Fenrir The Fury

Equite 1, Clan Arcona, Force Disciple, Dark Jedi
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
2153 words in 3 activities
1599 words in 4 posts and 2 activities
5281 words in 5 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 11 - 15 of 15 in total
[COU-PLA Phase 1] Fiction - Song and Stories
Textual submission


Black branches web above,
Against majestic moonlight beyond
A low, distant howl

Twigs crack near
Is it a foe? A beast?
Nay, a fruit fell from above

Moonlight, magical night
My beastial nature comes fast
I dream of Desired One

Fabled rock, destiny of armies
Why do they seek it?
Unlimited power!

Arcane stone, worshipped stone,
It speaks of the Force
Immorality for just one, perhaps!

[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Defense of Arx
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae

Tenixir Prison Break: Run-on
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae

[Code: Dread] Tall Tales (Week 1)
Textual submission

The Ballad of Scudi Ferria

Heart-shape face and wind-red eyes,
Behold one of Fenrir's poetic pies
Oh dweller in junk
You got a bot for a boyfriend, punk?!
Dont like big, bad wolves? All lies!

Love music, says you?
This wolf can give you the best "whoooou"
So leave the junk
Dont be a punk
Grab some fur and we'll howl "whoooou"