Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 121 - 140 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Field Triage III Chosen Force Feat

The character can extend their Control Self in conjunction with their Healing skill in the battlefield, as long as they are focused on someone else's injuries. This Force-fueled anesthetic can help calm a patient with moderate injuries including life threatening trauma and severed limbs.

Related Skills/Powers: Control Self and Healing

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Force Crush I Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to use their Telekinesis Force Power to near instantaneously crush a stationary target from all directions beyond the capacity of what is normal, as if compacting them into a ball. This causes immense damage, but on its own is non-fatal. The power is tremendously draining.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2023/04/06
Force Crush II Chosen Force Feat

The character has learned to use their Telekinesis Force Power to instantly crush a stationary target from all directions, compacting the target into a tight ball. This can be fatal if crushed to the extreme. This power is somewhat draining.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Rank: Elder 4 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2021/12/16 / 2023/04/06
Hippocratic Chosen Skill Feat

The character's training in Medicine has led to them learn the mantra "Do No Harm". To this end, they have learned to use their medical studies to attempt to incapacitate an opponent. The character can use their Medicine Skill in place of their Martial Arts Skill while attempting to subdue, but not kill an opponent.

Related Skills/Powers: Martial Arts and Medicine

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman

2021/12/16 / 2023/11/08
The Force is With Me Chosen Skill Feat

Some might call it luck. Others would argue that there are higher powers at work. The character has a knack for avoiding potentially lethal strikes by acts that blur the line between chance and skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Sense

Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4

2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16
Matter Bender II Chosen Force Feat

The character has mastered Telekinesis beyond particle control of sand, water, and fire, and have learned to resonate with solid and stationary inorganic matter. With intense focus they can disrupt an area no bigger than themselves, and turn the solid matter into fine grain particles.

Related Skills/Powers: Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Elder 1

2023/01/31 / 2023/02/03
I'm Rubber, You're Glue Chosen Force Feat

The character has taken effort to truly understand fear to the point it has become a part of them. By instinct they can use their Terror Force Power to startle anyone who attempts to startle them.

Related Skills/Powers: Terror

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank: Journeyman 4

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
In A Pinch Chosen Skill Feat

The character has experience with the frantic pacing that occurs on the battlefield. Perfectly at home, they can stay focused on the task at hand. This grants The character a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Mechanic Skill they are trying to make an urgent repair while under fire (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Inceptioned Chosen Force Feat

The character has mastered the art of corrupting a mind, distorting the borders between what is real and imaginary. With absolute focus, they can attempt to convince a target that a memory is either real, or fictional. The more complicated the memory, the more draining this is on the user.

Related Skills/Powers: Mind Trick

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Elder

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Stun II Chosen Force Feat

The character has advanced their skill with Slow, allowing them to not only overwhelm a target's motor functions and cause them to become temporarily stunned in place, but also use the power to fully freeze the intended target in place in a near-catatonic state at the cost of complete focus and concentration, regardless of Force Power level. All joints are locked for the duration, with the target remaining in the exact position as when Slow took effect.

Related Skills/Powers: Slow

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2015/08/09 / 2022/01/28
Escape Artist Chosen Force Feat

The character can use Amplification to create an internal surge of Force energy. This energy frees him of all foreign Force effects that would otherwise be inhibiting him from moving properly, such as Slow, Stasis, or even a Telekinetic grip.

Related Skills/Powers: Amplification

Prerequisites: Order Group: Force Sensitives and Rank Tier: Novitiate

2013/08/17 / 2021/12/16
Jury-rig III Chosen Skill Feat

The character is such an able Mechanic they can make use of some very unusual materials to get systems up and running again, often using parts of completely different machines or simple objects to replace typically complicated parts. These jury rigs can last for a long amount of time and break down only after heavy usage.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
La Resistance I Chosen Skill Feat

The character’s body has been exposed and conditioned to various toxins and poisons through rigorous training over the years. Their body is immune to normal doses of common poisons, but only partially resistant to heavy doses. The character is still susceptible to more advanced or alchemy creations, however. This does not cover the effects of recreational substances.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
I Made This I Chosen Skill Feat

The character spends as much time practicing with their creations as making them. They can use their Crafting Skill in place of the relevant weapon skill when using a single weapon of their own creation. (The weapon must be cited in Loadout Description)

Related Skills/Powers: Crafting

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2023/11/13
Manchurian Candidate Chosen Force Feat

The character may delay a Mind Trick from taking effect for a predetermined amount of time, or a specific trigger event. The more distant in the future, or the more complex the trigger, the less powerful the Mind Trick must be to compensate.

Related Skills/Powers: Mind Trick

Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2013/08/21 / 2021/12/16
Keen Mind II Chosen Skill Feat

The character has a mind like a steel trap. With an eidetic memory, they can remember anything from the last year that they actively perceived (focused on, read, heard, etc) with greater detail.

Related Skills/Powers: Intellect and Perception

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
I Controlled Them Like Animals Chosen Skill Feat

Society works until it doesn't. Groups of people can revert to more animalistic traits when afraid, angry, or intoxicated. The character's training at handling pack animals allows them to utilize their Creature Handling Skill in place of their Leadership Skill when attempting to control groups of people that are acting on their more animalistic impulses.

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Handling and Leadership

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
I Made A Pipe Bomb Chosen Skill Feat

The character has spent enough time around explosives to understand the fundamental traits in identifying what can be used to make something go boom. When attempting to make a makeshift explosive device, The character can use their Explosive Skill in place of their Crafting Skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Crafting and Explosives

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Dampen I Chosen Force Feat

Rather than focusing on an individual, The character has learned to project the effects of Suppression over a small area of effect, lowering the effectiveness of Force usage from any that step into The character’s sphere of awareness.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Force-Link Chosen Force Feat

The character can forge a strong connection to between two Force-users, granting them the ability to communicate across vast distances as if standing in front of one another. The result is a tangible presence where each sees the other as if they were in the same space, though with no control over when or how this will occur.

Related Skills/Powers: Telepathy

Prerequisites: Rank: Elder 4 and Order Group: Force Sensitives

2018/01/16 / 2021/12/16