- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 2 Scene Writing 3
- Textual submission
In the wake of the death of Telona, Clan Arcona turned over the betrayer, Wuntilla. He was given to both Plagueis and Tarentum torture units, so that they could discover the true intentions behind the death of Telona. Wuntilla was strong and lasted a long time under the various torture methods of the two Clans, but they would not give up until he broke.
Meanwhile the combined forces of Tarentum and Plagueis were faced with the full wrath of the Iron Legion. They overestimated their own abilities, while Pravus’ forces began to beat them back across the planet of Antei. They would remember just how powerful Pravus was, and just how foolish it was to face him in battle.
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 3 Scene Writing 2
- Textual submission
Abadeer Taasii was a loyal servitor of Plagueis. He worked hard in his short time to better the Clan and lead those that he chose as his new family. He is remembered by House Karness Muur, who grieve for their fallen Aedile. Abadeer lost his life like so many others, at the hands of the Dark Lord, Darth Pravus, himself. Abadeer bravely took on the Sith Lord to protect his allies, allowing them a chance to get off planet when all hope was lost. His life was spent so that many more could live on. Though he has no family that remember him on his home planet of Shilli, he will be remembered by those that he considered family in the end.
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 1 Scene Writing 2
- Textual submission
Abadeer dived behind a fallen pillar as a stream of lighting cut through the air above him. This Iktotchi was far too much for him. She’d been flipping and dancing all around him, and he couldn’t keep up. The Togruta poked his head over the top of the pillar, before immediately ducking back down as another bolt of Force powered lighting shot for his face.
Abadeer didn’t recognize the woman at all, but in the face of a battle such as this, he expected to be hunted. He was a commander within Plagueis’ forces after all, and assassination attempts were to be expected. If the commanders of the combined forces fell, then the assault against the Grand Master would fail. Taasii took a deep breath steeling himself for the fight to come. He rose tall from behind the pillar activating his twin sabers. Makashi had proven ineffective against the aerial assaults of the woman, but perhaps Jarkai could give the edge he needed.
Another bolt of lighting shot towards the Togruta’s body, which he used both sabers to absorb. Abadeer didn’t waste a moment before racing towards his opponent. One saber was kept at his front to defend any more incoming blows, the other held low and back getting ready to strike. The Iktotchi woman stood firm, her saber held low with one hand. Taasii focused on the Force, pulling the mystical power into his body, reinforcing his own strength. The Togruta leapt forward, and at the last second added a spin, both blades turning in a violet blur. The attack wasn’t nearly enough though, as the assassin stepped in, extended her blade and easily stopped the attack. She then crouched down, and flipped over Abadeer’s considerable height, then lashed out backwards as she landed. Taasii sensed the attack only moments before it landed, barely allowing time to for a block. Taasii jumped forward trying to gain some distance between himself and the assassin.
Taasii knew he was in trouble though, as he sensed the woman easily keeping up with his movements. He spun around to face his pursuer, but when he turned she wasn’t there. The tiniest shimmer to his left was the only warning he got before the Iktotchi rematerialized swinging right for his head. Abadeer again brought his blades to block the strike, but then the woman ripped around him attempting to land a series of continuous strikes.
Abadeer was not slow but he was having a hard time even staying faced towards the woman who was overwhelming him. What was he supposed to do?
Word count: 428
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 3 Scene Writing 1
- Textual submission
Abadeer leaned heavily on the wall of the trench he’d just slid into. His left arm had been hit by a blaster, and it hung limply at his side. Taasii panted heavily, he’d been in the fighting for hours. Both the Plagueis and Tarenti forces were devastated at this point. They had no hope of winning this fight, at this point it was a matter of who would survive. Abadeer was determined to get out alive, he’d always survived and he always would, but now though his primary concern was his own safety, he was an Aedile and he had people to look after as well.
Taasii steeled himself and started running through the battlefield to locations where he knew his people to be, gathering what was left of House Karness Muur, and moving bak to the ships. Though Tarentum was an ally, Abadeer felt no cares for them. If they survived, fine. If they didn’t, that was no skin off his back.
As Abadeer directed his forces aboard the shuttle, he heard sounds overhead of approaching ships. At first his heart sunk, thinking that these were reinforcements of the Iron Legion, but soon he recognized it for what it was. The fleet of Arcona, the Shadow Lady and her forces were here, and they didn’t seem to be siding with the Iron Legion. This was just what Abadeer needed, a diversion to get his people out of the battlefield alive.
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 3 Scene Writing 3
- Textual submission
The forces of Plagueis and Tarentum put together a coalition of skilled individuals whose task was to assassinate Darth Pravus. Their attempts were futile in the end though, as Pravus’ foresight and lines of protection were too great for the coalition to overcome. The death of the leader of the Iron Legion was the hair pin to the entire operation on Antei, and with the plan going awry, the combined forces began to crumble before the face of Pravus. Plagueis and Tarentum started to lose battles on all fronts, many good soldiers losing their lives on the dusty wasteland of Antei.
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 1 Scene Writing 1
- Textual submission
Abadeer stood on a hill overlooking the proud House of Karness Muur. Standing with him was Karness Muur’s Quaestor, Arden Karn di Plagia, as well as the House leaders of House Mortis, Scion Tarentae and Geosh Romanae. The two houses were engaging in mock battle scenarios, preparing to assault the forces of the Dread Lord.
“We are not prepared,” Arden remarked, “You two young ones have not seen the power that the Grand Master wields, he would decimate us as we are right now.” Scion nodded at Arden’s summary.
“We would need the utmost unity to be able to take down Pravus. He is not one to be trifled with.” Scion replied. Abadeer’s fist shook with rage at the thought of someone who could wield such power.
“Then let us give our House’s here something to be unified about.” Abadeer stated. He drew out his new twin sabers, letting them ignite before running down the hill to engage the two houses.
“He’s a brash one.” Scion commented over to Arden, who slowly nodded while watching the Houses reform into one unit.
“That he is, but he does have a point.” Arden replied before leaping down the hill himself to join in the battle.
“Oh what the hell. Let’s go Geosh.” Scion said to his quiet companion, before joining in the melee himself.
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 1
- Textual submission
When Death and and Dread stand together
And Shadow races over the land
Is there a chance for He Who Rules
To begin to withstand the tide
There is nothing but darkness
For as far as the eye can see
Only one will stand, the rest shall fall
The unstoppable force, or He Who Stands Above All
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 2 Poetry 1
- Textual submission
There wasn’t even pain
Just the cold feeling of dread
As I looked down and realized I was dead
The blade through my heart
Twas a dark surprise
I fell to the ground as life left my eyes
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 2
- Textual submission
We thought the dark days were past
But truly they’ve only barely begun
When friend strikes down friend
The death of Telona will hurt us all
Wuntila betrayed the departed
And now there is no stability
Will Tarentum destroy the Arcona
Or can the three come together again
- Competition
- Aftermath: Week 2 Scene Writing 2
- Textual submission
My blade, Abadeer thought, turning his saber over in his hand, it burns and cauterizes. An almost effortless kill, no resistance. Only death. Plunging this weapon through the heart of my enemies is almost too easy, watching the life drain from their eyes, or the lifeless corpse crumple to the ground. Abadeer turned blade on, letting the violet light bathe his skin, the gentle hum beguiling it’s true deadly purpose. Pravus has made his final mistake, and he shall feel my wrath. Abadeer struck out with a flick of his wrist, cutting a nearby ornament he’d collected, the clean stroke taking off the head of the humanoid figurine. The Togruta quickly deactivated, twirled, then stored his saber hilt in it’s proper place on his hip. The confident Sith strode quickly down the halls, towards his destiny, whatever that may hold.