Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 461 - 480 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Mechu-deru III Granted Default Feat

The character can infuse sentient life into even the most advanced assassination and combat droids. They can enslave multiple droids without a conscious effort of maintaining the link unless needing to issue orders.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics and Telepathy

Prerequisites: Discipline: Techweaver and Rank Tier: Elder

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Khil: Musical Words Granted Default Feat

Due to vocalizing with their fleshy tendrils, Khil are natural musicians and bring an air of music to even the most basic of conversations. The character can utilize their melodic cadence with his Deception Skill in an attempt to mask their true intentions.

Related Skills/Powers: Deception

Prerequisites: Species: Khil

2015/02/22 / 2023/11/17
Restoration Trooper: Immovable Object Granted Default Feat

Restoration Troopers exist beyond the limits of traditional organic life. With a never-ending stamina and arms that hit like a mudhorn at full speed, Restoration Troopers hit hard and continually, if abeit slow.

Related Skills/Powers: Might and Stamina

Prerequisites: Species: Restoration Trooper

2021/05/24 / 2021/12/16
Dowsing II Granted Default Feat

Tracing links through bound objects or people in the Force, has become a second nature to The character. These sympathetic links manifest as semi-transparent mental images in The character’s mind. Using an item that has been in contact with the target within the last month, such as an old shirt, a bundle of hair, a vial of blood, The character can track a target across a continent. The stronger the link to the target, the easier this becomes. Concentration is required to use this ability.

Related Skills/Powers: Sense

Prerequisites: Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2023/12/13
Mechu-deru I Granted Default Feat

As a Journeyman, The character can infuse sentience into common droids such as protocol, medical, and drone types and control them through a conscious connection in the Force. Once a droid has been enslaved, The character must actively maintain partial concentration for proper control.

Related Skills/Powers: Mechanics and Telepathy

Prerequisites: Discipline: Techweaver and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/21
Crystal Ascendant: Unstoppable Force Granted Default Feat

Crystal Ascendants have an unnatural conduit to the Force, the crystals that grow in their very body. The conduit leaves an open unending supply of Force energy for them to utilize. As such they never exhaust their Force capabilities.

Related Skills/Powers: Stamina

Prerequisites: Species: Crystal Ascendant

2021/05/24 / 2021/12/16
Crystal Ascendant: Can't Touch This Granted Default Feat

Crystal Ascendants are glass canons. The crystalline growths on their body, while providing great Force capabilities, leave them very susceptible to various physical combat. To counter this, they constantly utilize Amplification to boost their speed and movements.

Related Skills/Powers: Amplification and Athletics

Prerequisites: Species: Crystal Ascendant

2021/05/24 / 2021/12/16
Coynite: Lion's Mane Granted Default Feat

The character recognizes the importance of social status, which is reflected in the length of a Coynite’s mane. Respected and successful warriors are known to grow longer manes with increasingly intricate braids in Coynite culture, thus The character respects other species with long hair and shaggy coats. However, The character frowns on bald or hairless beings.

Prerequisites: Species: Coynite

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Dowsing I Granted Default Feat

All things are bound together through the Force, and an Arcanist can use those links to trace connections between two similar items, or an item and a person. These sympathetic links manifest as hazy mental images in The character’s mind. Using an item that has been in contact with the target over the last several hours, The character can track that target through a city and heavy crowds. The better the link between object and target, the stronger and easier this becomes. Full concentration is required to use this ability.

Related Skills/Powers: Sense

Prerequisites: Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2023/12/13
Primed I Granted Default Feat

Sorcerers channel the energy of combat. Fueled by surge of Force energy, The character is capable of chaining together two offensive force abilities in rapid succession, at the personal energy cost of using one. When the battle pauses or comes to an end they experience temporary fatigue they come down from a battle-high. Applies to: Force Lightning, Telekinesis, Slow, Blinding, and Darkness.

Related Skills/Powers: Blinding, Darkness, Force Lightning, Slow, and Telekinesis

Prerequisites: Discipline: Sorcerer and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2021/12/16 / 2024/01/30
Pau'an: Born To Lead Granted Default Feat

Pau'an society is centered around leadership and management. As a result of their integration with the labor cultures of Utapau, they are often exposed to leadership at a young age. The character naturally gravitates towards leadership roles, and often has difficulty following the lead of those they find less experienced.

Prerequisites: Species: Pau'an

2016/02/24 / 2021/12/16
Shistavanen: Part Of The Pack Granted Default Feat

Known as isolationists, it can be hard for even an 'outgoing' Shistavanen to escape the natural inclination to stick with their own kind as a pack. Combined with being such an uncommon sight in the galaxy, The character is often painted by the stereotypes of their bestial appearance, and is frequently treated by others as the predator they resemble.

Prerequisites: Species: Shistavanen

2017/10/04 / 2021/12/16
Feeorin: Hot-Blooded Granted Default Feat

The Feeorin are known to be quick to anger and to place needs of their own above others. The character knows that they can rely on other Feeorin to help them, just as they would readily help in turn. While this helps them in Feeorin society, it also leads to them being seen as standoffish and cold to the rest of the galaxy.

Prerequisites: Species: Feeorin

2021/11/17 / 2021/12/16
Togorian: Feline Grace Granted Default Feat

The character has strong, back-jointed legs that makes him a natural runner, jumper, and climber, which can heighten the success of his acrobatic feats. The character also has as a tendency to always land on his feet.

Prerequisites: Species: Togorian

2019/03/05 / 2021/12/16
Force Pulse I Granted Default Feat

As a Journeyman, The character can use Suppression to dampen the baseline effects of Force-imbued ailments that slow, hinder, stun, or disorient themself and a single ally in close proximity as long as their full concentration is on the task. This ability works against Slow, Illusion, Darkness, Blinding, and Terror.

Related Skills/Powers: Suppression

Prerequisites: Discipline: Defender and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2024/01/30
Firrerreo: The Animal in Me Granted Default Feat

Firrerreo are an instinctually wild and feral race. When not willfully preventing it, The character is prone to animal-like behaviors ranging from deep throaty growls, snarls, the baring of teeth, and even keening in grief. These tendencies lead many races to consider Firrerreo to be dangerous.

Prerequisites: Species: Firrerreo

2021/10/14 / 2021/12/16
Nagai: Honorbound Granted Default Feat

The Nagai place little above their sense of honor, some even driven to suicide should they fail to keep it. As an innate sense of being, The character has their a strong drive to honor their commitments and instinctively follows their core conduct of being. While others may not know what {{members}}'s honor entails immediately, they know for better or worse that The character will keep to it.

Prerequisites: Species: Nagai

2021/11/04 / 2021/12/16
Shi'ido: Who Am I? Granted Default Feat

Shi’ido, like most shapeshifters, are not trusted throughout the Galaxy. The character often has a difficult time assimilating with other species of the Galaxy when in their natural form. The reliance on assuming other sentient identities often leaves The character to question their own.

Prerequisites: Species: Shi'ido

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Battlefield Awareness II Granted Default Feat

Equite Marauders have further refined their innate connection to the ambient Force of a battlefield, and The character is able to perceive not only the relative position of nearby enemies, but also track all enemy targets within their immediate vicinity. Once tagged, The character can better handle attacks from multiple opponents at the same time within their sphere of awareness.

Related Skills/Powers: Sense

Prerequisites: Discipline: Marauder and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2013/08/10 / 2021/12/21
Diamond Cutter Granted Default Feat [Redacted] 2017/09/28 / 2021/12/16