News Archive

Name Number of News Items Latest News Item
Grand Master 468 17 Jul, 2024
Deputy Grand Master 320 2 Jul, 2024
Master At Arms 282 9 Jun, 2024
Seneschal 100 16 Apr, 2023
Headmaster 388 10 Apr, 2024
Herald 325 17 Jul, 2024
Voice of the Brotherhood 298 15 Jul, 2024
Fist of the Brotherhood 391 9 Jul, 2024
Justicar 184 6 Mar, 2024
Right Hand of Justice 7 12 Sep, 2014
Left Hand of Justice 14 8 Oct, 2016
Combat Master 289 14 Jul, 2024
Wiki Tribune 100 2 Mar, 2021
Praetor to the Grand Master 14 2 Apr, 2024
Praetor to the Deputy Grand Master 1 31 Oct, 2014
Praetor to the Master At Arms 7 29 Aug, 2018
Praetor to the Seneschal 3 6 Nov, 2014
Praetor to the Herald 18 1 Jun, 2024
Praetor to the Headmaster 31 31 Jan, 2021
Praetor to the Voice 8 12 Jul, 2017
Praetor to the Fist 57 17 Jan, 2020
Magistrate to the Grand Master 6 17 Mar, 2024
Magistrate to the Deputy Grand Master 0
Magistrate to the Master At Arms 8 18 Oct, 2013
Magistrate to the Seneschal 0
Magistrate to the Herald 3 11 Jan, 2015
Magistrate to the Headmaster 0
Magistrate to the Fist 28 20 Nov, 2018
Magistrate to the Voice 9 7 Jul, 2024
Empowered Magistrate to the Seneschal 1 22 Dec, 2015
Consul 2117 23 Jul, 2024
Proconsul 1224 18 Jul, 2024
Quaestor 3935 21 Jul, 2024
Aedile 2666 7 Apr, 2024
Battleteam Leader 4314 19 Jul, 2024
Wiki Staff Member 10 15 Oct, 2014
Shadow Academy: Professor 10 29 Jan, 2023
Shadow Academy: Docent 0
Special Magistrate to the Seneschal 1 20 Aug, 2020
Appeals Panelist 0
Star Chamber Member 13 9 May, 2024
Regent 110 20 Jul, 2024
Praetor to the Regent 4 4 May, 2024
Magistrate to the Regent 0
Special Magistrate to the Regent 0
Exarch 17 10 May, 2024
Exarch Staff Member 1 21 Mar, 2024
Magistrate to the Consul 1 6 Nov, 2023
Quizmaster 1 6 Mar, 2023
Emissary 18 29 Jun, 2024
Praetor to the Emissary 0
Magistrate to the Emissary 0
Name Number of News Items Latest News Item
Deputy Combat Master 0
Gaming Tribune 19 8 Aug, 2009
Fiction Tribune 22 4 Jan, 2010
Forum Tribune 6 7 Jul, 2014
Praetor to the Combat Master 0
Magistrate to the Combat Master 0
Arbiter Magistrate to the Master At Arms 0
Special Magistrate to the Headmaster 2 12 May, 2016
Rollmaster 1220 28 Jul, 2021
Battleteam Sergeant 48 17 Nov, 2016
Fiction Staff Member 0
Gaming Staff Member 0
Shadow Academy: Assistant Professor 0
Assistant Loremaster 0
ICTE Senior Correspondent 0
ICTE Judge 0
DV Senior Correspondent 0
DV Senior Editor 0
DSC Staff Member 0
Dark Voice Tribune 7 13 Oct, 2007
DSC Tribune 3 14 Feb, 2007
Magistrate to the Commander of the Guard 0
Star Wars Galaxies Staff Member 0
Guard Captain 0
Praetor to the Commander of the Guard 0
Sith High Warrior 115 28 Nov, 2005
Krath High Priest 204 31 Dec, 2005
Obelisk High Commander 51 30 Mar, 2005
Emissary(Legacy) 20 10 Sep, 2004
Commander of the Guard 50 5 Dec, 2006
Oracle 2 28 Feb, 2005
Lord Archon 0
Galaxies Tribune 13 26 Dec, 2007
Lord Marshal 7 29 Oct, 2004
Shadow Academy: Eclectic Pedagogue 0
Lord Hegemon 3 17 Feb, 2005
Praetor to the Lord Hegemon 0
ICTE Tribune 11 13 Feb, 2007
DV Staff Member 0
Knight Commander of the Brotherhood 0
Magistrate to the Lord Hegemon 0
Server Admin 0
Chancellor 73 13 May, 2004
Jedi Jester 1 29 Jan, 2019
Archon 0
Praetor to the Chancellor 0
Magistrate to the Chancellor 0
Praetor to the Archon 0
Magistrate to the Archon 0
Lord Chamberlain 0
Praetor to the Krath High Priest 0
Magistrate to the Krath High Priest 0
Praetor to the Lord Archon 0
Magistrate to the Lord Archon 0
Magistrate to the Lord Chamberlain 0
Praetor to the Lord Chamberlain 0
Praetor to the Lord Marshal 0
Magistrate to the Lord Marshal 0
Praetor to the Oracle 0
Magistrate to the Oracle 0
Praetor to the Obelisk High Commander 0
Magistrate to the Obelisk High Commander 0
Praetor to the Sith High Warrior 0
Magistrate to the Sith High Warrior 0
Praetor to the Lord Hegemon 0
Magistrate to the Lord Hegemon 0
Baron 0
Special Magistrate to the Grand Master 0
Envoy 0
Recruitment Tribune 95 13 Oct, 2016
ACC Judge 6 22 Sep, 2014
Recruitment Staff Member 29 3 May, 2016
Special Magistrate to the Master at Arms 2 19 Feb, 2015
Legacy Gaming Staff Member 0
Special Magistrate to the Herald 0
Social Media Tribune 5 24 Feb, 2019
Social Media Staff Member 0
Special Magistrate to the Voice 0
SWTOR Tribune 3 21 Mar, 2022
Communications Tribune 1 4 Aug, 2023