
Equite 1, Rogues, Sith, Imperial
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
34884 words in 69 activities
2529 words in 9 posts and 4 activities
0 words in 0 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 51 - 60 of 74 in total
[GJW XII Phase I] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt
Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
[GJW XII Phase II] Fiction - Survival
Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
From the ashes
Textual submission

I awoke from what seemed like an eternity. Was I dreaming or was this just a nightmare. My whole body was tingling from head to toe in pain. My nerves were wrecked as I layed there unconscious. I had no serious injuries, but only bruises on my upper and lower body. I was in pain, my body was stiff as a board, my joints were so damaged, I could hardly turn my head. The burning feeling was my body healing and it felt good in a way. The sensations were pulling me together, soon I would awake. My eyes would not open on thier own. My memories had vanished, where am I, who am I. These questions would soon be answered.

My eyes suddenly opened, I tried to grasp what was going on, where was I. I was laying in a bed, by myself. Stranger things have happend to me, but this seemed really awkward. I was in a bedroom, in someones home. With no memory of how or why I was laying here. "Where were my things", as I thought to myself! I better lay here till someone comes to get me. Then, I heard a voice from in this strange place, it was a womens voice. She must of heard me. My body was in pain. I was a more than surprised to hear this womans voice, as she made here way towards where I was laying silently.

My eyes were wideshut, as she entered the room. She came to me and sat right next to me, "are you ok", she said. I didn't know where I was or who she was, even worse I didn't know why I was here. This woman was beautiful from head to toe in everyway. I didn't know what to say to her. I told here, "Yes, I'm ok, but a shaken up". She laughed and smiled. She had been taking care of me for about the last week. It seems that I wrecked my fighter on her home planet, in her back yard. "What a mess I was in", I thought to myself, as she explained in details what had happend. Surprised, but thankful, she had saved me from the wreckage.

I stood up on my own feet, we walked to the living area of her place. I was coming to my senses. This planet was just like anyother planet I had been to. The technology seemed to be lacking in some areas, but I could get by. My fighter was finished, there was no way to restore it. The woman lived alone and was very wealthy in her own way. She was getting fond of me and me of her. We were having conversations and I could feel my powers restoring. She managed to find my Club, but I would not need for the time being. This is a friendly place, I was in. She promised me no one would come for us.

Choices would have to be made, but for now I was going to spend some time with my new lady friend, until the time was right. Maybe she would leave with me, maybe I was going to stay awhile. She begged me to stay and keep her company. I had no choice for now, but to stay. We were becoming close in the weeks that had past. I didn't know what was to become of it, but it was more than destiny that brought us together. With the credits I had, I could easily make my way out of here. It wasn't even about that, I was falling for her and she for me. As I regain control of my senses, I will wait this out. I didn't know where I was going. This was more than a nightmare!

How-To Haiku: Armor
Textual submission

My light armour robes
Camouflage in the darkness
Taylor to my need

100 Words Of Horror (Driftwood June 2017)
Textual submission

The witch priestess is a glimpse of death.
Her body pierced my eyes with sorrow. Her sexy curvaceous figure brought pain to it's knees. Her eyes resembled winter at it's coldest moments. She stood in a puddle of blood, the blood dripped down her fingers and rolled off her cheeks down her chin, onto the floor. Her blades were sharper than razors. She was barely clothed, when I looked into her eyes, I saw my life flash before me. She could kill you with her words. She was a creature of lust, denizen of men. Her touch made me shiver.

[Short] A Day in the Life Of...
Textual submission

Magik keeps himself pretty well occupied, for the most part, time to time. When he's not engaging in underground activities, he like to relax in a seculded place, he calls home. Far from the city and society. Home is where the heart is, and he keeps the mind at rest. The gettaway he calls home, is where he spends most of his free time. He gets most of his rest by day, pondering deep dark thoughts at night. Sheltered from sunlight, hidden in society. With an entrance to the city not far away, he longs for the shadows.

Magik prefers Winters over Summers, it is the cold air at Winter, when he is most comfortable. It is the long nights and short days, that he enjoys the most. Accompanied by his women, is when he is mist relaxed. She eases his mind and sooths his body. Days go by, business takes it's toll , but it is at night when he plays.

Sudden Encounters
File submission
A Whole New World
File submission
May the 4th Be With You!: Legendary Encounter
Textual submission

It was a beaitiful day, that warm summer night. I had just landed on Naboo to meet Padme for dinner and a drink. "What a wonderful place," Magik thought, as the Royal guards escorted him to see Padme. She entered the room with so much amazement, her gown flowed to the floor, her hair was done in a dramatic bob. She looked so amazing that night, I was speechless. I didn't have much of a wait, that night, she had been waiting for me, ready for our casual dinner, but the was nothing casual about it, Padme looked stunning as always. The meal was excellent, we ate side by side in the grand ballroom. Drinks came after dinner, champagne, was Padme favorite, we talked business and about other things as well. It was nice to finally catch up on many things that had almost been forgotten.

My travels had left me weary, but I carried on. Business with the lady was a priority and discretion was the topic at hand. We finally left the grand ballroom, I have never seen her so excited. She told me numerous stories about her fair dealings with the nearby systems. I could only applaud her, for her ministry. He had hit a high note, the moon was full that night and we gazed upon the starz, on the terrace balacony. I always knew Naboo was a wonderful place, but I could never forget the moments spent with her that night. She teased me of busines to come and future dealings. She told me I would always have a place at her side. I cherrished that moment, we had a common respect for eachother, something I could not look past. Our ventures were very fruitful and everlasting. I will never forget the times spent with Padme, what a wonderful wome!

One Sentence Character Story
Textual submission

Magik is the chosen Knight of Tarentum!