Sage Enzo Dek, Watchman

Equite 4, Clan Vizsla, Jedi, Consular
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
64630 words in 22 activities
19271 words in 21 posts and 5 activities
88 words in 1 activity
Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 31 in total
[GJW XVI Phase I] Fiction - Strange New Worlds
Sage Enzo Dek opted out of publishing his submission.
[Pro Bowl VI: Week Two] Poetry
Sage Enzo Dek opted out of publishing his submission.
[RoS: Escalation Phase I] Fiction - A Venue to Die For
Textual submission

The Garganta Galleria Casino Hotel Remodeled Battle Royale Arena

Once a bustling entrance hall that served as a focal point between the Principate and the Revenants, the Garganta Galleria Casino Hotel Remodeled Battle Royale Arena now sits as the best place in the Casino to watch a fight go down. Having found a new area to call their grand entrance, the former entrance now sits almost untouched but with scores of blaster bolts, slug remnants, and lightsaber scars.

With cameras and holofeeds pointing at every part of the arena, there’s no need for seats or a dais to watch the violence unfold. The slot machines, gambling tables, pleasure poles, and side tables were left in place so as to not disturb the aesthetic. With still fully stocked bars, moveable objects, and multiple bulbous rooms interconnected with each other, fighters can really get into the space and use their surroundings to their best advantage, whether Force user or not. White metallic walls with posters of hedonistic and promiscuous aliens entice not only the combatants, but serve as adverts for those watching the screen. Drones also exist to see fights from different angles (they are fully insured because they are expected to be a part of the fight).
Combatants can expect to hear cantina sounds in the background, as if they are fighting in their favorite barroom brawl. Robot servant droids also exist to serve the guests who don’t exist. Combatants should expect these droids to be easily influenced by words or programs to become death machines, wielding blasters, knives, and unconventional weapons around them. Combatants may also be confused by the occasional light flicker and power outage that not so accidentally occurs in the arena itself.

Combatants who wish to bring the brawl outside of the arena can expect to be tortured by being attached and tied to the floor and serve as a carpet to visiting Hutts who may or may not suffocate you with their oozing, wrinkly skin. Victors and losers on both ends cannot be guaranteed medical attention. They will be paid in wupiupi, considering credits are rarely worth anything out here.