Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9321 - 9330 of 12798 in total
Look What I Found
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia opted out of publishing his submission.
Look What I Found
Textual submission

This is a recollection of the conversation Shadow Nighthunter and I had over Facebook when she asked me to join :P

Brittney: Amber, I know you’d really enjoy the DJB. I mean… We have done many of roleplaying stories on our own time. Remember the wolf stories we wrote when we were 13? I know you’re not familiar with the realm of Star Wars, but it’ll train you all of that. I promise.

Amber: Lol. I guess you’re right. Fiiineee… What’s the link?

Brittney: Yay! It’s , put my name in as your recruiter: Shadow Nighthunter. That way we can be in the same clan. I’m in Clan Scholae Palatinae, House Excidium.

Amber: Okay. Not sure what that means but I’ll go with it.

Brittney: Lol. Don’t worry, you will.

Amber: Hm… What path are you? Sith? I’m wondering if I’ll go Sith or Dark Jedi…

Brittney: lol you’re such an obelisk :P I’m Sith.

Amber: Obelisk? What?

Brittney: Lol. You’ll see. It’s a specific path that used to be in the Brotherhood. Doesn’t mean much anymore though.

Amber: Hmm… Weird. Looks like I already created an account with this email? O.o

Brittney: o.o lol what? HACKS!!!

Amber: lol no kidding. I have no memory of this whatsoever. Oh well. I’ll just request a new name I guess. It has Osse Kementari as my character, which is something I would have chosen.

Brittney: Lol. Lord of the Rings reference. Nice. What will you choose to be your name?

Amber: Honestly, I have no idea. I really like the name Alara. But I mean, my name already starts with an “A”, sooo…

Brittney: Lol it’s fine. I went with a super cheesy name so you can too. What will your last name be?

Amber: Death… bane? Deathbane? Does that make sense? She could be like a conquerer of death or something.

Brittney: Ooo. That’s kinda contradictory, but I like it.

Amber: Sweet :D I’ll use that then ^.^

Brittney: You’ll have to wait for a while to get it approved, but it shouldn’t take too too long. By the way, you’re going to be my apprentice… MUAHAHAHA!

Amber: D: whaaaaa!!!?! But I thought I was the alpha in our wolf stories?! Oh well haha, you’re a good teacher. I’ll let you steal the spotlight this once ;)

Brittney: :D yay!!! I mean.. Erm.. yeessss… *rubs hands evilishly*

Amber: *rolls eyes* Okay, Master, what is my first task?

Brittney: Well. Your character sheet. What race do you want to be?

Amber: Hmmm.. Not sure. What’s yours?

Brittney: Half sephi. Think Lord of the Rings elves, but in space.

Amber: OOO! I got it! Let’s have our characters be sisters! :D

Brittney: Ooo… that could be interesting. Sure let’s go for it.

Look What I Found
Textual submission

Have you heard the saying that "you don't know what your missing till you've tried it " . Well that certainly rings true with me as some time ago a very good friend of mine Gary suggested that I join the DJB .
Now I have to admit I had my doubts and questions kept coming into my head, Do I ? Or Don't I ? Was the main one I had to face.
Why was it so difficult I kept telling Gary I would and never did.
Well after sometime I was asked again and thought what the heck, what have I got to loose if it's not for me then it's not for me .

Looking back now after just under 3 months in the club I can now see clearly that Question back then was SIMPLE it should of been I DO.
That is something that you normally say at a wedding when you join together as one , which is relevant as I have met strangers who very soon became friends , always there to make me feel welcome and offers of help even now don't stop .
Now it's most definitely the essence of the club that we have so many Great leaders and Members leading us in the right direction.
Even though we have a Great Divide between us where ever we are in the World and what ever Path we choose to follow or Clan we are in , it's like that Divide is no longer there and that's down to all of us as we pull together as one .
In closing My personal Journey has only just began and will continue but one thing is sure it will continue along side people that I'm Proud to stand with , those I chat with and those I don't and you all will All be an important part of my life now and always.



Look What I Found
Textual submission

I found the DJB really by association with another member whom has been with the DJB for over a year now. I have been friends with this member for many years since our deployment to Iraq in the same battalion. I meet him there and we found out that we shared the same interests when it came to Role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. We talked a lot about gaming together and he even set into one of my group’s games a couple of times. He was limited in his ability to participate of course for many reasons but mainly our schedules and units had different missions and our ability to come together was very limited.
As any military person the military sends us too many different places and depending on our MOS, military specialty we can literally go around the world to any place we are needed. Once we returned to the States we each went our ways. I began to prepare for retirement and my friend was assigned to another unit and we didn’t talk for some time. I did see him occasionally on Facebook as a recommendation but not until about 6 months ago had I really looked into his location until I seen him post on Facebook that he was here where I live. I sent him a message and we linked back up and talked old times. Then at one of my groups gaming sessions he mentioned he was with a group called The Dark Jedi Brotherhood and he wanted to run a game for Star Wars that he wanted to incorporate into the fiction of the DJB.
Soon after that he mentioned that a couple of us should join and get characters designed so that we could game using them and create fiction for the DJB by gaming. It was a grand idea but we shall see where we will and can go.

Look What I Found
Textual submission

.Everyone's journey in finding the Brotherhood is unique, certainly, but they all have common threads. A love of the universe created by George Lucas and a yearning to share that love with other people; to become a part of that world. That yearning is what led me, like many others, here.

I first discovered the brotherhood over 10 years ago, when I was 13. I joined and was placed in Clan Tarentum where enjoyed the fiction writing aspect. Things changed, of course, and I was forced to switch my focus away from The Brotherhood.

Real life pulled me away from the sci-fi and fantasy stories that I love, but it was always there, in my mind. I'd often think of The Brotherhood and go to the home page just to reminisce about the good times I had. I maintained knowledge of the new star wars material and kept up with the news.

A few years later I heard the calling again, and when I returned I discovered that now you did not have to be a dark jedi. This wasn't something I had cared about when I was younger, but now as an adult I wanted to be the good guy; it appeared to me that The Brotherhood had grown as I had.

Since then my activity has been sporadic as real life tends to interfere in the things we enjoy. I still try to make time for Star Wars and The Brotherhood, for the same reasons we all do, because we love it.

Look What I Found
Textual submission

Well for me, joining the Brotherhood was actually a bit of a wildcard. I was scrolling through Facebook one day, and found a post that said "Drop the first Star Wars pic in your phone, you must." with a picture of Yoda in the background. I went through the comments searching for Star Wars memes, and found a post by Shadow Nighthunter (who I didn't know at the time.) depicting her character and where she was from. After seeing that my mind lit up and went diving headlong into google to find the site called "The Dark Jedi Brotherhood." I signed up and after digging through a mile of emails from the HM, I slowly started doing Shadow Academy courses. At first i was very confused at the layout of the site itself, and spent my time during class working it out while also completing different comps. I eventually found my way into the Telegram channel for CSP and introduced myself to the members. At first i was taken aback by the sudden friendliness, but I slowly got to know each member of my awesome clan. Soon after the CNS/CSP event closed I managed to get Rosh Nyine as my master, and he helped me more than I’d like to admit with everything Brotherhood related. Honestly I am so glad that I discovered this awesome group of nerds, I was welcomed right in and have been helped whenever I needed it. Thank you all for making my experience here an amazing one!

File submission
Keiji Suoh opted out of publishing his submission.
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Textual submission


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