Tasha'Vel Versea

Elder 1, Clan Naga Sadow, Sith
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
36802 words in 58 activities
12225 words in 32 posts and 15 activities
16473 words in 22 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 41 - 50 of 96 in total
The power of words
Textual submission

To My Beloved Bentre

Bentre, shall I compare you to the Rylothian lily?

When you walk, your steps are as graceful as the Rylothian lily in the wind

Ever turning, but lovely to the eye

When you speak, your voice is as sweet as the fragrance that permeates the entire room when Rylothian lilies are in full bloom

Bold, yet strong

Your love is as the vibrant colors of the Rylothian lilies

Intense, mystifying, and delightful

Just as I love to receive a bouquet of Rylothian lilies, so how I feel whenever you return to me on your long days of being a Consul to the clan.

So my dear Bentre, come to me and be my Rylothian lily

The Deadly Assassin
File submission
When Luck Runs Dry.docx
[GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - The Old Tongue
Textual submission

The poem is in Haiku format.

The Sith artifact is a round, smooth, circular bracelet made up of precious metal that once worn around the wrist, infuses the wearer with a boost in strength and speed. Most times this is just enough to give the wearer an edge in combat to finish an opponent.

The cost though is great to both a force user and non-force user. After a short time, small sharp spikes penetrate the wrist, draw blood and drains the wearer's stamina and life. Unfortunately due to the spikes, the wearer cannot easily remove the bracelet without damaging their wrist severely. A force user with more control can last longer than the non force user.

Round, smooth, circular
Made up of precious metal
Fits around your wrist

Hiding a secret
Within the walls of metal
Several sharp spikes

They draw crimson blood
Infusing great strength and speed
But it comes with cost

Your life ebbs away
Your stamina fading fast
Till the force claims you

[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction - Small Team Co-op Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Eminent Idris Adenn

Tenixir Prison Break: Run-on
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae

[GJW XIII Event Long] Team-Based Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Theaters of War
Textual submission

Manually added by Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor

[GJW XIII Event Long] Team-Based Fiction - Small Team Co-op Fiction
Textual submission

Coop completed and submitted.