, there is still a need for a conventionally trained medic. Field Medics are medical practitioners that have dedicated their careers to helping and healing others not just from the comfort of a lab, but in the fields of battle. They have moved through the varying ranks of pHDs programs and are considered to have some of the finest minds in the galaxy when it comes to the knowledge and experience of administering Medicine.

Medics gain:

  • Steady Hands, which modifies the Skill: Medicine
  • Xenobiology - a unique ability for Field Medics
Equite: Steady Hands II Xenobiology II
Elder: Xenobiology III Steady Hands III
Grand Master: Xenobiology III Steady Hands III
Journeyman: Steady Hands I Xenobiology I
2015/08/31 / 2016/08/02
Force Crusader

The Force Crusader is a former Jedi Crusader who has lived multiple lives as part of the Jedi Order, Imperial Security Bureau, and Brotherhood Inquisitorius, taking the Barash Vow as recompense for their unwilling service to the former Galactic Empire. They use their extensive knowledge and skills in close-range combat and the Force to track and subdue the creatures and sentient beings they are contracted to hunt, defending those deemed worthy of their protection. A hunter of all things they are no typical Jedi, and a force to be reckoned with as lines between chaotic good and evil are frequently blurred both on and off the battlefield.

The Force Crusader gains the following feats:

  • Force Interrogation
  • Battlefield Awareness
Equite: Battlefield Awareness II Force Interrogation II
Elder: Force Interrogation III Battlefield Awareness III
Grand Master: Force Interrogation III Battlefield Awareness III
Journeyman: Force Interrogation I Battlefield Awareness I
2025/03/24 / 2025/03/26
Force Lord

To fully harness the potential of the Force, one must not only perfect its practical application in combat, but also understand its arcane nature. This power is not granted to just anyone, but earned over a lifetime of study and the dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. By reaching beyond the binary boundaries of the dark side and the light side, a Force Lord can effortlessly bend the Force to their will, weaving it into the very fibers of their being.

Equite: Channel II Arcane Shield II
Elder: Channel III Arcane Shield III
Grand Master: Channel III Arcane Shield III
Journeyman: Channel I Arcane Shield I
2024/09/26 / 2024/09/28
Force Prophet

Able to see between the lines of now and then, Force Prophet's are specialists in the use of Farsight. Peering into the past and the future, they are often one step ahead should they choose to take it.

Equite: Clairvoyance II Presentiment II
Elder: Clairvoyance III Presentiment III
Grand Master: Clairvoyance III Presentiment III
Journeyman: Clairvoyance I Presentiment I
2025/03/26 / 2025/03/26
Force Sage

"For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."

Sages are a special kind of Force User. They are adept at using the Force offensively, chaining together a maelstrom of destruction whilst their connection to the Living Force allows them to refill their reserves. Deadly and devastating, Force Sages, to some, are considered the peak of Force knowledge and application.

Force Sages gain:

  • Channel.

  • Primed.

Equite: Primed II Channel II
Elder: Primed III Channel III
Grand Master: Primed III Channel III
Journeyman: Channel I Primed I
2025/02/09 / 2025/02/09
Force Sleuth

"Every clue leaves an echo."

A Force Sleuth knows that the past lingers, whispering its secrets to those who know how to listen. Through the clever uses of the Force and an unerring instinct for the truth, they unravel mysteries that others often miss. No deception is perfect, no presence truly erased—illusions crumble beneath their gaze, and the trails of the lost or the hidden are unveiled by their diligent investigation. To a Force Sleuth, every object tells a story, every place holds a memory, and every lie leaves a shadow waiting to be uncovered.

Equite: Seeking II Dowsing II
Elder: Seeking III Dowsing III
Grand Master: Seeking III Dowsing III
Journeyman: Seeking I Dowsing I
2025/03/27 / 2025/03/27
Force Warrior

“Investing in both the physical and the spiritual is critical and can allow one's power to reach new heights.”

The Force Warrior recognizes that synergy between the Force and physical action can yield surprising results, especially where combat is concerned. Through proper training, one can learn to leverage the Force and all that it has to offer in a variety of ways to gain the upper hand, whether for offense or defense. An adherent can tap into the mystical energy to track their opponents or even refill their own reserves. With mastery, few can stand in their way as they flow across the battlefield.

Force Warriors gain:

  • Battlefield Awareness, a unique ability.
  • Channel, a unique ability.
Equite: Battlefield Awareness II Channel II
Elder: Channel III Battlefield Awareness III
Grand Master: Channel III Battlefield Awareness III
Journeyman: Channel I Battlefield Awareness I
2024/10/09 / 2024/10/09

" The body is fast. The blade is faster. But the mind—the mind is lightning. I strike before thought catches up."

Furies are living conduits of the Dark Side’s most primal force: unrestrained aggression. They embody relentless motion, using bursts of blistering speed to shatter defenses before their victims can react. In battle, they fight as if possessed, blending supernatural reflexes with a berserker’s instinct, wielding their rage as both a weapon and a shield. But their wrath is not only physical—Furies invade the very essence of their enemies, tearing through fragile minds, ripping out secrets, and leaving nothing but broken psyches in their wake.

Furies gain:

  • Battle Haste

  • Force Interrogation which modifies the Force Power: Mind Trick

Equite: Force Interrogation II Battle Haste II
Elder: Force Interrogation III Battle Haste III
Grand Master: Force Interrogation III Battle Haste III
Journeyman: Battle Haste I Force Interrogation I
2025/02/27 / 2025/03/09

“I use any means necessary to get the job done”

Hunters come in all shapes and sizes. Some choose to pursue careers as Bounty Hunters while others use their skills for Smuggling or simply to pursue their own hobbies. When tracking down an objective for either personal or monetary satisfaction, Hunters have a unique knack for spotting clues that others might miss. This, when combined with their inherent knowledge of the various gadgets and technologies of the Galaxy keeps them in high demand for a wide range of jobs or missions.

Hunters gain:

  • On The Trail, a unique Ability for Hunters
  • Tools Of The Trade, which grants a bonus to Miscellaneous Weapons
Equite: Tools Of The Trade II On The Trail II
Elder: Tools Of The Trade III On The Trail III
Grand Master: Tools Of The Trade III On The Trail III
Journeyman: On The Trail I Tools Of The Trade I
2016/08/02 / 2016/08/02

Empowered by a lifetime of relentless study, honed by decades of ruthless conquest, and bolstered by rituals that saw the destruction of entire worlds, perhaps one can ascend to immortality. Even if not, the legends of what they have done will certainly live forever.

Equite: Channel II Battle Haste II
Elder: Channel III Battle Haste III
Grand Master: Channel III Battle Haste III
Journeyman: Battle Haste I Channel I
2025/02/13 / 2025/02/13

“What guards?”

Infiltrators are masters of getting into places they do not belong, and have long been used as Agents on both sides of history for both the Republic and the Empire. They are the go-to when you need to discretely acquire information or gain access to something behind a locked door. Infiltrators are more than common thieves, however, and can use a wide range of tricks and techniques to accomplish their missions.

Infiltrators gain:

  • Chameleon, which grants a bonus to Stealth
  • Keen Eye, a unique Ability for Infiltrators
Equite: Keen Eye II Chameleon II
Elder: Chameleon III Keen Eye III
Grand Master: Chameleon III Keen Eye III
Journeyman: Keen Eye I Chameleon I
2016/08/02 / 2023/12/29