News for 8/2019

Displaying news items 1 - 20 of 21 in total
Date Title Author Context
2019/08/30 Fist Report #3 Master Alaris Jinn Fist of the Brotherhood (The Council)
2019/08/29 Plagueis Proconsul Report #2: As The Dust Settles TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia Proconsul (Plagueis)
2019/08/27 End of the War, End of the Eli General Zentru'la Consul (Scholae Palatinae)
2019/08/27 [GJW XIII - Discord] Results Timeline Telaris "Mav" Cantor Grand Master (The Council)
2019/08/26 [GJW XIII - Discord] Minor Battle Plan Clarification Telaris "Mav" Cantor Grand Master (The Council)
2019/08/26 [GJW XIII - Discord] The Final Hours! Telaris "Mav" Cantor Grand Master (The Council)
2019/08/24 In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity (Sun Tzu). Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Quaestor (Ajunta Pall)
2019/08/22 [GJW XIII - Discord] Quick Updates Telaris "Mav" Cantor Grand Master (The Council)
2019/08/20 Consul Report: News From the Front Master Bentre Stahoes Consul (Naga Sadow)
2019/08/18 Fist Update #2.5 - Dauntless Master Alaris Jinn Fist of the Brotherhood (The Council)
2019/08/14 HKM Report #2: Into the Valley of Death Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor (Karness Muur)
2019/08/11 [GJWXIII - Discord] Fiction Recap: Phase II Lord Marick Tyris Arconae Voice of the Brotherhood (The Council)
2019/08/10 Sunrider Aedile Report #2: Showtime! Nikora Rhan Aedile (Sunrider)
2019/08/10 Fist Update #2.4 - Competition Update - Laser Overload Master Alaris Jinn Fist of the Brotherhood (The Council)
2019/08/10 [GJW XIII - Discord] Phase II Begins! Telaris "Mav" Cantor Grand Master (The Council)
2019/08/09 Fist Update #2.3 - War Supplemental Master Alaris Jinn Fist of the Brotherhood (The Council)
2019/08/08 Plagueis Consul Report: 8/7/19 General Ronovi Tavisaen Consul (Plagueis)
2019/08/06 [GJW XIII - Discord] Phase I Complete! Telaris "Mav" Cantor Grand Master (The Council)
2019/08/03 Ektrosis Quaestor Report #1 - Where There is Unity, There is Always Victory Cymbre Kall Quaestor (Ektrosis)
2019/08/03 Fist Update #2.2 - War Supplemental Master Alaris Jinn Fist of the Brotherhood (The Council)