Character Sheet Reference

Displaying feats 461 - 480 of 529 in total
Feat Type / Location Description Created / Updated
Creature Affinity I Chosen Skill Feat

The character has a seemingly natural and easier time controlling and/or connecting with one category of creature, such as reptile, mammals, amphibian, or avian without the use of the Force. (The creature category must be cited in Loadout Description)

Related Skills/Powers: Creature Handling

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2015/08/09 / 2021/12/16
Coynite: Lion's Mane Granted Default Feat

The character recognizes the importance of social status, which is reflected in the length of a Coynite’s mane. Respected and successful warriors are known to grow longer manes with increasingly intricate braids in Coynite culture, thus The character respects other species with long hair and shaggy coats. However, The character frowns on bald or hairless beings.

Prerequisites: Species: Coynite

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Coynite: En'Tra'Sol Granted Default Feat

Following an extraordinarily strict law system, The character is bound to the code of conduct known as En’Tra’Sol. This law forbids The character from showing signs of weakness, with cowardice being the prime example of weakness. When issued a challenge in single combat, The character is bound to accept it with their honor at stake if they refuses. Declining a challenge results in The character losing focus, having broken En’Tra’Sol.

Prerequisites: Species: Coynite

2014/10/31 / 2021/12/16
Constant Vigilance Chosen Skill Feat

The character is keenly aware of their surroundings and identifying potential threats. While attempting to identify someone sneaking up on them, The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Perception Skill (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Perception

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Novitiate

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Clawdite: Pragmatic Granted Default Feat

Clawdites are a solitary species who prefer isolation and shun the company of others unless it is to their benefit. The character holds pragmatic views of the galaxy, and is often mistrustful of others and suspicious of their motives. The stigma is not mutually exclusive, though: other species are untrusting of the shapeshifters.

Prerequisites: Species: Clawdite

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Clawdite: Genetic Manipulation Granted Default Feat

Genetic manipulation has gifted the Clawdite species with the extremely rare ability to change their appearance. Mimicking the appearance of similarly-shaped species, The character can change the color and texture of their skin and eyes to appear nearly indistinguishable from the target species. However, the Clawdite’s shifting abilities cause great discomfort and, as a result, intense concentration is required to maintain the disguise.

Prerequisites: Species: Clawdite

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Classic Misdirection Chosen Skill Feat

The character spends a great deal of time observing those under their command. They are capable of motivating those under their command with just the right word or phrase based on their observations as opposed to simply being charismatic. The character can use their Deception Skill in place of their Leadership Skill.

Related Skills/Powers: Deception and Leadership

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite

2013/08/17 / 2023/11/08
Chiss: Wise Beyond Years Granted Default Feat

Members of the Chiss species mature at a faster rate in their society. Disciplined under a well-structured upbringing, The character recognizes the value of propriety and self-control better than most species. As a result of intense schooling, The character has a habit of simply knowing things about the galaxy and its occupants that others might have overlooked, and can adapt to new concepts outside of the norm at a quicker rate.

Prerequisites: Species: Chiss

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16
Chiss: Sore Thumbs Granted Default Feat

As the Chiss are fairly isolationist in nature, the sighting of one is a fairly rare occurrence. The character’s telltale blue skin and red eyes are seen as exotic qualities to most other species. Thus, The character finds increased difficulty with blending into crowds.

Prerequisites: Species: Chiss

2013/08/13 / 2021/12/16
Checkmate III Granted Default Feat

The character has become adept at thinking through scenarios of any kind when matching wits against an opposing leader’s strategies. This grants The character a +2 Skill Point bonus to Intellect whenever they formulate a plan or strategy against any adversary, familiar or alien (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Intellect

Prerequisites: Discipline: Director and Rank Tier: Elder

2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21
Checkmate II Granted Default Feat

The character has become clever at thinking through more complex scenarios when matching wits against an opposing leader’s strategies. This grants them a +2 Skill Point bonus to Intellect when formulating a plan or strategy against a previously encountered adversary, but only a +1 Skill Point bonus against an unfamiliar one (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Intellect

Prerequisites: Discipline: Director and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21
Checkmate I Granted Default Feat

The character has a knack for thinking outside the box when matching wits against an opposing leader’s strategies. This grants them a +1 Skill Point bonus to Intellect when formulating a plan or strategy against a previously encountered adversary (to a maximum of +4).

Related Skills/Powers: Intellect

Prerequisites: Discipline: Director and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2016/08/02 / 2021/12/21
Channel III Granted Default Feat

Leveraging a deep connection with the Force, The character can draw energy from the Living Force around them and fuse it with their own. With this new energy, The character can revitalize their own reserves from the brink of exhaustion almost instantaneously and with only a few seconds of concentration, even in the middle of combat.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Elder and Discipline: Arcanist

2013/08/10 / 2021/12/21
Channel II Granted Default Feat

The character can effortlessly pull energy from the Living Force to refill their own energy reserves. The character can do this in between combat skirmishes, but still requires a moment or two to restore themself.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Equite (exact) and Discipline: Arcanist

2013/08/10 / 2021/12/21
Channel I Granted Default Feat

Journeymen Arcanists are able to center themselves in the emotional grounding of their connection to the Force, pulling energy from the Living Force to temporarily refill their own energy reserves. If The character is allowed to maintain this concentration for more than a few moments, they can reuse Force Powers which normally require significant rest without penalty.

Related Skills/Powers: Resolve

Prerequisites: Discipline: Arcanist and Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact)

2013/08/10 / 2021/12/21
Chameleon III Granted Default Feat

A wizened Infiltrator is only detected when they choose to be. The character has learned to seamlessly become one with their surroundings, and gets a +2 Skill point bonus to their Stealth Skill when blending into a crowd or environment when prepared, or a +1 Skill Point bonus when forced to improvise (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Discipline: Infiltrator and Rank Tier: Elder

2016/08/02 / 2023/11/18
Chameleon II Granted Default Feat

The character has learned to be more subtle when becoming one with their environment. They can change the way they walk and talk while making use of wardrobe, lighting, and demeanor. The character gets a +1 Skill Point bonus to their Stealth Skill when blending into a crowd or environment, even when not prepared or ready for a mission (to a maximum of +5).

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Discipline: Infiltrator and Rank Tier: Equite (exact)

2016/08/02 / 2023/11/18
Chameleon I Granted Default Feat

Benches, shops, alleyways, dumpsters and even cardboard boxes are not just garbage or distractions, but a means of concealment. The character has learned to become one with their surroundings, and gets a +1 Skill bonus to their Stealth Skill when blending into a crowd or environment, provided they are prepared and ready for the task at hand (to a maximum of +4).

Related Skills/Powers: Stealth

Prerequisites: Rank Tier: Journeyman (exact) and Discipline: Infiltrator

2016/08/02 / 2023/11/18
Celestial Navigation Chosen Skill Feat

The character has a deep knowledge of the cosmos, and can use the stars to orient themselves while planetside. The character can use their Astrogation Skill to use the stars to guide their way, so long as the skies are clear and the stars are visible.

Related Skills/Powers: Astrogation

Prerequisites: Rank: Journeyman 4

2021/12/16 / 2021/12/16
Cathar: Temper Of A Lion Granted Default Feat

Cathar are recognized as a proud species bound to high moral values and principles. When observing acts that violate their values, The character can be quick to anger and let their temper take control of their actions.

Prerequisites: Species: Cathar

2015/08/08 / 2021/12/16