
Equite 3, Clan Odan-Urr, Force Disciple, Guardian
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
8504 words in 15 activities
3360 words in 6 posts and 2 activities
321 words in 1 activity
Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 18 in total
What goes around, comes around.
Textual submission

Constantine Pin 10484 Clan Vizlsa

Hi l don’t have much time, but l have a story to tell you!. And yes l am talking to you, the young guy in the dark robe trying to look cool in the bar corner, sitting there with no drink!, here have a drink on me Mister.
Right now l have your attention, it all began when my Clan leader sent me on a mission, to grab as much jewels and gold from the other, Clans of the brotherhood, it was a top secret mission of course but l didn’t know that it was a smash and grab, and get the hell out of the brother-hood, as fast as you can job, l thought l could stay and settle, no chance not for me!.
Anyway l went round the usual places, you know back yards, got a hit on a few keys, for some serious, loot.
Another drink bud, you look as though you need one!.
Anyway here you go, my friend!, where was l oh yes! The loot and keys l found the keys to a high profile Clan. I think it’s called Clan Arcona, some House called Qel-Droma, or something like that l thought this would be an easy job, in out and gone, but what did l know l thought l was doing a good job and doing right by my leader, but you know when the nurf hits the fan it goes.
This was a really good set up by someone, l don’t know it smelled like someone, was given a tip off.
And Pazza! They tired to get me, next thing l know, ha l was on a Wanted Poster 5000 credits, would you believe, and Guess who put it out, Bud l bet you can’t guess.
The Big Chef himself, GrandMaster Mav, Jes l never knew l was so popular, lol.
Well l suppose you want me to go with you now, Along that Green Mile, well l have nothing to do but sit here and wait for the clock to tick. Yeah they got me good, and stitched up so tight you need a light saber to cut the bag open, l don’t why l fall for it but l fall for every time.
Well Gov, you know what they say” it’s a fair cop Gov, lol”.
Oh one last drink before we go, shall we make it a large one this time, l got another tale to tell you! .
Oh but that can wait for another time, Gov finished your drink all ready, Okay l am coming Gov, don’t rush me now! Got all the time in the Universe, l sure the burner can wait a bit, longer just for me lol!.
O there’s the Minister wanting his coin and he say a prayer for you!.
Well here you Sir 15 credit coin for you, to say the last prayer for me Sir, Well that’s the last you here from old Constantine, nice talking to you Warden Minister, and it’s Goodbye from me!.

[GJW XII Event Long] Run On - The Lost Artifacts of Darth Plagueis the Wise
Textual submission

Manually added by Prophet James Lucius Entar

[GJW XII Phase I] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt
Constantine opted out of publishing his submission.
Friendly Competition
Constantine opted out of publishing his submission.
[Tarentum] Deathsworn One Sentence Horror Story
Textual submission

Commander Caesar Grey Wolf Pin 10584

Death Destruction human remains laying on the ground Worshipping the Dark Side.

[Tarentum] Holy Haiku Ho-down!
Textual submission

Commander Caesar Grey Wolf Pin 10484

Death s a welcome sight for some
Even if its not welcome and you don't know about it
The grim-repaper awaits you when my saber burns you in half
The sight of you, the death of you now comes.

[Grey Wolf] Moving Memories
File submission
Textual submission

First Post Caesar Pin 10484

History can be the greatest training.
File submission
Textual submission

Caesars Entry Pin 10484

Scion's Writing Workshop
File submission
Textual submission

Caesar Pin 10484 Entry