Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 461 - 480 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Miraluka: Behind Blue Eyes Granted Default Feat

Like all Miraluka, The character was born without eyes that leave them with a pair of hollowed sockets. Over time, however, the species has evolved to possess a unique way of 'seeing' through the Force. This allows them to live and exist seamlessly with the other sentient beings of the galaxy. The character is still blind in the conventional sense and cannot read written text or discern intricate details like patterns or symbols. They are still affected by ocular and mental Force Powers the same way any other sentient being is.

Prerequisites: Species: Miraluka

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Lasat: The Child, The Warrior, The Fool Granted Default Feat

The character has muscular digitigrade legs, large finger pads and prehensile toes. These genetic gifts make running, jumping and climbing easier for them and also have the advantage of letting The character move quietly when needed. When combined with a Lasat’s distinct odor and large stature, however, stealth is not always that easy. It can also make things difficult for The character when trying to fit into compressed spaces or blend in with the other species of the galaxy.

Prerequisites: Species: Lasat

2017/02/10 / 2021/12/16
Lasat: Few And The Proud Granted Default Feat

After being driven to the point of extinction by the Galactic Empire, Lasat tend to keep to themselves and avoid drawing the attention of the galaxy at large. As a result, The character often has to contend with stereotypes of their species being nothing more than primitive brutes—despite the importance that Lasat place on intellect, combat skills, and most importantly honor.

Prerequisites: Species: Lasat

2017/02/10 / 2021/12/16
Kiffar: Psychometry Granted Default Feat

Kiffar have the ability to read inanimate objects and corpses to gain traces of information and memories of their recent past. The character also shares this talent, and can use it to find hidden clues that wouldn't otherwise be obtainable.

Prerequisites: Species: Kiffar

2014/01/09 / 2021/12/16
Kiffar: Facial Recognition Granted Default Feat

Kiffar facial markings are rather unique and noticeable. Unless they're covered in some way, The character can have a hard time concealing their identity in a crowd.

Prerequisites: Species: Kiffar

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Khil: Hello Stranger Granted Default Feat

Khil are known for being dedicated, ambitious, and open to outsiders. This makes The character a natural diplomat and thus they are able to perform better in situations that require dealing with those of differing backgrounds.

Prerequisites: Species: Khil

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Kel Dor: I Will Survive Granted Default Feat

By utilizing their unique physiology and antiox breathing mask, The character is capable of surviving in the hazardous conditions of a complete vacuum for several minutes. However, evolution in a unique atmosphere comprised of Dorin gas and helium prevents members of the Kel Dor species from breathing unaided in oxygen-rich atmospheres.

Prerequisites: Species: Kel Dor

2013/12/01 / 2021/12/16
Kel Dor: A World Of Absolutes Granted Default Feat

The Kel Dor society is one known for its hospitality, but also its simplistic approach to matters of justice. To The character, there is no middle ground on any moral issue, causing them to only see matters in black and white. Regardless of intent, only the resulting actions fall under the scope of judgement.

Prerequisites: Species: Kel Dor

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Kaminoan: Genetic Template Granted Default Feat

Having identified and standardized their genetic template ages ago, there is very little physical variance between two Kaminoans. This often makes it difficult for The character to differentiate themself from other Kaminoans, which can be off-putting to other species. This is further magnified as efforts to stand out as an individual are actively discouraged in Kaminoan culture.

Prerequisites: Species: Kaminoan

2018/01/20 / 2021/12/16
Kaminoan: Amoral Nature Granted Default Feat

Being of a society that engineers natural processes rather than simply experiencing them, Kaminoans don't hold to the common morals of society. This allows The character to more generally consider all options, even those that might be unsavory to others, without hesitation.

Prerequisites: Species: Kaminoan

2018/01/20 / 2021/12/16
Kaleesh: Warm Reception Granted Default Feat

Thanks to the thermal pits under their eyes, The character can sense the infrared spectrum, allowing them to ‘see’ in the dark by observing and detecting changes in and the presence of heat.

Related Skills/Powers: Perception

Prerequisites: Species: Kaleesh

2014/07/22 / 2021/12/16
Kaleesh: Rattlesnake Granted Default Feat

Due to their insular and war-like nature, Kaleesh often do not see eye to eye with the more peaceful species of the galaxy. This makes it more challenging for The character to conduct diplomatic relations and can lead to difficulty in social settings.

Prerequisites: Species: Kaleesh

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Ithorian: Slow On The Draw Granted Default Feat

The character's large stature and form bears the burden of slower reflexes and less coordination relative to their Athletics skill.

Prerequisites: Species: Ithorian

2015/09/11 / 2021/12/16
Iktotchi: Only When I Dream Granted Default Feat

All Iktotchi, including The character, may experience precognitive dreams while they sleep. This precognitive ability is clearer on the Iktotchi homeworld, but elsewhere in the galaxy they are often vague, sometimes difficult to interpret and occasionally unhelpful without proper training in the Force. In addition to gaining insights with their Farsight power through meditation, The character can also use their Farsight power while asleep.

Related Skills/Powers: Farsight

Prerequisites: Species: Iktotchi

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Iktotchi: No Trace of A Sound Granted Default Feat

Iktotchi possess a natural affinity for telepathy, allowing The character to communicate telepathically with another being, however they must maintain direct eye contact in order to do so unless they has been properly trained in the ways of the Force.

Prerequisites: Species: Iktotchi

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Human: Just Another Face Granted Default Feat

Humans are the most common species in most of the known galaxy, and can thus blend into crowds of other Humans seamlessly. While their own distinctive individual qualities such as hair color and height can set them apart, The character is otherwise just another mug in a sea of faces.

Prerequisites: Species: Human

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Human: Eye Of The Tiger Granted Default Feat

As a Human, The character can conform to new environments with relative ease. Not possessing traits such as scales, gills or fur, The character is nonetheless adaptable to either cold or warm climates with minimal preparation. This makes most members of the Human species best-suited for the life of a colonist or traveler.

Prerequisites: Species: Human

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Hapan: Nightblind Granted Default Feat

Due to the perpetual sunlight and lack of lunar cycle in the Hapes cluster, The character is genetically nightblind, making it much more difficult for them to see clearly in dim or low-light environments.

Prerequisites: Species: Hapan

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Gungan: These Legs Were Made For Walkin’ Granted Default Feat

As a Gungan, The character has long legs with strong muscles, resulting in longer strides and greater propulsion underwater. Coupled with their amphibious nature, this makes them a natural runner and jumper, and a fast and agile swimmer. When exposed to dry or desert conditions for too long, however, their health and mood will suffer.

Prerequisites: Species: Gungan

2013/12/01 / 2021/12/16
Gungan: A Pet In Need Granted Default Feat

Gungan society, particularly their military, makes heavy use of animals as mounts and beasts of burden. As a result, The character has a natural affinity for working with animals and they find it easier to employ suitable animals as mounts and beasts of burden.

Prerequisites: Species: Gungan

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16