News for Position Regent

Displaying news items 61 - 80 of 116 in total
Date Title Author Context
2021/05/09 Regent Supplemental 1.2: Combat Droids Weapon Slotting & Glitch General Zxyl Bes'uliik Regent (The Council)
2021/05/04 Celebration Store: Now Taking Your Monies General Zxyl Bes'uliik Regent (The Council)
2021/04/22 Regent Supplemental 1.1: Staff Chosen General Zxyl Bes'uliik Regent (The Council)
2021/04/10 Regent Report 1: I'm The Captain Now General Zxyl Bes'uliik Regent (The Council)
2021/03/10 Regent Report #7: Behold! My Stuff! Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2021/01/01 Regent Supplemental 6.3: Celebration Store Open Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/12/31 PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #7 Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/12/01 Regent Report #6: Research Complete Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/10/02 PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #6 Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/08/03 [GJW XIV] Homefront Awards and Bonuses Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/07/12 Regent Staff: Now Hiring New Magistrate Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/06/20 GJW XIV Competition Clarification: Voice Acting Audiobook Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/05/27 Regent Supplemental #5.1: Co-organizer Credit Change Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/05/04 Regent Report #5: Manufacturing Efficiency Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/04/17 Regent Staff: Now Hiring New Term Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/04/01 PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #5 Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/03/12 Regent Supplemental #4.3: Upgrade Stocking Issue Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/03/08 Regent Supplemental #4.2: Maintenance End Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/03/08 Regent Supplemental #4.1: Maintenance Start Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)
2020/02/23 Regent Report #4: Need More Vespene Gas Darth Renatus Regent (The Council)