News for 5/2017

Displaying news items 41 - 60 of 70 in total
Date Title Author Context
2017/05/09 (CNS) The Harrowing Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Consul (Naga Sadow)
2017/05/09 Scholae Palatinae Consul Report #24 - Excursions Results and New System Lord Idris Adenn Consul (Scholae Palatinae)
2017/05/09 Order of the Trident Report #2 Fremoc Pepoi Battleteam Leader (Order of the Trident)
2017/05/09 Mortis Summit Introduction Zel Koo Quaestor (Mortis)
2017/05/08 CNS Proconsul Report #1: I Just Need... Master Bentre Stahoes Proconsul (Naga Sadow)
2017/05/07 Desperate Measures: A COU-TAL Event is live! Councillor Turel Sorenn Consul (Odan-Urr)
2017/05/06 Applications open: M:HRLD Governor Tierra Suha'sen Herald (The Council)
2017/05/06 Fist Supplemental 8.1: Destiny Raid Changes Master Dracaryis Fist of the Brotherhood (The Council)
2017/05/06 Taldryan Proconsul Report Master Alaris Jinn Proconsul (Taldryan)
2017/05/06 House Qel-Droma Battleteam Leader Openings! Terran Koul Quaestor (Qel-Droma)
2017/05/06 Plagueis Consul Report #4: The Oncoming Storm Master Selika Roh di Plagia Consul (Plagueis)
2017/05/06 May: Revenge of the Fifth! {Aedile Report #3} Alara Deathbane Aedile (Excidium)
2017/05/05 Tarentum PCON Applications Open! Master Zsarion Bloodfyre Consul (Tarentum)
2017/05/05 May The Fourth: Awards Grand Master Declan Roark Grand Master (The Council)
2017/05/05 [Ektrosis] Aedile Report #1 Raiheaux Aedile (Ektrosis)
2017/05/04 Hoth BTL for a Brand NEW team is now open for applications! Ghost Edgar Drachen Quaestor (Hoth)
2017/05/04 Herald Tournament: Shroud War - Wrap Up! Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2017/05/03 Crucesignatis Imperialis: Foundation Sage Enzo Dek Battleteam Leader (Shadow Guard)
2017/05/03 Quaestor Report #9: Who Teaches Us To Be Normal When We're One Of A Kind? Terran Koul Quaestor (Qel-Droma)
2017/05/03 The Legacy of Palpatine Lord Idris Adenn Consul (Scholae Palatinae)