Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11151 - 11160 of 11707 in total
Myth or Legend [Fiction]
Textual submission

Manually added by SBM Ernordeth Puer-Irae

Myth or Legend [Fiction]
Textual submission

A Personal War?
Textual submission

Taysar opened his eyes, and saw himself slowly bleeding. The ship had just crashed on Korriban. Some of the wreckage had gone through his stomach. The metal stopped him from completely bleeding out, but lines of red streamed down the durasteel chunk lodged in his chest. Taysar knew he couldn’t make it through this one. Sure he could heal himself, if it was many minor cuts, but something like this? He would just have to wait for darkness to come, for Lord Death to take him to his kingdom. Taysar closed his eyes and waited.
Taysar felt himself floating, and opened his eyes. He awoke in a dark room. There was nothing to see all around. Taysar tried to move, but he couldn't. There was no gravity here, so Taysar seemed to spin around in this dark empty room.
“Why?” a voice called. Taysar knew this voice. It belonged to his Lord Death, his savior and mission. The question puzzled him though.
“Why what?” Taysar shouted in shiiriwook confused.
“Why have you given up? Why have you abandoned my cause?” Lord Death asked. His voice was even colder than before.
“I didn’t... I... I”
“You lie there, not even trying to save yourself.”
“How can I? If I move, I would die and still be here before you. Nothing would have changed!” Taysar said with growing worry that Lord Death would punish him.
“You are not dead yet.”
“Have I not earned your permission? Have I not done what you asked? Am I not worthy of your gracious kingdom? I died for you!” Taysar yelled.
“Not yet.”
“What have you done for me?” Taysar asked no longer afraid of what to come, “I have done YOUR work. I DIED FOR YOU! What have YOU done for ME?!”
“I saved you.” The area around Taysar seemed to streak by and they appeared in Taysar’s old village, atop the trees on Kashyyyk.
“What are we doing here? I’m not welcome here!” Taysar said with disgust. He had been exiled from his former home because he was labeled a Madclaw.
“This is only a memory. A memory of what I did for you.” Lord Death calmly said. They watched as memory Taysar lashed out at ten imperial officers that tried to take him as a slave. In the memory, Taysar unleashed his claws and tore the officers to shreds.
“I was that voice.” Lord Death said.
“What voice?” Taysar asked.
“The voice in the back of your head. The one that told you to use your claws. The one that freed you.”
“You got me banished from my home? You were the reason I lost almost everything?” Taysar said with growing anger. It was hard to keep it under wraps now.
The area around him disappeared, and sent him floating again in the darkness.
“I’m also the one that gave you everything. I gave you my cause, your followers, your tools,” Lord Death stated, “Even your friends. The ones trying to save you now as we speak.”
Taysar stopped and just floated there. His friends? Was he talking about the ones on the ship? He had just meet them. Sure they talked with each other on the ship, and had a fought together, but still.
“They will be your friends. They will be strong and support you. You will help them.” Lord Death said. Taysar only nodded. It was useless now to argue.
“There is also something else you must do.” Lord Death said in a much more serious tone now.
“What is it?” Taysar asked.
“There are those that would like to see me gone. When you return to the world of the living, you will hear my voice give you names. It will give you one at a time, telling you another after you kill the last. Those you kill are the ones who follow my brother, Lord Life. They are not together, not like you are with my other followers. That is your job.” Lord Death said ominously. Taysar was shocked. There were two things he had just learned. One: that Lord Death had a brother? Two: His followers wanted his Lord dead.
Taysar felt his body be compressed slightly.
“Now leave… you have work to do.” Lord Death said. Taysar felt his soul rush from the darkness and enter his body. Tevarias had fixed the gaping hole in his chest with Bacta and his own Force ability to heal.
I saw him... “ Taysar said weakly.
“Saw him? Saw who?” Tevarias asked puzzled.
“He told me I wasn't… done yet, that I… still had work to… do.” Taysar replied.
Tevarias merely shrugged and helped Taysar to his feet. This was what Lord Death was talking about. His friends, and now one of them had his life debt. He would protect him with his life. To die for a friend is the ultimate cause and has good benefits… especially when your lord accepts you into his kingdom afterwards.

A New Tool
Textual submission

Hacking goggles.
It’s 3 pieces of equipment: The eyewear, The gloves, and the battery pack. The battery pack has a charge of about 3 days but will eventually need to recharge. The way the device works is, the wearer must first touch the device he or she is hacking. The eyewear then projects the code before the user. The gloves can manipulate the code or create a whole new program to insert into the original coding. The gloves can store pre made programs, and then retrieve them when need be. When done manipulating the code, swipe your hand over the eyewear. The new coding will then be placed in the device. Recommended practice. It takes time how to learn this, but is much faster than the original way.
Strengths: Much faster, easier to use, doesn’t have to be at the terminal or device, can be easily concealed.
Weaknesses: Charge running out, takes longer to learn.
Also you might look a little funny with your hands swinging at “nothing”, but your friends will enjoy your work and your enemies will need to upgrade their systems.

Approved by former Voice office, in the future this type of competition prompt will not award Clusters of Ice and organizer will be advised ahead of time.
A New Tool
Textual submission

BAW E-5 is Magik's weapon of choice; he is never seen without it by his side. You never know when you could encounter some Jedi scumbags. A most impressive piece. But Magic needed something for the field maybe for hunting Jedi at greater distances. Magik pondered his ideas for quite some time. He had seen blaster rifles on Coruscant, but he wanted one of his own. He decided he would make one for himeself. A tool for of the times. He knew of weapons and weapon making, he knew a long range blaster rifle carried on the back would suit him well. A rifle would do just right.
Magic had an idea of what a rifle should look like. He spent many days and nights laying out drawings and specs for his rifle. He wanted it perfect, made from his own plans. Pages and pages would come together to create the rifle, each page hand drew by Magic. First the the blaster barrel, second the firing mechanism, third the stock. The outer casing combined these three pieces beautifully and it was collapesable into three pieces. The rifle would be night scope ready.The design was complete inside and out. A rifle to fire heavy blaster bolts, capable of firing greater distances than the BAW E-5. The casing was complete.
The fifle was made from carbon, light weight and indestructible, resistant to scratches and adverse weather. You wouldn't want it jaming on you in combat. The trigger was even made from carbon. Magik's plans were coming along perfect, just as he expected. Inside and out the rifle utilized the lastest technology. He spent numerous hours reading up on specifications for the latest blasters. He was on to something. From this he learned the ways of weaponsmithing. The rifle would emit a green blaster bolt, something he had been studying on. With all the pieces laying before him, he started to asemble the rifle. He had been gathering the pieces one by one, to hid exact specifications.
The barrel was the largest piece, made from rich carbon he constructed to precise fit. The centet stock was carbon as well, fitted with the carbon trigger, for easy manuverability in any terrain. Magik fitted the two pieces together tightly and snug. Years of planning and preparation were finally paying off. He was ready to put the last piece together. The back stock, not really elongated, but short for easy aiming and less recoil from the blasts. The butt stock was also crafted in carbon, he snaped it into place buttons and all. Three piece made the rifle, which were fabricated brilliantly. All buttons and casing fit together perfectly, a real weapon.
Ready for some action, Magik thought to himeself. He could have planned for anything better. Not sure how much use he would get out his newly crafted rifle. Its not like he could just start poping off bladser bolts anywhere. He thought to himself, with a little training he could now hunt anything at great distances, as well as lay some much needed cover fire when in heated situations. His dream tool had finally come together. Not like just any blaster, but his own, made from his own specifications. Years of studying and dedication have come together to create a rifle, no better tool. Magik turned an ides into something special. a blaster rifle.

Approved by former Voice office, in the future this type of competition prompt will not award Clusters of Ice and organizer will be advised ahead of time.
A New Tool
Textual submission

Modular personal assistant droid

The MPADs primary purpose is to act as a personal assistant to members of the dark brotherhood. Its design is meant to be simplistic and small but may be upgraded with modular assets that improve its functionality.

At its most basic the “droid” appears as a circular black disk 10 inches in diameter with a 1/4 inch thickness at its thinest point. A small dome-shape rises from the center of the droid on either side of the disk. At the widest portion of this dome, the total width of the droid extends to approximately 1 inch. Ultimately this gives it a shape akin to a “flying saucer”.

Around the circumference of the droid are six small camera lenses which allow for 360 degree vision and processing.

The interior of the droid is remarkably simple. A small battery, repulser lift generator, and droid brain occupy the central portion. At present the repulser lift is fairly slow and can only power the droid to move at a walking pace. It is also very weak and cannot carry anymore than the basic frame. The battery itself is also fairly limited and will last only 3 hours of continuous use before requiring recharging. The droid brain is small and contains only limited complexity but comes in a variety of droid classes ranging from 1-4 depending on the needs of the member. While the basic droid has shortcomings however may easily be addressed given its modular nature (explained below).

On both the top and bottom of the droid are four circular “plug points” for a total of eight (four on each side). These “plug points” are key to the droids modular system allowing it to connect to and utilize the modules. Each module is shaped as 1/8th of a sphere with a small indentation allowing for the droids central dome.

These modules vary but in addition to their normal function, most are equipped with an additional battery and repulser lift system allowing the droid to float without slowing it or decreasing its battery life. If the user desires the systems overall performance increased they may instead opt to add in multiple modules containing expansions to the droids most basic functions; large batteries for extended life, more powerful repulsorlift for increased speed/force, expanded droid-braincases for greater processing speed and power, or high-powered cameras for enhanced vision and detection.

However most modules are based around the idea of increasing the droids unique functionality. At present numerous prototypes have been developed and are ready for testing. They have been subdivided into the subsequent droid classes they are most useful for;

Class 1
Medical scanner
Surgical tools
Bacta supply
Atmosphere mask/supply
Genetic analyzer

Class 2
Maintence arms
Blow torch
Electrical discharge unit
Computer-access arm
Astromech tred
Hyperspace calculator
Hyperspace mapping system

Class 3
Holonet connectivity
User-input interface
Expanded professorship module;
ancient history
medical information
force philosophies
mechanical doctorines
physics theorems
archive scanner
Universal translator
Etiquite module

Class 4
Ion blaster
Lightsaber catapult/lightsaber storage (requires two continuous module points)
Targeting computer
Range finder
Global positioning tool
Mid-range commlink.
Shield generator (self)

Through this modular design and organization, the mpad may serve as literally any droid a dark brotherhood member could desire. Installation of the modules is minimal and requires virtually no prior experience or technical knowledge of droids. Simply take the module, establish that it is facing the proper direction relative to the droid, and plug it in. The droid will automatically register the module, update itself with the pre-programmed software for its proper use and maintenance. To the perception of organics, this update will occur immediately allowing the droid full use of new module.

Lastly, both the soft and hardware of this droid will be released to the dark brotherhood at large allowing for further modules to be designed, modified and manufactured as each member sees fit. It is through this networking of information that we hope to improve the droids functionality, increasing its durability, armor plating, battery life and additional integrated features such as camouflage and star fighter interfacing.

Approved by former Voice office, in the future this type of competition prompt will not award Clusters of Ice and organizer will be advised ahead of time.
A New Tool
File submission
Approved by former Voice office, in the future this type of competition prompt will not award Clusters of Ice and organizer will be advised ahead of time.
A New Tool
File submission
Approved by former Voice office, in the future this type of competition prompt will not award Clusters of Ice and organizer will be advised ahead of time.