Etah Obsidyn

Equite 4, Rogues, Sith
Displaying news items 1 - 10 of 48 in total
Title Context Posted On
First of Many Quaestor (Shar Dakhan) 2 Jul, 2018
This Ain't The Last Goodbye Quaestor (Liath) 18 Dec, 2017
House Liath and the Great Jedi War Quaestor (Liath) 18 Oct, 2017
A Liath Story..... Aedile (Liath) 4 Aug, 2017
Aedile Report #1: Make it Rain Aedile (Liath) 5 Jun, 2017
Introductions Aedile (Liath) 15 May, 2017
Deathsworn Report #2 Battleteam Leader (Deathsworn) 18 Apr, 2016
Inaugural Deathsworn Report Battleteam Leader (Deathsworn) 2 Mar, 2016
Mortis Aedile Report 1 Aedile (Mortis) 22 Sep, 2015
Shadow Gate BTL REPORT #3 Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate) 28 Oct, 2013