Malisane Sadow

Elder 1, Clan Naga Sadow, Sith, Dark Jedi
Displaying events 381 - 400 of 419 in total
Event ID
Seal of Duplicity
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Natth a'Niel Palpatine
Primary reason

Presented to Warrior Malisane De Ath in honor of an excellent submission to Event 09: Investigations of the Sixth Great Jedi War. Very nice work! - DJM Kaiann Yetaru Entar

Natth a'Niel Palpatine, 2006-09-04 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Duplicity
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Natth a'Niel Palpatine
Primary reason

Given to Warrior Malisane De Ath in appreciation of a valuable contribution to Event 20: The Truth is Out There - Opportunity of the Sixth Great Jedi War. Nicely done! - DJM Kaiann Yetaru Entar

Natth a'Niel Palpatine, 2006-09-04 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Duplicity
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Natth a'Niel Palpatine
Primary reason

Awarded to Warrior Malisane De Ath in celebration of an outstanding entry in Event 33: The Field Reporter - Update 1 of the Sixth Great Jedi War. A truly superior performance! - DJM Kaiann Yetaru Entar

Natth a'Niel Palpatine, 2006-09-04 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Duplicity
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Natth a'Niel Palpatine
Primary reason

Awarded to Warrior Malisane De Ath in celebration of an outstanding entry in Event 34: The Field Reporter - Update 2 of the Sixth Great Jedi War. A truly superior performance! - DJM Kaiann Yetaru Entar

Natth a'Niel Palpatine, 2006-09-04 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Duplicity
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Natth a'Niel Palpatine
Primary reason

Given to Warrior Malisane De Ath in commemoration of a qualifying submission to Event 37: A Final Surprise of the Sixth Great Jedi War. Good job! - DJM Kaiann Yetaru Entar

Natth a'Niel Palpatine, 2006-09-04 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

<br> Malisane participated in 10 events in the Sixth Great Jedi War. He earned 362 points, putting him 14th out of 51 participants in Clan Naga Sadow, and helping to lead his Clan to its best finish in a Great Jedi War. However, that is not the primary reason we are requesting a Grand Cross for Malisane. <br> <br> Malisane’s assistance in the run-on was invaluable. Without his assistance in helping move the story line along, and helping mesh together the parts of the story, Naga Sadow would not have taken first in this event.<br> <br> For his outstanding performance in the GJW, as well as his overall good attitude and encouragement for others, I believe he has more then earned this award. Congratulations, Malisane. We really appreciated the vast amount of time you spent in this war on behalf of Naga Sadow. ~ Kat Pridemore, PCON of Naga Sadow.<br>

Kat Pridemore, 2006-09-02 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Sildrin Lyonsbane
Primary reason

Malisane de Ath took part in more than one of the several competitions of the recent clan feud. He scored amazing 138 points and took the 3rd place in the whole list of CNS. For his activities, we decided to give him a Dark Cross.<br><br> Sorry for the lateness of this medal, but the conclave agreed to hand out these well deserved awards.<br><br> Congratulations<br><br> KAP Xia Long, Sildrin Sadow

Sildrin Lyonsbane, 2006-06-19 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Malisane Sadow
Primary reason

Malisane has been active in the Clan for some time now, and has shown his leadership first in the role of Clan Envoy, and now as the Aedile of HLK. His leadership and dedication have guided the Envoy position into a highly respected one within the Clan, and has helped push HLK into the high level of activity it is in today. For all of these things, and many more, I believe that Malisane is due for a promotion. Congratulations, Malisane. ~ Kat Pridemore, QUA of Marka Ragnos <br><br>

<br><br> Malisane de Ath is one with an exceptional career. The first time I met him he worked as First Knight Class Envoy. He helped answering the new member's questions, showing presence to them and guiding them. With his and Siyavash's help Clan Naga Sadow won the Envoy challenge. During all the time he took part in many competitions, winning crescents a grand Cross and a Steel Cross. He soon stepped up as my Aedile and helped me with the huge pile of work that had to be done. He sends out reports and helps me checking who deserves a promotion or a medal or alike and reminds me of those AWOL checks. Together we worked out a competition made of several minor subcompetitions to choose three new battle team leaders of Clan Naga Sadow. He provided good ideas and competitions to get the most active and best Battle Team Leaders House Ludo Kressh has to offer. During the feud he managed to achieve a Bronze Nova and sent several submissions. Not to forget about his latest appointment to Knight Adjutant of the Brotherhood, leaving the spot of the Knight Class Envoy to Xayun Erinos. Even now he still takes part in competitions and runons, showing activity there and also on IRC. We sometimes have completely different opinions, but we frankly discuss and exchange our point of views, showing aspects of the subject the other one been aware of. And this often leads to a good solution for the house. It was only a question of time that Dark Jedi Knight Malisane de Ath will be a Sith Warrior. And the conclave was sure that this time has arrived. Congratulations! ~ KAP Xia Long "Sildrin" Sadow <br><br>

<br><br> Dark Jedi Knight Malisane is a nice guy who's not afraid to give his opinion. You know, there used to be a time when I, as Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh, would have an opinion about something and that's what stood. Now I'm Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow and Malisane isn't afraid to argue with me. It's that independent spirint that I found wonderful. Malisane has served his clan well in so many ways (listed above). He would not be afraid to rise even higher in the DB if the opportunity presented itself, and he has shown a maturity that makes him deserve a promotion to Sith Warrior. ~ Sith Warlord Manesh Sadow, Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow <br><br>

Malisane Sadow, 2006-06-05 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Bronze Nova
XP Value
300.0 XP (Full Value)
The Aranna Incident
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

Tied for third place in the Fiction 1 event of the Aranna Incident; a Clan Feud between Clan Plagueis, Clan Scholae Palatinae, Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Tarentum.

Syn Kaek, 2006-05-19 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Siyavash Kaida
Primary reason

Malisane, along with his Envoy Team, successfully lead Clan Naga Sadow to a 25% APP to ACO promotion rating during the March Envoy Challenge. Thanks Malisane, and your team, for all of their hard work!

Siyavash Kaida, 2006-04-15 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Ludo Kressh
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
The Battle of Jagred
Requested by
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Primary reason

One for first place in the Jagred run on, and another for first place in the Jagred fiction.

Adept Macron Goura Sadow, 2006-03-19 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Following the Conclave of the Inner Circle of Clan Naga Sadow for the Month of February 2006 the Clan Summit, Black Guard, Inner Order and Sons of Sadow have nominated Dark Jedi Knight Malisane De Ath for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Malisane has had an interesting career, having shot up relatively quickly compared to most. Though it was with some uncertainty that he was appointed to the typically veteran position of Clan Envoy he has far surpassed the expectations any may have had. Malisane is a remarkably active Envoy, dedicated to the job in a way I have never seen before, taking the position with the full seriousness its modern duties entail. His Clan's success in terms of recruitment and retainment numbers are testament to his mature attitude and thoughtful approach to the position. Outside his work as an Envoy, Malisane provides a careful and judgemental approach to the Dark Brotherhood, based on wisdom rather than petty disagreements, that has in many respects led to the re-evaluation and improvement of a number of Clan systems.

Here are a selection of the recommendations:

Ever since I've returned to CNS, my inbox has been flooded with mails from Malisane to the Journeymen of the clan. Each and every one is welcome, and explained how everything works. And this has been for a long time now. I fully agree with this medal. Congrats, Malisane. You earned it. -Korras, PCON of Naga Sadow

What can I say about Malisane? He does his job, and he does it well. Malisane keeps things together with the Envoys, and tirelessly works hard to make certain that things have been handled. Although he hasn't been here long, he seems to have taken his role very seriously, and seems to enjoy it. For that effort, among other things, I support this award. - Krath Archpriest Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu

Malisane is a name that conjures up images of a hard-working, dedicated member of Naga Sadow. He has spent much of his time thinking of various ways to improve and streamline the Envoy process that currently exists in Naga Sadow, out of a simple desire to make the transition into regular Brotherhood activities as easy as possible for new members. Time will, I'm sure, simply give Malisane more opportunities to stand out as a member and as someone who merely wants to improve the Brotherhood. Add to that a cheerful disposition that nevertheless knows when serious discussion is needed and a personality that understands how things work, and you have an excellent Envoy and an excellent member. Malisane constantly surprises with his ideas, and I look forward to seeing what else he can come up with that will improve the processing of new members in Naga Sadow. Thanks for all you've done, Mal! KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Malisane has been a wonderful example of one of the most hard-working individuals within the Clan. We see him not only putting his ideas on the line for us to review and criticize, he does so without taking the judgements personally. He implements those ideas that are strong, and follows the implementation to its completion. Malisane personally greets every person that comes into the clan, ensuring that someone sends them a follow up email, so that no one is overlooked, all without any ask for recognition of his efforts. Even when he had computer problems, he found ways to manage the emails that needed to be sent. I wish that we had more members that had Malisane's dedication, wisdom, and patience. Thank you for everything, you have earned this and more. ~Kat Pridemore

It is therefore with great pleasure that I extend my congratulations, and thank him on behalf of the whole of the Inner Circle for his exceptional contribution to the Clan.

~ Consul Xanos Sadow & Inner Circle

, 2006-02-12 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
Primary reason

For consistantly managing the clan's relationship with its new members, Malisane has proven himself an asset to the clan. His leadership in the Envoy process has been a busy job, and often thankless, advising members on how to move through the early ranks of the process. He leads by example, keeping himself busy with various competitions as well. Although it is a job that is often not seen by the general membership, it is very helpful for the new members, and it is appreciated. Thank you Malisane. ~Kat Pridemore, AED of Marka Ragnos

Since his appointment as Clan Envoy of Naga Sadow, Malisane has been a valuable asset to the Clan. His work as Envoy is tireless and often thankless, and he does everything in his power to help new members get accustomed to life in Naga Sadow. Much of his work isn't seen by others, take my word for it as a fellow Envoy- Malisane works more than hard enough to warrant this medal. Congratulations on your Steel Cross, Mal! ~Nekura Manji Keibatsu, QUA of Marka Ragnos

Manji Keibatsu Sadow, 2006-01-09 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Assist the Barkeep - BG Competition
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

For winning 2nd place in my competition. Congratulations. ~Kat Pridemore

Kat Pridemore, 2006-01-04 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Infiltrate Yavin 4 (CNS)
Requested by
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Primary reason

Second place in the Inflitrate Yavin 4 competition. Well done, nice posts.

Adept Macron Goura Sadow, 2005-11-30 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Malisane Sadow
Primary reason

Malisane is one of those members that is always a pleasant surprise- instead of following the beaten path, he wanders off into the undergrowth of change to try and find other things to improve the Brotherhood as a whole. For an example, look no further than his work as Knight Class Envoy for Naga Sadow. Malisane has already sat down and thought about how to streamline the Envoy process so that new members are helped through their first few ranks by the Envoys then handed to a suitable Master so that they can continue learning. This not only shows dedication, but innovation- and combined with his completion of his Knight Trials, more than qualifies him for a promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. ~Nekura Manji Keibatsu (QUA HMR)

Let me be the one to speak up. Malisane De Ath is a fine and well loved Clan mate. He has stepped up to the position of Clan Envoy, and has brought the job to a new height of responsiblity and alacrity. I was his former Squadron Commander, and this fellow is a shining star of our Clan. He enters competitions, run ons, and has whipped our process of greeting new members to a frenzied level. His fine work as Envoy allowed our Clan to pass Spears' surprise test with flying colors. His ideas are innovative, and effective. Malisane elevates his entire Clan by his presence and his dedicated hard work. I consider him to be one of the parts of the integral framework of this Clan. Malisane, having passed all his trials, should be a Knight. ~Mononoke Macron Keibatsu (QUA HLK)

Malisane hs been an amazing members ever since he joined my BT. He has competed in every single competition I created and came in top three almost in every single one. Malisane has also been a great Flight Leader. He always has suggestions to make the squad better. He writes fiction for me and also will write fiction for the website which is currently in the process of completion. Malisane is always on IRC and combines his amazing activity with being a Knight Class Envoy. He also completed his DJK Trials and I am happy to reccommend this promotion for him. Congratulations Malisane! ~Lucius Mandalore (AED HLK)

Malisane has been very active and very supportive of many of the activities in the clan. His constant influence has been very mature, moving from assistant envoy to clan envoy in a short period of time. He is always willing to offer new ideas, and accept constructive feedback regarding those, in order to develop them to the most useful version. During his trials, he has continued to submit to competitions, and has created a lot of fiction, from clan competitions to general tasks. He has participated in Clan and DB wide competitions, with recognition. I see his presence in the DB as a very positive one, as he earns himself a place within the ranks of Clan Naga Sadow. ~Kat Pridemore (AED HMR)

Following the completion of his Trials as well as confirmation by the Conclave of the Inner Circle for November 2005 I extend my support for the Knighting of Jedi Hunter Malisane. Malisane is an increadibly active member who has been carving himself a niche within the Clan since he first joined. In the few months since he joined he has quickly come to prominence within the Clan as one of its most well recognised and ever present members and has even risen to the status of Knight Class Envoy of the Clan, a rare priviledge for one so new to the Clan. He is full of ideas and always there to offer feedback to others and not shy to make his opinion known. When set a task, as I know first hand having set him his final trial, he always attacks it quickly and with complete dedication, and his compilation of the history and details of the Dark Sword of H'skych as made his fourth and final trial was an impressive example of this. While he may still be new and is still learning to accept a few aspects of the Dark Brotherhood none can deny his activity and abilities and his readiness to recieve the status of Dark Jedi Knight. On behalf of the Inner Circle I extend our congratulations upon the new Knight. ~Xanos Sadow (CNS CON)

It is with ease that I hereby include my own endorsement to Malisane's Reccomendation for elevation to the Rank of Dark Jedi Knight. There is naught that I can say that has not already been said. Malisane, Accept your lightsabre, rise and be Knighted. Stand in pride, and may you find power and strength as you continue on your path. In the name of Sadow, I herby declare Malisane De Ath Knighted. ~Muz Ashen Keibatsu (CNS PCON)

Malisane Sadow, 2005-11-13 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Battleteam Sergeant
Night Falcons
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Invasion Part Two
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

For winning first place in the Invasion II competition, congratulations on your award Malisane!

~ Kat Pridmore, on behalf of Lucius

Kat Pridemore, 2005-11-07 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Battleteam Sergeant
Night Hawks