Sashar Erinos Arconae

Elder 2, Rogues, Force Disciple, Mandalorian
Displaying events 201 - 220 of 391 in total
Event ID
Seal of Bone
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

For participation in events of the Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War. I apologize for the delay.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2010-06-21 07:41:53 UTC
Event ID
Legion of the Scholar
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

First in HQD Trivia


Celahir Erinos Arconae, 2010-03-02 14:35:35 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

As Tradition dictates, we hand out Seals of Loyalty on the Day of the Fox. These individuals have shown great loyalty to the club as a whole, in their efforts to keep our club fun, interesting, and growing into the future. It is a token of our esteem, and I wish to congratulate this year's recipients.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-11-05 21:51:41 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

For participation in creating, discussing, refining and executing Project Shadesworn within Clan Arcona. The leaders were required to provide direct, concise feedback on the initial outline, ratify the final copy and execute the plan of action set in place. This involved lots of late night & early morning discussions, lots of e-mails, absurd amounts of contact with subordinate leaders, the honored Arconae and fielding the concerns of the members themselves.

Each member was crucial in helping pick new Clan Force Powers (based in Star Wars canon), helping shape the "Shadesworn" identity (history, overview, specifics), creating & reviewing fictional elements (Shadow Oath fiction, Shadow Disciple fiction, etc), as well as assisting in creation of new administrative tools (clan-wide activity tracker, leadership efficiency tool, shadesworn@gmail, etc). In addition, the discussions stimulated future projects and tightened the margin for error with Project Reb00t.

Everyone did a lot of work and not every question had an easy answer. I am, however, extremely proud of every member whom helped shape the documents and gave it their all.

Braecen Kaeth Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Braecen Kaeth, 2009-10-28 07:26:44 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

For participation in creating, discussing, refining and executing Project Reb00t within Clan Arcona. The leaders were required to provide direct, concise feedback on the initial outline, ratify the final copy and execute the plan of action set in place. This involved lots of late night & early morning discussions, lots of e-mails, absurd amounts of contact with subordinate leaders, the honored Arconae and fielding the concerns of the members themselves.

In addition, the House Leaders were required to provide specific visions to their new Team Leads, help shape Team proposals, refine those proposals and present them before the Clan Leaders - Dash & I. It took over a month, but we finally reached pay dirt. Congratulations, guys.

Braecen Kaeth Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Braecen Kaeth, 2009-10-21 04:39:49 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-10-14 19:48:42 UTC
Event ID
Event ID
Crescent with Quartz Star
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Larrik Dul'vak
Primary reason

3rd Place in Arcona's Another Flash Game competition. Congrats!

NOTE: Competition's not in drop down list. Url is:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&filter=finished&ID=4464

Larrik Dul'vak, 2009-10-05 06:32:14 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Larrik Dul'vak
Primary reason

2nd Place in the Tal CON app comp, recc on behalf of JH Celahir Erinos - Congrats!

Larrik Dul'vak, 2009-09-22 10:28:49 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Theme songs!
Requested by
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Second place in Arcona's "Theme Songs" competition, congratulations!

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, 2009-09-15 14:59:47 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Topaz Star
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Larrik Dul'vak
Primary reason

2nd place in Arconan Arco comp. Submitted on behalf of JH Celahir Erinos.


Larrik Dul'vak, 2009-09-15 11:32:45 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Ideas of Loyalty
Requested by
Larrik Dul'vak
Primary reason

3rd Place in Ideas of Loyalty competition. Congrats!

Larrik Dul'vak, 2009-08-31 08:17:18 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Etah Obsidyn, 2009-08-18 22:04:01 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Etah Obsidyn, 2009-08-18 22:04:00 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, 2009-08-01 03:08:34 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, 2009-08-01 03:08:34 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
Sashar Arconae
New Name
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Syn Kaek, 2009-07-31 09:13:57 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Syn Kaek, 2009-07-31 09:13:33 UTC
Event ID
Event ID
Old Rank
Obelisk Exarch (Equite 3)
New Rank
Obelisk Primarch (Equite 4)
Requested by
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
Primary reason

When it comes to Sashar Arconae, the question shouldn't be "what has he done for Arcona in the past year?" but "what hasn't he done for Arcona in the past year?" I can guarantee you that the second list is much shorter. Since his last elevation over a year ago, Dash has been the constant and dominant factor in Arcona's leadership, serving first as Proconsul and for the last nine months as Consul. This is impressive enough in itself, but unlike some of his predecessors, Dash has been a Consul with presence. True, his style of leadership has great room for cooperation with and among the Summit, and a lot of matters are decided after asking the collective input of the team. But at the same time, and without having to enforce his authority too often, Dash has always been unquestionably in charge, an excellent trait for a Consul.

His handling of the Great Jedi War was phenomenal, as evidenced by the Amethyst Kukri he received for leading Arcona to victory. But that's far from the only thing he's done for the Clan - in fact, his work on Arcona for the nine months before that might even be more important, since it set us up to become the leading Clan we now are. He's worked hard to craft a stable Summit, and despite the fiasco of a certain unnamed Proconsul stepping down and taking both Quaestors with him, he's managed it now. In a Clan with such a historically high leadership turnover rate, that's no mean feat.

Dash has also conceived and run many large-scale competitions for Arcona, including things like The Great Hunt and all of the Clan's run-ons in the past year and a half. Add to that his extensive work on fictional development - the Arcona wiki pages, our Prospectus (making excellent progress as we speak), many of the Clan's rituals and the Shadesworn training scheme, and we've got a veritable mountain of achievements.

All in all, there is no one who has done more for and meant more to Arcona in the last year than Dash, and I humbly request that he be promoted to Obelisk Primarch. Long overdue and well deserved, my friend.

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, Proconsul

After the Great Jedi War in which he led us to victory, I asked both our Quaestors for their opinion on Dash's promotion, and this is what they had to say:

I remember, many months ago, dreading the selection process for Arcona’s new Consul, after Mejas resigned. I simply worried for Dash, whose job as PCON had earned him the respect of everyone in the Clan. I was not familiar with the Dark Council, and I knew that Dash had been involved in a few minor controversies in his day. Naturally, I could not help but imagine Arcona under the leadership of some foreign Elder coming in from another Clan, and I hated the thought.

Thankfully, it all worked out. Obviously, the Dark Council chose well in its decision, as Dash went on to be the first non-Taldryan Consul to win a Great Jedi War. In my two years of life in Arcona, I have never seen it so active and unified. It is the Clan of Brotherly Love, following the example of a Consul held in high esteem by his members. Reformative measures have been made in both Houses, and Arcona is moving forward like never before.

Although not all of this can be chalked up to Dash, most of it can be. He has been just the leader we needed, and it was under him that we turned in our time and efforts to win this past war. Truly, he is one of the greatest leaders I have ever had the fortune to encounter, and I owe a large part of my own success to him. Dash, I salute you, and congratulate you on all that you have achieved. May you accomplish much more in the name of Arcona.

KAP Legorii Kryotek Entar, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma

Sashar –or as most of us affectionately call him, Dash- has long been a boon to Clan Arcona. I was lucky to be there for his latest rise to prominence within the Shadow Clan, having seen him as Quaestor, as Proconsul, and now as Consul. In his own way, he’s excelled at each of these jobs, showing initiative and judgment, and bringing his own encyclopedic knowledge of all things Star Wars to the job.

This Great Jedi War, then, should not be thought of as a stand-alone victory for Dash, but as the culmination of multiple years of his hard work finally coming to fruition. Moreover, the Great Jedi War challenged him like never before. He had to deal, simultaneously, with multiple deteriorating real-life situations and a leadership staff that disappeared virtually overnight, and he managed to handle this brilliantly, somehow replacing his entire leadership staff within days of the old disappearing. And, despite that enormous shift and his road, among those trod upon by the Consuls, being the hardest, he managed to not just excel, but <I>win</I>. That, in my estimation, is worth elevation to the rank of Pontifex.

KE Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, Quaestor of House Galeres

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, 2009-06-26 15:00:54 UTC