Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 421 - 440 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Sullustan: My Own Eyes Granted Default Feat

The character prefers to get their information from first hand sources that can be verified with their own eyes. This skepticism makes it harder for them to trust reports from both friends and allies alike to the point where The character will put themself in harm's way to confirm the information.

Prerequisites: Species: Sullustan

2016/02/16 / 2021/12/16
Sullustan: It's This Way! Granted Default Feat

Having adapted to living in a subterranean homeworld, The character has the innate sense of direction that seems to come naturally to Sullustans. The character has a habit of picking the right direction even when in uncharted territory, and can recall previous locations they has visited with intuitive ease.

Prerequisites: Species: Sullustan

2016/02/16 / 2021/12/16
Skakoan: Under Pressure Granted Default Feat

Due to the unique atmosphere of Skako Minor, The character must utilize a special pressurized suit to function in most standard atmospheres. This suit helps The character survive in normally dangerous environments, including short stints in the vacuum of space. However, any damage to the suit can cause permanent physiological issues or even death.

Prerequisites: Species: Skakoan

2020/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Skakoan: Shifty Scientists Granted Default Feat

Well known as members of the Techno Union during the Clone Wars, the Skakoan people have a reputation as amoral scientists and engineers. The character often has to deal with this stereotype in {{gender:his/her/their}} general life in the galaxy at large.

Prerequisites: Species: Skakoan

2020/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Shistavanen: Part Of The Pack Granted Default Feat

Known as isolationists, it can be hard for even an 'outgoing' Shistavanen to escape the natural inclination to stick with their own kind as a pack. Combined with being such an uncommon sight in the galaxy, The character is often painted by the stereotypes of their bestial appearance, and is frequently treated by others as the predator they resemble.

Prerequisites: Species: Shistavanen

2017/10/04 / 2021/12/16
Shistavanen: On The Hunt Granted Default Feat

Shistavanen are natural predators and their biology reflects this fact. As a result of {{gender:his, her,its,their}} keen senses, The character can more readily track a target once they has found their scent without the assistance of tools or technology.

Prerequisites: Species: Shistavanen

2017/10/04 / 2021/12/16
Shaevalian: Tough Mudders Granted Default Feat

Possessing a denser bone structure, Shaevalians are more resistant to physical pain than most species. Even with near-fatal injuries, The character can ignore the worst of the pain to the point that their physiology prevents them from passing out during combat or intense interrogation. However, The character will still feel the effects of fatigue from bodily harm as normal.

Prerequisites: Species: Shaevalian

2015/08/10 / 2021/12/16
Shaevalian: Not Our Problem Granted Default Feat

Shaevalians don't tend to get involved in matters that don't pertain or advance their own goals as a superior species. As such, The character has a hard time falling in line or subscribing to any motivational propaganda involving non-Shaevalian affairs such as war or conflict. This independence makes it difficult for their leaders to control them, making The character somewhat of a wildcard.

Prerequisites: Species: Shaevalian

2015/08/10 / 2021/12/16
Sephi: Everyone Has A Tell Granted Default Feat

Sephi are notable for their long tapered ears. Besides their appearance, The character's ears are known to twitch, swivel, and even flatten in accordance with their emotional state. While an endearing trait to some, it requires The character to put forward a more conscious effort to control themself when attempting to disguise their emotions.

Prerequisites: Species: Sephi

2015/08/10 / 2021/12/16
Sephi: Tinkerer Granted Default Feat

Sephi are known in the galaxy for their long life and their affinity with droids and machinery. The character has this same innate affinity when it comes to technology. As a result, they is able to more readily diagnose irregularities within droids others might miss when using their Mechanic skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics

Prerequisites: Species: Sephi

2014/01/18 / 2021/12/16
Sakiyan: Better To See And Hear You With Granted Default Feat

All Sakiyans have oversized brains, as the portions dealing with sensory perception - sight, smell and hearing - are highly developed. While The character can see into the infrared spectrum and their enhanced senses are generally quite useful, bright lights, loud noises and strong odors can overwhelm them leading to pain and disorientation.

Prerequisites: Species: Sakiyan

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Sakiyan: Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold Granted Default Feat

The character is a Sakiyan, making them more resistant to extremes in temperature. This allows them to comfortably operate in hotter and colder climates than humans, although exposure to burning or freezing substances will still cause injury.

Prerequisites: Species: Sakiyan

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Ryn: Shady Palm Tree Granted Default Feat

Ryn have developed a reputation galaxy-wide as con artists and thieves. The character can fall victim to these stereotypes and therefore be turned away or shunned by other species without even saying a word.

Prerequisites: Species: Ryn

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Rodian: What’s that Smell? Granted Default Feat

Rodians secrete an oily pheromone mixture used to moisturize the skin and attract mates. However, to any other species it just plain stinks. Non-Rodians will find The character’s body odor pungent.

Prerequisites: Species: Rodian

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Rodian: Infrared Vision Granted Default Feat

Having evolved from nocturnal predators, The character can sense the infrared spectrum, allowing them to ‘see’ in the dark by observing and detecting changes in and the presence of heat.

Related Skills/Powers: Perception

Prerequisites: Species: Rodian

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Rattataki: Gladiator Granted Default Feat

Rattataki culture is one dominated by gladiatorial combat, displaying remarkable initiative and continually creating new ways for members of the species to kill each other. Because of this, The character possesses an inherent drive to fight more fiercely and fearlessly when being observed by an audience.

Prerequisites: Species: Rattataki

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Rattataki: Blunt Instrument Granted Default Feat

Because Rattataki culture is focused around the need for violence and harsh conditions, The character is ambitious and drawn towards dangerous undertakings, but has a tendency to bite off more than they can chew. Nonetheless, they are often unable to comprehend the level of danger that they finds themself in, which can lead to even greater peril.

Prerequisites: Species: Rattataki

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Quarren: Xenophobe Granted Default Feat

Quarren are a self-centered and proud species. Naturally, this makes The character isolationist in behaviour and makes interaction with other species difficult. Because of this, they will appear xenophobic and crude while interacting with members of another species.

Prerequisites: Species: Quarren

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Quarren: Just Keep Swimming Granted Default Feat

Quarren can descend to great oceanic depths without apparatus, allowing them to adapt to extreme changes in pressure by decompressing their body. The character can also breath indefinitely while underwater. This evolution in a deep sea environment makes The character an adept swimmer, but prolonged exposure to hot and dry atmospheres particularly uncomfortable and will cause The character’s skin to shrivel.

Prerequisites: Species: Quarren

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Pau'an: I Heard That Granted Default Feat

Like all Pau'an, The character possesses hypersensitive hearing that affects all members of their race. Without their protective ear-disks, they will be subjected to discomfort, pain and disorientation around loud noises. However, this does give The character a unique ability to track sounds to their specific locations, giving them an almost preternatural sense of direction and tracking with conventional-level noises.

Prerequisites: Species: Pau'an

2016/02/24 / 2021/12/16