Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11171 - 11180 of 11707 in total
Red Fury: For the Prize
Warlord Robert Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
Red Fury: For the Prize
File submission
Textual submission

Attached is my submission in PDF format for "For the Prize".

Red Fury: For the Prize
Mayda Ferium opted out of publishing her submission.
Red Fury: For the Prize
Maximus Alvinius opted out of publishing his submission.
Red Fury: For the Prize
Textual submission

__In orbit of Red Fury Moon Base,__
__39 ABY__

The slow and low vibrations of the thruster engines kept Galleros calm as he lay on the rear bench of the shuttle with his mind firmly attached to meditation. He found the process of meditating on his hatred, his despair and the fear of his capture to be solace. Especially since the partner he has with him is someone he knows very little and yet so much about. Galleros slowly opened his eyes in order to allow the glow of the light above in, as his ears picked up the high pitched voice of his partner. Opposite him she sat with her pale peach thighs crossed over, while one leather boot slowly made circles. Her crimson tight dress folded into stripes as she slouched on the wall whilst still somehow having the same conversation to him.

“ basically when the emerald legions decided to expel me from the halls, I found no excitement to stay on Zelos II anymore. So I just kinda boarded the next shuttle out with my credits stolen from my fake brother and off to the Shadow Academy! I so love flying!” Mayda, who fiddled with her thumbs, gave her signature smile to show her pearly whites at Galleros as they both locked eyes.

The Quaestor gave a soft yawn and sat up to assess the situation, his head felt light but he figured it was either from laying down for too long, or listening to his partner speak about her history for the past four hours.

“Looks like we’re ready to settle down. Pilot, take us in.” Galleros gave the order and the pilot nodded in confirmation, slowly descending towards the roof of the base.

“Great! Now we have to get inside, kill and murder a bunch of dudes violently and then snatch our prize and turn tail! No problemo!” Mayda gave another bright smile then picked up her lightsaber hilt and waited patiently.

_Please pirates, just kill me quickly. End this suffering._

__Several hours later,__
__Deep inside the basement of the Moon Base,__
__39 ABY__

The halls and rooms were painted red, guts and bile flooded the corridors and left a trail towards the culprits who were just finishing with a lone security guard. Galleros held the throat of a malnourished pirate who was choking on the tight grip of the Quaestor’s firm hand. The male Zelosian held him up in the air with a loose enough grip to be breathing, as his hands were cuffed together. Next to Galleros, Mayda carefully entered the pirate’s mind, scanning and scouring for the necessary information to open the security door. She glared and tilted her head as her senses forced themselves deeper into the unprodded memory, as the pirate squirmed in agony. Whilst Mayda was analysing the mind of pirate, Galleros had his Lanvarok pumping out single blades to slice through his gut with each resistance from his methods. Bile and blood spilled further from his wounds and mouth, as excretion leaked from his rear in fear.

“Okay, I have the codes. You can put out the trash now.” Mayda smiled and nodded with affirmation, as she approached the panel and inserted the codes.

“I feel like we should leave a message for the others. Yet I don’t want his brothers in arms to come looking for us, and I _personally_ hate loose ends.” The Zelosian squinted his eyes as he smirked in his original cold fashion.

“So cut out his limbs and tongue, problem solved.” The Rollmaster of Scholae shrugged uncaringly as she then entered the treasury and searched for the device.

The panicking pirate tried to wriggle out of the vice grip on his neck but to no success. Galleros ignited his lightsaber with a spare hand and cleanly cut the limbs from his body, which castrated him and cauterised immediately, preventing blood loss. Now the Quaestor was no doctor, and he certainly wasn’t going to put his fingers inside the mouth of a weak pirate. So being as rushed as he was, Galleros carefully aimed at the lower jaw and cut it clean off by cutting the bone and muscles in a right angle fashion. This wound also cauterised quickly from the hot lightsaber.

“Right got it! Let’s dash!” Mayda sprinted out and giggled to herself as she stuffed the device into a bag of daggers she also stolen. Surprised, Galleros sprinted afterwards.

_Gotta love a Zelosian girl, best co-operative murderers._

Red Fury: Two Roads to Glory
File submission
Textual submission

SW Lucyeth

Red Fury: Two Roads to Glory
File submission
Textual submission

Please find attached my entry for the Two Roads to Glory competition. Thank you.

Red Fury: Two Roads to Glory
Mayda Ferium opted out of publishing her submission.