Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, Legend

Elder 3, Clan Vizsla, Mercenary, Mandalorian
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
6214 words in 9 activities
1892 words in 4 posts and 2 activities
510 words in 1 activity
Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 12 in total
Saint Vajizzilor: ‘twas the night before
Textual submission

‘Twas the night before Life Day, when all through Zsoldos
Not a Mando was stirring not even the Erinos;
The blasters were placed by the forge with care,
In hopes that full charges soon would be there;
The Foundlings were nestled all snug in their beds,
Mandalorian Helmets not yet on their heads;
Uji with his cane and Declan finishing his frap’,
Were about to settle their brains for a long winer’s nap;
When up on the holonet there arose such a clatter,
Uji sprang from his chair to see what was the matter;
Onto the PulseFeed he flew like a flash,
Clicked open new windows, all buttons he’d mash;
The news title on the top of the GM’s new post,
Made the Consul salivate as if smelling Crown Roast;
“Why what to my wondering eyes did appear,
The Fist has retired, what an opportunity here!”
His fingers they flew cross his keyboard so quick,
The application must be solid, clever, and slick;
More rapid than eagles his proposals they came,
And he whistled and shouted, and called them by name;
“More Clusters! Now Gorefest! Rain down Diamond Crescents!
On Seasons! On PvE! Royal Guard Armor fluorescents!”
A hologram of a scowling face did soon appear,
“Get your ass over to Arx, and bring Zsoldos beer”;
Then the wink of Bubba’s eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave Uji to know he’d have much work to dread;
Uji spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
To schedule the next Gorefest, and leave Vizsla (that jerk);
Declan heard him exclaim as his ship flew from sight.
“Happy Life Day Vajizzles! I’m Fist now… don’t bite”

Preparation of the Environment: Neon Shadows of the Heart
File submission
Prep of the Environment Fiction.pdf
Textual submission

889 words (per original Word Doc)

New gear, who dis?
File submission
New gear, who dis.docx
[GJW XIII Phase II] Fiction - Combat Writing
File submission
Textual submission

[GJW XIII Event Long] Team-Based Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Theaters of War
Textual submission

Manually added by Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor