
Equite 1, Rogues, Sith, Imperial
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
34884 words in 69 activities
2529 words in 9 posts and 4 activities
0 words in 0 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 61 - 70 of 74 in total
New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 2
Textual submission

Chaos distilled in
Guardians in the Temple hall
Spectres roamed in

New Ties: Week 2 Poetry 1
Textual submission

Spectres lurking in the shadow
Chaos instilled in the minds of fellow
Peace was nowhere to found below
Dead Tarenti and Naga Sadow

New Ties: Week 2 Fiction
Textual submission

Magik waited eagerly on his ship docked in near space with his fello Tarenti. They were waiting to hear news of the Temple incursion from members of Naga Sadow. At last the com links were ringing, members of both houses had taken on the mission to descend the Temple, not knowing the outcome. The wait was over, news was abound. Magik waited for the conversation to end, with a smile on his face as his fellow Tarenti discussed the outcome with members of Naga Sadow. The conversation ended fifteen minutes later. The air was quiet, Magik could feel the disturbance. He braced himself, for the bad news. Not knowing what to expect next. Had our plans gone to hell, he griped his teeth. He felt pain and death.

"Magik", the expedition has gone out of control, people are dead. The bad news had just hit his ears. Nothing enexpected he thought to himself."The expedition has been ambushed, the Temple was not secure", Saitou repeated as sweat dripped down his forehead, "we must make our way down to the Temple and secure our allies". The whole mission had gone south, people were dead. Magik, set forth plans to leave his post in near by space with other fellow Tarenti, to come to the aid of the other members down at the Temple. "We must go now, they need us, fire up your cruiser, we are going to the Temple, see down below", Magik commanded with dreadful thoughts.The Tarenti fleet of cruisers left the near by station en route to the Temple.

As the cruiser fleet landed upon the Temple, there were only a couple of survivors in the clearing. Magik didn't know what to expect, his mind was clear, but ready for the worst. "Magik, thank god you came to our rescue", cried Frosty. He was one of the only survivors of the failed mission. The bad news was yet to come. "Ok Frosty, explain to me what had happend here", Magik was in a state of surprise and shock.

Frosty tried to explain what had happend inside, but he was trembbling with fear and agony. "Magik, the Temple was guarded by ghost and the others have been possesed and they turned onto us", Frosty repeated with tears in his eyes. "My brothers are dead", he sceamed unto me as I clinched my teeth in discust. "Frosty explain to me what had happend inside, I must know", Magik spoke to Frosty calmly, yet worried and fearful. Frost had calmed himself and wad ready to talk.

"Magik, members from both Tarenti and Naga Sadow have been possesed by the ghost of the Temple, their minds have been corrupted and manipulated by the ghost of the Temple, they are gone now, dead to us, turned against us in battle, our own friends", Frosty was shaking with fear as spoke. "Exploring inside the Temple, their mind turned and chaos broke out, blasters rang out like hell, it was a nightmare, no one is alive, they turned into ghost and started attacking everybody. I barely made it out with my lightsaber", Frosty was panicked as told his story. "There are no survivors just me", Frosty reiterrated. Magik was stupified, he didn't know what to do. He tried to calm himself as much as he could, knowing that members of his clan had died in the Temple. The Guardians had killed them all. The Temple was guarded heavily, it was time to retreat.

New Ties: Week 1 Scene Writing 1
Textual submission

They approached the Temple not knowing what was in store. The Temple was vast, deep and dark. They had found it after years of searching. The had landed upon it, it was strange feeling for everyone in Clan. The Temple had been calling to them in dark ways of the force. As they entered cold chills rush through their bodies. They feeling surrounded them as they ascended the entrance. Torches lit as they walked down the cavern, there was no visibility, but they were seeing strange visions. The visions were getting more clear as they got deeper into the Temple. Soon the visions turned into hallucinations and ghost sightings. It was all around them, they were seeing ghosts as they descended the Temple. They only got so far before the ghost turned into incantations. The ghost stories were real, every member of the clan were trembling with fear.
They had to stop not far into there expedition. The ghost came alive, they were not prepared for what was about to happen. The ghost were protecting the Temple, they began to attack members of Naga Sadow. Some of their torches went out, with only a couple torches lit, visibility was impaired. The ghost wallowing the halls with a loud screeching noise. It was so loud they couldn't take it. They had to retreat back to the entrance. Blood drenched their shirts as they scattered back to safety. They had been torn apart, limb by limb.

New Ties: Week 1 Scene Writing 2
Textual submission

After hearing the new of Clan Naga Sadow being attacked by the Guardians of the Temple. After being torn limb from limb. Tarentum came to the rescue. Who survived the attacked quickly sent out communications to nearby Tarentum. Tarentum answered. Tarentum was in shock with the new of Naga Sadow being attacked while entering the Temple. They answered the call, allies of Tarentum, they quickly landed upon the temple with aid for the survivors. There were people dying on the floor, bloody and in pieces, scarred to death by the ghost. The survivors managed to get out the distress call.

I myself Magik was on site, their close were torn apart and body parts were missing from the bodies. Dismembered body parts were gathered at the entrance. They had been mutilated while still alive. Screaming survivors, they were crying for help. There was nothing we could do, they were dying on the ground. There were three survivors who were in shambles, there minds had been possessed by the ghost. Don't ask me how they managed to make it back to the entrance alive with the remaining survivors. Their minds were a mess. Blood and tears rolled down their faces.

No one was going back into the Temple, we needed answers. No one seemed to be coherent after the attack, but the three survivors who managed to make it out alive. The were shivering with fear and afraid of what will happen if they go back into the Temple.

[Tarentum] Two Sentence Horror Story: The Dark Side of The Force
Textual submission

The Dark Side can kill you in your sleep. The power will rip you apart.

[Tarentum] Two Sentence Horror Story: Castle Tarentum
Textual submission

Beneath the depths of the ocean lies Castle Tarentum, the darkest kept secret on Yiridia II. The castle bleeds from the dark arts of Necromancy, only the Sith call home.

[Tarentum] Two Sentence Horror Story: My Character
Textual submission

Magik feeds in the night preying upon his enemies like a wolf in sheep's clothing. He reapes from the death of Jedi!

Freestyle Destruction
Textual submission

Dathomir where magic brews
Mercs and crews engage the night
Endless swamps of land to fight
Where the dark arts shine so bright

Dathomir where nightsisters rule the land
Dark witches practice by hand
Where deadly stories are told
Magic games are played at night

Nightbrothers obey thy commands
Where warriors gain insight
Ruthless players roam the night
Tacticians day and night

Tarentum landed upon the ground
The secrets of magic at night they burn
Where many have come to die
Witches gather and their secrets swirl

[JW]Hear Me Roar!
Textual submission

I'am a T-Rex hear me roar! What a wonderful day it is being a T-Rex, no one can boss me around, I'am one of the biggest carnivourous dinosaurs on the planet, no one can tell when and what I can or cannot eat, I'm the best dinosaur in this park. What a beautiful day it is here at Judecca world. The sun is shinning on my face and I'm so full from this morning. I can't believe they fed me cow for breakfast, what a treat, I'm so use to eating sheep everyday. I wonder what is for dinner. When this sun goes down I'am going to chow down. Can't wait for tonight. In the mean time I guess I will scare the tourists of Judecca. I'm going to get up really close to the electric fence and roar as they pull up close. Normally I would get anywhere near the fence, but today I will. I will put fear into the eyes of the tourists today. They will snap pictures of me while I stare at them. If I ever get out of here I would eat every last human in this park. I bet that taste just dandy. Mmmmm I can see it now. They would scatter throughout the park, but I would hunt them down one by one. That is me and the other T-Rex. I bet the other guys are taking there naps right about now. Not me, that breakfast was so good I want some more cow or even a human. I know I'm scary, I'm the badest dinisaur in this park. If the humans only knew what I would do to them if I ever got loose. No one could stop this T-Rex. Well night is coming and I think Ive scared enought tourists for the day. Its time for dinner, Roooaaarr!