
Displaying competitions 6476 - 6500 of 10827 in total
Title Status Running time Target Main Organizer Type
[HSP Neutral] Death’s Grasp Finished
2011-01-31 - 2011-02-07
(8 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Lord Idris Adenn Other
[HSP Neutral] Acts of War Finished
2011-01-31 - 2011-02-07
(8 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Lord Idris Adenn Other
[HSP Neutral] Documentation Finished
2011-01-31 - 2011-02-07
(8 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Lord Idris Adenn Other
[HSP Neutral] Fight the Cause Finished
2011-01-17 - 2011-02-07
(22 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Lord Idris Adenn Other
Caption This! Finished
2011-01-27 - 2011-02-07
(12 days)
Entire DJB Raziel Other
[Reboot] Caught in a Crossfire Finished
2011-01-31 - 2011-02-07
(8 days)
Clan Plagueis Zel Koo Other
[Reboot] Warrior Poet Finished
2011-01-31 - 2011-02-07
(8 days)
Clan Plagueis Zel Koo Other
[Reboot] Canvas of War Finished
2011-01-31 - 2011-02-07
(8 days)
Clan Plagueis Zel Koo Other
#Tarentum Trivia Finished
2010-02-06 - 2011-02-06
(about 1 year)
Entire DJB Maxamillian von Oberst Other
Trivia Finished
2011-01-25 - 2011-02-01
(8 days)
Battleteam Soulfire Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri Other
[Operation Haystack] Guess the Summit Member Finished
2011-01-29 - 2011-02-01
(4 days)
Clan Arcona Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae Other
Body Count Finished
2011-01-01 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB General Kell Palpatine Dante Other
[FIST] JO CTF Finished
2011-01-01 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Fremoc Pepoi Other
[FIST] Special Platform: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Finished
2011-01-01 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Fremoc Pepoi Other
[FIST]Double CF Days Finished
2011-01-01 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Fremoc Pepoi Other
[FIST]EaW:Ground Only Finished
2011-01-01 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Fremoc Pepoi Other
[Gaming] Old vs New Finished
2011-01-01 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Cethgus Tiberius Entar Other
[VOICE] Prestigious Prestige Finished
2011-01-02 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Lord Halcyon Other
[VOICE] In the Quest for Glory Finished
2011-01-02 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Lord Halcyon Other
[VOICE] Load the Can(n)ons #5 Finished
2011-01-02 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Lord Halcyon Other
[VOICE] Dream Job Finished
2011-01-02 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Lord Halcyon Other
[HNS] Doomtrain 3 Finished
2011-01-05 - 2011-01-31
(27 days)
Clan Naga Sadow Teu Buhkari Sadow Other
HNS 'Unrest In The City': Developmental Run-On, Month 9 Finished
2011-01-01 - 2011-01-31
(about 1 month)
Clan Naga Sadow Shi Kensei Other
[HSP Neutral] Like a Rose Finished
2011-01-24 - 2011-01-31
(8 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Lord Idris Adenn Other
[HSP Neutral] Incoming Transmissions Finished
2011-01-24 - 2011-01-31
(8 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Lord Idris Adenn Other