Seer Xolarin, Guardian of the Whills

Equite 3, Rogues, Jedi, Guardian of the Whills
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
29394 words in 28 activities
4245 words in 9 posts and 4 activities
173 words in 1 activity
Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 34 in total
Past ACC Activity
[GJW XV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Breakout
Textual submission

Manually added by Prophet Dacien Victae

RP Sesson: Tavern Tutorial: Mos Kenny
[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Defense of Arx
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae

[Naga Sadow]The Return of Old Gods
Textual submission

Manually added by Warlord Bentre Kairn'tel Sadow

[Retake Sepros]A Moment of Reflection
Textual submission

On Tarthos we won
Although both sides lost many
But that battle's done

On to Urias
With so much to gain and lose
Our foes so pious

Fear, anger fuel us
Pride and farsight assure us
Home is upon us

[House Marka Ragnos]For Mucenic
Textual submission

The coldness surrounds as we leave our warm ship,
While clouds and wind and ice overwhelm.
Our bodies are chilled at each elbow, knee, hip.
But alas we return to our old beloved realm.

The longing most feel, even those of us new,
Explodes with adrenaline to warm up our veins.
The icy cold entrance is not quite as shrewd
When we finally realize that our homelessness wanes.

Sadowans of Ragnos pour into the belly
Of the ancient cathedral more sacred than known.
If everyone understood what she could tell ye
The attack sprung this day would be more profound.

To our enemies we go as our rage fires up,
For tonight we take Tarthos, we shall ne'er give up!