- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 2
- Textual submission
Old souls watch, helpless
Will anybody recall
Where I am buried?
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 2
- File submission
- 3714-tarcnswk2poetry2.txt
- Textual submission
so cold i have turned
was this what i wanted now
it should have been less
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 2
- Textual submission
Possessed they move quick
Who fights for who in this mess
Friends and not will die
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 2
- Textual submission
Flinging Force powers
Rolling all over the place
Regret and Anger
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 2
- Textual submission
Chaos unfolding,
Must fight though coldness spreading,
All is not lost yet.
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 1
- Textual submission
There is an evil devouring me,
and nothing I do can set me free.
As allies cower and try to flee,
I embrace the spirit inside of me.
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 1
- Textual submission
The heat is rising,
The odds are turning,
While they turn in to them,
I'll be no longer me,
Possessed by pure evil.
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 1
- Textual submission
You better not run you better watch out,
There's a ghost over there so you better not shout,
Shoot it in the face and it doesn't work,
What do you expect,
It's a ghost you birk!
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 1
- Submission
- Ashia Kagan Keibatsu opted out of publishing her submission.
- Competition
- New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 1
- Textual submission
We fight and die,
Together with another.
The ghosts of the past,
Defending? Repelling? Saving?
Will we triumph? Will we? perish
Only time will tell.