Character Sheet Reference

Displaying disciplines 41 - 48 of 48 in total
Discipline Description Granted Feats Created / Updated

Stormwalkers serve as pathfinders and scouts. Each is skilled in discerning between false images cast up by the Force and the reality of the physical realm, and hardy enough to survive whatever might have forged such illusions.

Equite: Seeking II Surge II
Elder: Seeking III Surge III
Grand Master: Seeking III Surge III
Journeyman: Seeking I Surge I
2024/12/15 / 2024/12/15
Taldryan Obelisk Equite: Surge II Duelist II
Elder: Surge III Duelist III
Grand Master: Surge III Duelist III
Journeyman: Surge I Duelist I
2024/10/30 / 2024/10/30

"I had a hard time making friends, so I built new ones instead."

Techweavers have a unique relationship with the technology of the Galaxy at large. Through careful study of the Force, they have learned to apply their aptitude for technology into the study of Mechu-deru, by which a Jedi infuses the Force into a robotic form and brings it to sentient awareness. They also have the unique ability to overload technology with the Force, causing it to malfunction.

Techweavers gain:

  • Hexing, which modifies the Force Power: Telekinesis
  • Mechu-deru, a unique Force Power for Techweavers
Equite: Mechu-deru II Hexing II
Elder: Mechu-deru III Hexing III
Grand Master: Mechu-deru III Hexing III
Journeyman: Mechu-deru I Hexing I
2015/08/09 / 2016/08/02
The Chronarch Equite: Hivemind II Arcane Shield II
Elder: Hivemind III Arcane Shield III
Grand Master: Hivemind III Arcane Shield III
Journeyman: Hivemind I Arcane Shield I
2024/09/30 / 2024/09/30
The Doctor

"The only thing that matters in the end, is intelligence. Reason above all other things is what dug us out of the muck, and enlightened our paths into civility."

The Doctor is a bastian of knowledge and dedication to science. A skilled medic, and a brilliant tactician, his mental prowess are undeniable and nearly unmatched. There are few who can contend with intellect, and those who can are to be most respected.

Equite: Steady Hands II Checkmate II
Elder: Checkmate III Steady Hands III
Grand Master: Checkmate III Steady Hands III
Journeyman: Steady Hands I Checkmate I
2024/09/25 / 2024/09/28
The Ronin Equite: Surge II Duelist II
Elder: Surge III Duelist III
Grand Master: Surge III Duelist III
Journeyman: Surge I Duelist I
2024/10/22 / 2024/10/22
Unyielding Tempest

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"

At some point in the study of the Force, it is possible to come to the conclusion that the only thing standing between success and failure is time. And time is something you can have in spades. Combining force of mind with a rigid refusal to give ground, an Unyielding Tempest lets the fight come to them, delivering devastating lessons to any that challenge them.

Equite: Battle Mind II Iron Pillar II
Elder: Iron Pillar III Battle Mind III
Grand Master: Iron Pillar III Battle Mind III
Journeyman: Battle Mind I Iron Pillar I
2024/10/22 / 2024/10/22
Weapons Specialist

“Blasters, blades, blunted staves and things that go 'bang'; no matter which you choose, you’re going to have a tough time facing me.”

Weapons Specialists are the swiss army knife of Non-Force-Users. They have trained extensively with their Primary Weapon type of choice, and as they grow in strength gain proficiency over a Secondary Weapon type. Beyond that, they can use their edict knowledge of the varying types of weapons used across the Galaxy to efficiently utilize weapons of any kind when engaged in combat. For a Specialist, any Weapon Type can become deadly, making them valued in both the Loyalist ranks and the Mercenary muscle.

Weapons Specialist gain:

  • Medley, which modifies Primary and Secondary Weapon Skills
  • Proficiency, a unique ability for Weapons Specialist
Equite: Medley II Proficiency II
Elder: Medley III Proficiency III
Grand Master: Medley III Proficiency III
Journeyman: Medley I Proficiency I
2015/08/31 / 2016/08/02