- Event ID
- 67191
- Old Rank
Obelisk Prelate
(Equite 2)
- New Rank
Obelisk Exarch
(Equite 3)
- Requested by
- Mejas Doto
- Primary reason
Sashar Arconae can only be described as a pillar within Arcona. For years now he has been at the very centre of Arcona's core membership. He has united members, mentored countless students (in fact count them - 9 official Master and student pairingswhich is currently the highest count in Arcona!) and always offered support and advice to any and all who have asked. Sashar's recent encounter with the Chamber of Justice was an unfortunate event, however, Sashar's ability to stand up and accept his punishment while also protecting an Arconan Clansmen is testament to his dedication and absolute loyalty to this Clan and its members. Since the incident happened Sashar has helped me to setup a pact with Clan CSP whereby all members would cease and desist from both sides. To date there have been no further incidents.
Many months ago I granted Sashar the Clan title and appointed him as my first Shadow Scion. In his role as PCON and apprentice he has done nothing but strengthen my resolve and kept us as a working, communicating summit. There have been times when I have not felt that Arcona was growing as strongly or as fastly as I had anticipated since Sashar and I took charge of the Clan. At times I felt that perhaps I had run out of ideas and methods to improve the Clan but I can honestly say that Sashar has never been phased, not once and EVERY time I have had such doubts he has opened my eyes and bolstered my attitude. Furthermore there were periods where my DB time was signifacntly reduced and Sashar stepped up without being asked to continue leading the Clan during these times. It is even better that Clan followed him without question. A truly capable, independent leader who uses his initiative and has the drive that parallels all the best.
Sashar knows every member very well, and has his finger on the pulse throughout the rest of the Clans too. His inter-clan communications have helped arrange Run-On events with CNS and were also a major factor in helping to organise a forum for discussion with regards to the approaching 3-way Clan Feud between Scholae Palatinae, Arcona and Plageuis. Sashar can communicate effectively both formally adn informally and all was knwos how best to handle the politics of any given situation. I have never had a subordinate like him. The fact that he outdoes me on several fronts is also worth mentioning. With his knowledge he is not smarmy or impatient but a very useful resource.
Sashar has also run a variety of Clan Run-On's, coordinated a major Clan web hunt competition and supported me in deciding upon the direction of the Clan and it's fictional development. With regards to the latter he has also single handedly developed the Clan's fleet WIKI pages, similar to the task Raken completed for the Iron Throne and of similar quality - if not more detailed!!! Beyond his leadership duties Sashar is a regular gamer, playign JA with any and all who venture into #arcona. He also supports training nights and help to mentor those who play JA to become better players for themselves and the Clan.
Sashar Arconae is an excellent leader, a loyal friend and undoubtedly the next Consul of this Clan. He thoroughly deserves to return to the rank of Obelisk Exarch and I absolutely expect to see him as an Obelisk Primarch before I myself return to the Shadow Realm. Congratulations mate!!!
Embrace the Darkness,
DJM Mejas Doto, di Primus Tenebrous Arconae
Consul of Clan Arcona
I would like to submit this recommendation that Sashar Arconae be promoted.
He has worked probably harder than anyone else I can think of in this clan to bring unity among the members (along with Mejas), by being mediator and offering solutions to potentially disasterous problems, such as members wanting to leave Arcona and him being able to talk them into staying and actually being productive members of the Clan. When needed, he is a constant guiding hand for myself as the Quaestor of Galeres. He answers any questions that I have if I am unclear about something, he mediates different disputes if they happen to somehow get out of hand - which is something that has happened. He also has given me pointers about how to write reports and advice about what kind of competitions to run in my House and Clan. He is also readily available on IRC. For the most part, his presence invokes the respect of the other Clan members and he uses this platform to motivate the rest of the clan to pull together and get things done and achieve greatness as a Clan. His motivation skills are second to none when it comes to his encouragement of others in their allotment in the Clan.
He has run at least 2 very successful Run-On competitions that have built upon our Clan's history which has given the regular members, as well as the Summits an opportunity to contribute to the history of Arcona which also contributes to the Morale of the same and helps people feel like they 'own' a piece of the Clan and are not just members. He has also run the successful web hunt competitions which always creates a healthy air of competition among the members of the Clan due to its time sensitivity. These competitions were made up of everything from puzzles, captions, web address hunting and hunting for different photos related to the theme. His grading of the competitions is always timely and fair, which also makes people in the Clan want to take part in competitions that he has running because they know that they will get their award in a timely manner. On top of all of this, he has developed and almost single handedly organized the new Arconan Fleet and all the WIKI work that goes along with this, assigned fictional roles to various members and units of the clan, come up with numerous locations for ground facilities, tried to keep the ships wiki pages up to date. As you can imagine, this has cost Dash countless hours of his precious time because he cares about our Clan and Houses to spend that much time doing this kind of crucial thing.
When I first began taking on leadership positions in the House and Clan as Rollmaster and Envoy, respectively, Dash was always right there ready to help me with advice concerning the Master/Student program, how to organize my list's of n00bs and how to keep track of the things they had done in order to be on top of the promotion and medal recommendations. This has helped me in my roll as Quaestor now and generally as a leader because he has taught me the most efficient ways of keeping track and making things happen. As you see from his influence in my DB career and from the other people he has influenced in a possitive way, he more than deserves this promotion.
In Arcona's Service,
SBM Rho d'Tana
Quaestor of House Galeres
In the past few months, the leadership of Clan Arcona has faced numerous challenges which have pushed us, for example the push to bring Arcona back from almost inactivity to a Clan which is growing in strength and confidence every single day. However, the thing which has constantly tied us all together and always brought us through has been Sashar Arconae. Every time there has been a problem, Sashar has been there to pull the Summit together and put us back on track through emailing us with outlines of what needs doing, organising summit meetings and generally being there to give us a swift kick if we aren't up to scratch. Without his guidance, the Clan would not be where it is today and I can guarantee that we would have found it much harder to pass the problems we have faced. However, it is not just in the realm of problem management in which Sashar has proven himself to be a supreme help to the Clan, but also in his personal drive to get the things, which need doing, done. He has almost single-handedly worked on the Arconan ground forces, doing a tremendous job in the process, taking on the job of completely organising and writing up the different Arconan fleets, as well as now moving on to expand upon the garrisons and troops themselves. He runs competitions constantly, a good example being the recent ROs we have had, both internally and with CNS, as well as the ongoing preparations for the 3-way Feud that is said to be on it's way, and is always looking for things for his subordinates to do which might aid Arcona, be it fictional development or just looking for ways to boost morale throughout the Clan.
Dash is always looking for ways to improve the Clan and has done more than enough to be worthy of this promotion. Keep up the good work and Im sure more will follow
SBM Zandro Savric Erinos
Quaestor of House Qel-Droma
Having recently joined Clan Arcona I felt it pertinent to make my recommendation from the point of view of a new member. Sashar Arconae has demonstrated his diligence in educating new members of Clan Arcona from the lowest ranks of the Journeymen beyond; since my own arrival in Arcona he has given me a detailed crash course, instructing me in use of the Arcona website and activity tracker, as well as easing my Clan transition by familiarizing me with pertinent Wiki articles. Sashar has also gone to great lengths to personally introduce me to several of my new Clanmates and write my character seamlessly into the current Run-on. He has been easy to approach and a great resource in Arconan knowledge. I have also started working with Sashar to help develop House Galeres fiction. It is on these merits that I whole-heartedly recommend his elevation to the rank of Exarch.
JH Vorion
Aedile of House Galeres
When I first joined the Brotherhood and was placed in House Galeres, Sashar Arconae was one of the first to welcome me and help me orient myself in this new environment. He supported me and many other Journeymen, giving advice and guidance as to where the next step should be and which decision to make. Whenever I saw him on IRC, we talked and he taught me some more. Through e-mail, he was always a strong, guiding hand that showed the path through the darkness. He paired me with my Master, Strategos, a pairing that proved to be mutually beneficial in many ways such as activity, enjoyment, and competition. For a long time now, at least a year, he has always been there to help keep me on the straight and narrow. At certain times I have followed my heart over my head and not made the best decisions for myself nor thought about how this would impact on the rest of my Clan. At times I have flet like I may have failed my Clan. However, each time, Sashar has rapidly come to me and set me straight. He has helped me learn soem hard lessons which I will hopefully be able to avoid repeating in the future. I don't believe I, personally, could have advanced through the Brotherhood without his help, and I know that the same is true of many other young Journeymen. Thank you Sashar!
DJK Legorii
Trooper of House Galeres
Mejas Doto, 2008-06-08 05:04:49 UTC
- Event ID
- 35412
- Award
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Grade Helicopter Pilot?
- Requested by
- Mejas Doto
- Primary reason
First place in the "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grade Helicopter Pilot?" flash game competition.
Scoring 2094 points.
- OP Malidir Trepidus Erinos
Mejas Doto, 2008-06-01 05:02:04 UTC
- Event ID
- 35356
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 3
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
For matches played during the ICTE of May 24, 2008. Congratulations.
Aidan Kincaid, 2008-05-26 14:57:52 UTC
- Event ID
- 35335
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 7
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
Awarded for matches played in Gaming Nights from 5/19/2008 to 5/25/2008. Congratulations! ~DJM Shadow Taldrya
Aidan Kincaid, 2008-05-26 14:53:23 UTC
- Event ID
- 34751
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 2
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
For matches played during the ICTE of March 22, 2008. Congratulations.
Aidan Kincaid, 2008-03-24 18:18:04 UTC
- Event ID
- 34730
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 4
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
Awarded for matches played in Gaming Nights from 3/17/2008 to 3/23/2008. Congratulations! ~DA Shadow Taldrya
Aidan Kincaid, 2008-03-24 17:50:21 UTC
- Event ID
- 34439
- Award
- Crescent with Quartz Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- February Gaming Competition
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
Runner-up participant of Tier 2 in the February Gaming Competition. Congratulations.
Aidan Kincaid, 2008-03-04 16:17:29 UTC
- Event ID
- 34316
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Sharad Taldrya Hett
- Primary reason
1 ACC Quick Skirmish loss for month of February 2008
Sharad Taldrya Hett, 2008-03-02 18:19:56 UTC
- Event ID
- 34063
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 16
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
Awarded for matches played in Gaming Nights from 2/1/2008 to 2/10/2008. Congratulations! ~DA Shadow Taldrya
Aidan Kincaid, 2008-02-11 17:06:03 UTC
- Event ID
- 33913
- Award
- Official Letter of Reprimand
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Kir Taldrya Katarn
- Primary reason
For willingly and knowingly continuing the persistent harassment of several Clan Scholae Palatinae members, disregarding a previous warning from the Chamber of Justice to cease such behavior.
Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2008-01-29 13:04:26 UTC
- Event ID
- 71620
- Old Rank
Obelisk Exarch
- New Rank
- Obelisk Prelate
- Requested by
- Kir Taldrya Katarn
- Primary reason
Manual Administration.
Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2008-01-29 13:02:14 UTC
- Event ID
- 71812
- Old Name
Sashar Kodiak Erinos
- New Name
- Sashar Arconae
- Primary reason
To reflect my new title. I'll still be a member of the Erinos family, but fictionally there's a story coming out of why it's not in my 'name' any longer (at least for the time being).
Jorad Erinos, 2007-12-27 08:59:18 UTC
- Event ID
- 33461
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Grand Master Declan Roark
- Primary reason
On behalf of Clan Arcona, I am honored to award Dash with a Sapphire Blade. Dash's work as Proconsul has improved Clan Arcona and we look forward to his continued work. Congratulations Dash!
GM Sarin
I wish to recommend Obelisk Exarch Sashar Kodiak Erinos be awarded the Sapphire Blade. Over the past year, Sashar has been instrumental member and leader for Arcona. The year has been tumultuous, with great wins over Clan Scholae Palatinaie in a Clan Feud, and under achievements in the Great Jedi War. As Arcona slowly slipped into a state of disrepair, Sashar worked tirelessly with me to ensure Arcona had a decent fleet, was re-structured properly, the members were offered various activities through Clan wide competitions and at the forfront of all things - people were having fun. Sashar has lead from the front, delivering, inspiring and supporting those who he works with. Sashar's reviews and comments were crucial for the majority of the Project:RESURRECTION policies that we, as a summit, implemented. Sashar made sure that the Clan gave their full support to all such policies, his word carried that much weight. The Great Hunt competition that Sashar created was one of the most innovative, exciting events I have seen int he Brotherhood for quite some time. Sashar's council is of great help to me as I perform my duties as Consul. We have similar views and know how to distribute and manage our workload. Sashar will always give me his honest view on issues, regardless of whether they cl;ash with my own! Beyond this he won't just critiscise, he will offer solutions to help solve any faults. Sashar is well respected by the membership and his personal relationships with the members of Arcona further embellishes his great achievements as a loyal, dedicated leader. Dash's work through all levels and stages over the past year, whether it be BTL of Soul Fire Strike Team or PCON, has helped to hold the core of Arcona together. If Sashar Kodiak Erinos was not in Arcona, I fear that the Clan would have died many months before we arrived as a summit. Congratulations, this is a thoroughly deserved award.
Embrace the Darkness,
DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae
"Guardian of Arcona"
Consul of Clan Arcona
Grand Master Declan Roark, 2007-12-25 06:10:51 UTC
- Event ID
- 32794
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 9
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Gaming Nights
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
Gaming Night matches played on the week of October 21, 2007 to October 28, 2007. Congratulations.
Aidan Kincaid, 2007-10-29 20:26:59 UTC
- Event ID
- 32598
- Award
- Legion of the Scholar
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
- Primary reason
For Second Place in Oberst's "Jeopardy!"-styled trivia on IRC (#tarentum) on 10/13/2007. Congratulations!
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2007-10-20 11:00:42 UTC
- Event ID
- 32523
- Award
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Requested by
- Mejas Doto
- Primary reason
2nd place in the Fiction Rite of Ascension in Project: RESURRECTION.
Congratulations and thank you for participating!
-DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae
Mejas Doto, 2007-10-15 02:32:11 UTC
- Event ID
- 84097
- Position
- Unit
- Event ID
- 94781
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Kraval Taldrya, 2007-10-14 16:56:15 UTC
- Event ID
- 32241
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 3
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Gaming Nights
- Requested by
- Aidan Kincaid
- Primary reason
Gaming Night matches played on the week of September 24, 2007 to September 28, 2007. Congratulations.
Aidan Kincaid, 2007-09-28 20:46:07 UTC
- Event ID
- 32198
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Lord Halcyon
- Primary reason
I hereby recommend Sashar Kodiak Erinos be awarded the Anteian Cross for his participation and efforts in the GJW. Sashar placed 30th in the JO/JA/JK Ladder, scoring 135 match points and playing 53 matches. He was also 87th in Fiction Ladder, participating in 2 Events. This good participation and effort is thoroughly deserving of recognition. Arcona thanks you for your hard work.
DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae
Consul of Clan Arcona
Lord Halcyon, 2007-09-22 10:32:02 UTC