House Galeres

House of Clan Arcona
Tempered by Conflict, Driven by Duty.
About House Galeres

The militant House of Clan Arcona, Galeres walks in the light and helps protect Dajorra and it's people from those who might do them harm.

Displaying news 61 - 80 of 365 in total
Date Title Author Context
2019/10/08 House Galeres Report #3 : The One After the War Aldaric Quaestor
2019/07/08 House Galeres Report # : War's a-brewin'! Aldaric Quaestor
2019/06/03 House Galeres Report #1 : The Chiss are taking over! Aldaric Quaestor
2019/04/09 House Galeres Report: Victory and Honor Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2019/03/26 [Galeres] BTL Applications Open Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2019/03/03 House Galeres March Report Tide's of Challenge Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona Aedile
2019/02/04 House Galeres Report Time To Act Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona Aedile
2019/01/06 House Galeres Report: Happy New Year! Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/12/20 House Galeres Fiction & Appreciation Night Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/12/05 'The Ghosts of Sithmas Past' Holiday Special Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/10/08 House Galeres Report: Sins and Rites Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/08/05 House Galeres Summit report: The Lizard Takeover! Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona Aedile
2018/07/17 House Galeres Report: Not Even A Necromancer Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/06/03 House Galeres Report: Time Enough for Rest in the Grave Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/05/06 House Galeres Report: May the Force Get a Job and Quit Following People Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/04/04 House Galeres Report: April Showers Bring Edgelord Poetry Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona Aedile
2018/03/11 [Galeres] BTL Applications Open Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/03/04 House Galeres Report: Marching Into March Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/02/03 House Galeres Report: Get Those Apps In Qyreia Arronen Quaestor
2018/01/01 House Galeres Report: Happy Q Year! Qyreia Arronen Quaestor