Clan Plagueis

Clan of the Brotherhood
Adapt. Ascend. Avail.
About Clan Plagueis

Adapt. Ascend. Avail. Plagueis is the only clan in the Brotherhood solely adherent to the dark side of the Force. Adapting to both the vacuum of space and later a new dominion after being driven out of its original home, the clan has ascended to become a strong military and economic force - with an Imperialist influence - in the galaxy. The Sith, loyalists, Imperials, mercenaries, and subordinates of Plagueis thrive on strength, ruthlessness, and cunning to avail themselves.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Dread Lord
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Dread Lord's Wrath
Quaestor (Tyranus)
Specialist Titius Osseus
Right Hand of Dread
Quaestor (Ventress)
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Left Hand of Dread
Displaying news 181 - 200 of 654 in total
Date Title Author Context
2018/12/05 Plagueis Consul Report #8 - A December to Remember? Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Consul
2018/12/03 LIVE: The Nightmare Before Sithmas! General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/12/01 What's this? WHAT'S THIS? The Nightmare Before Sithmas! General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/11/25 Plagueis Proconsul Report #8: The Wrath Is Thankful General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/11/07 Plagueis Proconsul Report #7: The Wrath Votes! And Does All The Bins! General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/10/31 Plagueis Consul Report #7 - Supremacy, Am I Rite? Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Consul
2018/10/09 PlagCast Episode X: Podcast vs. TIE Fighter General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/10/06 Plagueis Proconsul Report #6: The Wrath Spreads the HYPE! General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/09/26 Plagueis Consul Report #6 - Let's Get Ready to Rumble Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Consul
2018/09/08 PlagCast Episode IX: Podcast: A Plagueis Story General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/09/06 Plagueis Proconsul Report #5: The Proconsul Goes Back To School General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/08/25 Plagueis Consul Report #5 - Be The Ball Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Consul
2018/08/06 Plagueis Proconsul Report #4: The Proconsul Goes [Pro]Bowling General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/08/05 2018 Pro Bowl: Week 1 begins! Teylas Ramar Rollmaster
2018/07/31 PlagCast Episode VIII: (Not) The Last Podcast General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/07/25 Plagueis Announcement: New Aedile of House Ajunta Pall General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul
2018/07/25 Plagueis Consul Report #4: We're Going (Pro) Bowling! Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Consul
2018/07/16 Plagueis Rollmaster Report 3: The Dream Team TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia Rollmaster
2018/07/14 PlagCast Episode VII - The Podcast Awakens Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia Consul
2018/07/06 Plagueis Proconsul Report #3: The Wrath Gets Pseudo-Patriotic General Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul