Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona, Battlelord

Equite 3, Clan Arcona, Sith, Obelisk
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
30352 words in 32 activities
9740 words in 16 posts and 7 activities
16722 words in 7 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 41 - 47 of 47 in total
The Candle Burns Brightest...
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
The Inquisition of the Force
Textual submission

Manually added by Prophet Telaris "Mav" Taldrya Cantor

Arconan Origins
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
Textual submission

Manually added by GP V'yr Vorsa

Round 2: Fiction
Textual submission

Town outskirts
Just after dusk

Pain throbbed in Skars side as he walked down the semi crowded streets he cursed his reckless behavior at the academy and now his pian served to teach him his lesson, he was grateful for being saved that day his pain had made him delusional and he had said things that he didn't mean.

After he had woken back up from a coma that had thankfully only lasted a few days Turel had thought it would good for him to be sent on a easyer mission away from the heavy conflict that still raged in the Valley of the dark lords

A ery calm had settled on the town soon after he had arrived and every inquiry to the stolen texts he had been sent to find had only lead to dead ends and dead corpses that were found hours later.

His patients was growing very thin after the third day and by the forth it was gone altogether there was no way that the text were still in town at this point and even if they were they would be under heavy guard, Growling to himself he continued down the street and made a sudden turn down a side street

He had only seen his newis target in passing but something told him to track him down and see what he knew. The man sent had been heavily masked but the stench of the town and his inhabitants. Curving around another corner Rrogon stopped abruptly and backpedaled until he could only just pear around the corner and see his target

The mans wavy and startling blond hair moved with the wind as he covered with some alien the Skar could not place as the young kaleesh thought about what he could do a cowld of smoke came from the rouge jedis lips and with a flick of his wrist the cigar was discarded and the jedi moved away from the alien and down the alleyway.

Not letting the opportunity pass Rrogon made his way past the alien and followed closely behind the man but when he rounded the next connor the man was gone. Shifting his vision around the narrow alley Rrogon found the man raped him the force with something in both of his hands.

Skars body moved before the first shot should be fired and he was already sprinting down the alleyway his own emerald lightsaber hissing to life just as Grays did, turning away two more slug rounds Rrogon crashed into the jedi with a triebel force that knocked the mans lightsaber from his grasp.

The next several minutes devolved into ferruso hand to hand combat that leaned into skars favor and with a mighty rawr and a flick of his wright Grays arm was cut clean off at the shoulder raken his claws arose the mans chest sent him sprawling to the ground in a spray of crimson blood that plastered over Rrogon. Gray tried to crawl away but Skar quickly caught up with him and dragged him by the throat.

“Where are the stih texts that you stole from the academy.”

“In my robes at your mothers house you fracking lizard

Rrogons rage flared and his talons dug deep into the flesh that was the man througt and blood began to flow freely and steadily like thick syrup turning the man over Rrogon began to sift through the robes of the dying man and finally he found the text that he had been searching for.

Smiling to himself he slipped the scroll into his robes and set off out of the town before the locals could find his newest kill he could barely contain his glee as the deserts wind whipped around him the mans fresh blood dripping onto the sand as the kaleesh set off thrword the nearby Arcona fob.

After hours of walking he had finally made his way onto the bass and made his way to the command center where he found Turel and Cethegus leaning over a table full of old maps moving pieces on clay the repainted there troops and others around the table.

Finally bringing the scroll from his robes Rrogon flung it onto the table and without another word turned to leave the room so that he could grab a cold shower before heading off into the flames of battle once again. A few hours later Rrogon was sitting in a shuttle the sped him to his next mission near the on of the long dead Sith tombs

Round 1: Fiction
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.