Aedile Tali Sroka, di Tenebrous Arconae

Elder 1, Clan Arcona, Force Disciple
Displaying competitions 551 - 560 of 800 in total
Title Status Running time Target unit Competition Type
Phase 2 Fiction/GFX - Dealing With It Finished 2019-03-15 - 2019-03-31 (17 days) Clan Arcona Fiction
Phase 2 Gaming - Running Jack Finished 2019-03-15 - 2019-03-31 (17 days) Clan Arcona Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Phase 1 Fiction/GFX - Loot Finished 2019-03-01 - 2019-03-15 (15 days) Clan Arcona Graphics/Multimedia
Phase 1 Miscellaneous - Word hunt Finished 2019-03-01 - 2019-03-15 (15 days) Clan Arcona Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Phase 1 Miscellaneous - Puzzle Finished 2019-03-01 - 2019-03-15 (15 days) Clan Arcona Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Phase 1 Fiction/GFX - Breaking Spirits Finished 2019-03-01 - 2019-03-15 (15 days) Clan Arcona Fiction
Event Long Fiction/GFX - Multi Prompt Fiction Finished 2019-03-01 - 2019-03-31 (about 1 month) Clan Arcona Fiction
Event Long Fiction/GFX - Celebration or Defeat Finished 2019-03-01 - 2019-03-31 (about 1 month) Clan Arcona Graphics/Multimedia
[Arcona] - Balancing the Books Event (16 sub-competitions) Finished 2019-03-01 - 2019-03-31 (about 1 month) Clan Arcona Other
Identifying Our Enemies Finished 2019-01-09 - 2019-02-03 (26 days) House Qel-Droma Other