Clan Taldryan

Clan of the Brotherhood
A brotherhood within a Brotherhood.
About Clan Taldryan

A brotherhood within a Brotherhood, Clan Taldryan has been a symbol of excellence within the Brotherhood since its inception. Taldryan reorganised into the Taldryan Republic. A Republic dedicated to promoting continued excellence, success, and justice for both its members, and the galaxy.

Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
The Second Chancellor
General Ood Bnar
Vice-Chancellor/Governor of Elysia
Magistrate to the Consul
Meleu Karthdo
Virtual Assistant/Artificial Intelligence
Magistrate to the Consul
Displaying news 101 - 120 of 634 in total
Date Title Author Context
2018/04/23 [Taldryan] Consul Report 4.1 Rian Taldrya Consul
2018/03/30 [Taldryan] Consul Report 3.2 Rian Taldrya Consul
2018/03/24 [Taldryan] Proconsul open for Applications Reminder Rian Taldrya Consul
2018/03/12 [Taldryan] Consul Report 3.1 Rian Taldrya Consul
2018/02/11 [Taldryan] Consul Report 2.1 Rian Taldrya Consul
2018/01/28 [Taldryan] Consul Report 1.2 Rian Taldrya Consul
2018/01/21 [Taldryan] Moving the Taldryan Telegram Chat Rian Taldrya Consul
2018/01/14 [Taldryan] Consul Report 1.1 Rian Taldrya Consul
2017/12/14 Consul of Clan Taldryan Final Report: All Good Things... Master Aiden Lee Deshra Consul
2017/10/10 Consul of Clan Taldryan Report 8: October is a time of WAR! Master Aiden Lee Deshra Consul
2017/09/15 Taldryan Consul Report #7: September, I Remember! Master Aiden Lee Deshra Consul
2017/08/16 Taldryan Fiction Update: A Positive Lead? Unknown Rollmaster
2017/08/16 The 2017 Plagueis/Taldryan Pro Bowl Adept Alaris Jinn Proconsul
2017/08/12 Dark Brotherhood NFL Fantasy Football Adept Alaris Jinn Proconsul
2017/07/21 Taldryan Proconsul Report #4 Adept Alaris Jinn Proconsul
2017/07/03 TALDRYAN Consul Report #6: Look On The Horizon! Master Aiden Lee Deshra Consul
2017/06/24 Taldryan Proconsul Report #3 Adept Alaris Jinn Proconsul
2017/05/06 Taldryan Proconsul Report Adept Alaris Jinn Proconsul
2017/05/03 House Dinaari Aedile - Open for applications! Master Aiden Lee Deshra Consul
2017/05/02 Haiku Week 1 Complete Master Aiden Lee Deshra Consul