Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11161 - 11170 of 12702 in total
Why Do Victors Write History?
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
Why Do Victors Write History?
File submission
Textual submission

I hope you enjoy reading this account of the hangar invasion on the Skyhook. :)

Why Do Victors Write History?
File submission
Textual submission

We have faced these Demons before.

They came with swords of fire, they came with torrents of energy, and they came with corrupted beasts. They came to murder us, to break our wills, to harvest our breath. The Old Ones that brought us here did not prepare us for them. Our defenses were laid to waste, our soldiers scattered like leaves in a whirlwind. The Demons thought they ended us.

Yet still we stand.

We drove them back each time. This was our home, and they could never take that from us. They left their scars on us, their corruption tracing lines in our flesh, in our hearts. Their hatred infected us, driving kin against itself, brother to brother, mother against son, daughter against father.

Yet still we stand.

We found the Love within the Rage, those Seeds of Hope that made the Hatred burn so hotly. We nourished the Love, we helped it to grow, fed it our hopes and dreams. We used it as a wall against our fears, against our own sorrows. We used Love to end the Blight of Darkness that the outsiders brought. Our sons no longer cut their flesh, our daughters no longer cowered in fear. We listened to the Heart of our world, the whispers of our home as they beckoned us toward the path of Love.

The Demons came back. They brought their poisoned hearts to our door again, the hatred dripping from their lips. We Loved them, hoping that they could see where their rage grew from. We showed them that we were not slaves. That we were not afraid. We showed them that even as they came with a rising tide of sorrow and fear, that we still had Love.

What do Demons know of Love?

They only knew hatred. They slaughtered us, drove us deep into the ground, hiding from their rage. Our Ancestors knew then that they were not like us. They had no Seeds of Hope, only blind fury. Deep in the Heart of our world, our grandfather's grandfathers knew that we were almost broken, made deaf by the screams of our Love dying, drowning in the blood of our children.

Yet still we stand.

Our Ancestors knew that you can not defeat a demon with Love. Just as you can not keep your children alive with only embraces, you must occasionally spill blood to survive. When they came back out of the Heart of our world, we still knew Love. But we vowed to never show the Demons that Love again. We showed them that we use our Love for each other as a weapon against those who would separate us, against those who would end us...against those who don't know Love.

We know now that the Demons have returned. They have crossed our borders, hatred in their eyes, blood on our lips. And we showed them how strong our Love is. But it is not enough. They have come to our home. They gnash their teeth, they bang their blades, they roar in the darkness. They scream their heart's desire, to see us break. We have seen these Demons before, brothers and sisters.

Yet still we stand.

The Hunt Is On (Fiction)
Textual submission

Alright Janos, I am glad that you decided to join me on this errand." Bentre smiled at the older man.

The Knight gave a respectful nod to his former master in response. "'M jus' glad you felt ye needed me, Master." As the shuttle rocked, he extended a hand to stabilize himself.

"Our mission is very simple, at least in concept. It looks like the island might have cushioned the ship enough that the enemy Force user was not killed. Our job is to investigate the wreckage, and to contain the Force user. Locke says they have been using Battle Meditation, so if we can disrupt them the Warhost and our accomplices should be able to push the tide of this conflict back in our favor. If the Force is with us today, we may be able to realize the Consul's vision and wipe out the Dominion for good." Bentre looked out the shuttle's port window, seeing the form of the ship quickly growing larger.

"Just a few more moments and we will strike." Bentre cleared his throat, and rested a hand on his lightsaber, watching the spartan troop transport's entrance intently. As soon as the sound of the landing gear engaging could be heard, the Equite ignited his lightsaber. Stormwind followed suit, his glow of his purple beam mingling with the icey hue emanating from Stahoes' weapon. Janos looked forward grimly as the ramp descended, a feeling of dread settling in his stomach. Behind them was an injured-looking Trandoshan, bracketed on either side by another two Trandoshans.

His fears were realized as his eyes beheld the seemingly hundreds of yellow eyes staring back at him. "This is our time to strike. Together now!" As the Sith charged forward, the Journeyman stepped forward just behind him. As the Dominion foot soldiers charged forward in kind, the Sadowans brought their weapons up in retaliation. The two warriors turned their weapons about, cutting through the conventional weapons of the bloodthirsty lizards and cleaving into flesh. As blasters turned on the pair, Bentre threw out a hand, splaying his fingers. About two heartbeats later, white-blue tendrils arched from his fingers, striking the nearest of the Kaleesh and causing it to shriek in pain.

"Flee before your betters, common worms!" The Equite bellowed as his left eye began to glow. Shaking his hand quickly, the Corellian took a swipe with his lighsaber, cleaving through another Kaleesh. His vision seemed to narrow as the smell of blood hit his nose.

*Revel in the destruction, Benny. Just give in to the hunter you are, take your fill of the carnage.* The familiar, dark thoughts came back to mind. It was like his own voice, but not. Hard to explain, but for once he did not rebuke it. Now was the time to bring death.

Together, the two began to cut their way toward the trio of Trandoshans. As the crowd of Kaleesh began to fall away beneath their assault, the Shadow rmanaged to lock eyes with the injured alien. His fellows began to close in, to block the Corellian's path. Without hesitation, the Equite pulled back his arm below flinging his lightsaber forward in a tight arc. Using the Force to guide its trajectory, he watched as the weapon cleaved into the Trandoshan's chest. The creature let out a sharp cry of pain.

"Pull back, Janos!" He barked, reaching into his jacket. His fingers closed around a spherical object located where his blaster would normally have rested. Reaching back, the Sith flung the object between the trio. The grenade exploded in a flash of blue light and cold as Bentre called his lightsaber back to his fingers through the Force.

"Without their special boy, we need to hold them off long enough for the others to land. Maybe they can manage to keep the thing alive for questioning." Bentre growled and struck out with his reclaimed weapon, driving its blade into the eye socket of a particularly foolish Kaleesh who had gotten a little too close to his former apprentice. "We must make our stand here. Now, for the glory of Sadow!" Stahoes' raised his weapon in salute for a moment before twirling it around and drawing his feet back to square up his shoulders. This might test his application of Shii-Cho.

In a weird way, Bentre was looking forward to it.

The Hunt Is On (Fiction)
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
The Hunt Is On (Fiction)
Textual submission

The Eenzaam skimmed the surface of the water, not close enough to cause a spume of spray to follow in its wake, but low enough to stay below any early warning stations that may be watching for traffic. The altimeter read four meters, but the waves cresting below the view port seemed a lot closer to Quo as he piloted the vessel onwards, deeper into enemy territory. The briefing had placed the ship within fifty clicks of his current position, and there were only two islands on the maps that the Clan had been able to get their hands on. The responses from his radar also showed only two islands out there. If it hadn’t crashed onto one of those it was covered by water to a depth of a hundred meters or more.

Turning towards the nearest of the islands he cut throttle to a little above stall speed. This not only would mask the sound of his engines somewhat, but would give him a chance of seeing any debris from above. Closing the distance still would not take him long. Scrutinising the radar readout in front of the pilot seat he looked at the radar reflection coming back from the island ahead. Two peaks that rose to over a thousand meters, but otherwise it was flat. Between the two hillocks was a valley that ran the width of the island from coast to coast. Setting that as his target he could see the island approaching quickly, expanding in the view port exponentially, filling up the window in less than twenty seconds. Banking slightly left he skimmed the tops of the few trees that were growing below his transit of the island. Nothing.

Starting at the centre of the island he worked his way outwards from the centre in an expanding spiral looking for signs of debris. With one eye on the terrain flashing past the cockpit he covered the area of the island in less than ten minutes, even to the peak of the twin mounds of the hills, he double checked the area.

Even through his connection to the Force he could feel nothing, but he had also been told that the Force sensitive could be a fake, and a trap to lure in Sadowan operatives. Nonetheless he tried without any success. Both Locke and Marcus had warned him that it may turn out to be a wild goose chase. Still he was tasked with completing it, and his own pride would not let him accomplish a solution, one way or another, without it being done to a hundred percent of his efforts.

Turning to the east he headed towards the second area that the briefing had highlighted, bringing his altitude down to the absolute minimum he could get away with. At least the weather was working in his favour, the dull overcast conditions would prevent him being spotted by any glint of reflection from his vessel. Up ahead there were storm clouds gathering in the distance, they would again mask his approach, on the downside they would make the search more difficult.

Approaching the north western coast of the remaining island he was jolted by a mental image of a broken ship, the force to his mind being felt as keenly as if he had been punched. He couldn’t tell which direction it came from, but it was weak, and it was someone who knew the ways of the Force. Banking hard he pulled away from the island, the angle of the bank bleeding speed off the craft in the most expeditious way he could. Closing down the throttles he made an approach to land on the spit of rock that jutted out towards the north west, a slim finger of land that was embraced by the sea around it. Waves crashed against the face of the rocks throwing spray over the spit, the haziness hanging over the headland.

The Tie Oppressor came in over the raised platform of rock, hanging momentarily on the repulsor system before settling down onto her landing gear. Almost as soon as she touched down Quo was leaping from the cockpit opening above the pilots seat. The engines whined as they wound down towards complete shut down.

Landing lightly on his feet he absorbed the impact, bending his knees, one before the other, his left hand touching the ground before him as he ended in a crouched position. Eyes scanning along his immediate sight line he waited a couple of seconds before rising and moving off into the scrub. Concentrating fully he merged with the background, and tried to keep himself in the background as far as his presence within the Living Force was concerned. Any cover he could give himself would be advantageous, but he wasn’t sure how long he could keep up this level of concentration. Better not to be seen than felt, if there were any guards with the Force user he would rather have the advantage over them initially. Moving steadily and quietly he moved south east towards the centre of the island.

On the display he had seen that the island was about two miles by three quarters of a mile, roughly speaking that is. Had the cruiser come down in one piece it would have made a significant crater, the damage probably causing massive destruction to the island. As Quo looked there wasn’t much evidence of destruction, so he either had to assume that it had broken up on its descent through the atmosphere, or that it was a hoax of some kind. But how could you hoax a connection through the Force?

Some thirty minutes of hiking through the undergrowth he began to see signs of impact. Several large pieces of panelling were laying around, along with sundry detritus. Shards of metal were stroon around the area, although he hadn’t seen the impact site, it did appear to be a crash site. Still that could be faked he thought. Staying low and quiet he followed the trail around the base of an incline leading to a rocky outcrop. Clouds circled the summit and he could hear the wind whistling as it whipped around the craggy rocks up above. Rounding a formation of rocks that blocked his view across the island he stopped sharply, instinctively crouching from the sight before him.

A large section of the cruiser had come down on the island alright. The crater was some two hundred meters long, and maybe ten meters deep, an earthen scar across the greenery. Smoke and steam escaped from the downed section, which at first glance had stayed together reasonably well during the break up of the ship, Quo guessed to protect the precious passenger. If the Dominion regarded this individual highly enough to protect his section of the ship with structural shields, then he must be of some import.

Watching from his vantage point Quo saw three figures emerge from the wreckage, two Kaleesh and a Trandoshan. The tattoos marking the Trandoshan’s face and upper body were similar to his own, badges of honour. This one was the one he would have to watch. The Kaleesh acted as guardians to the Trandoshan, flanking him as he moved around the wreckage looking for the best positions to place his guards. Pointing out a slight rise in the ground at the edge of the furrow one of the Kaleesh moved across to his assigned position. Another gesture saw the other Kaleesh soldier move over towards the rear of the section, hankering down amongst the litter and debris. All well and good hiding if I hadn’t seen you do it thought Quo sliding his hand down to his belt taking out two throwing knives.

The Trandoshan moved back to the opening in the side of the cruiser hull remnant, disappearing inside again. Quo guessed that this was where the person of special interest would be located. First though he had to take care of the two Kaleesh guards. Darkness would be falling before long, and then they would be more focussed. He already knew their number, now all he had to do was reduce them. Moving silently he worked his way around to the rear of the smashed hulk he made his way as close as he could to the Kaleesh ensconced in the mangled parts of the ship. Quo had got to within two meters of his quarry, he hoped that this would be close enough. His next move would make him visible to all the Dominion agents, especially the Force sensitive within. Timing would be his ally, and he needed to use it wisely. Taking a calming breathe he relaxed his body, readying it for the burst of energy he was about to put through it.

With a burst he leapt at the Kaleesh nearest to him, driving his throwing knife through the eye of the recumbent operative, driving the blade of his knife deep into the brain of the sentry. The blood flowed freely as the guard breathed his last, his body relaxing as life left the body. Pivoting on his toes Quo sent both of the throwing knives in a vicious rake across the five meters to the other guardian, one sailing over his shoulder, one catching him under his exposed left arm pit. A grunt escaped the soldier as he rolled in an attempt to evade further attack from the Sith. Closing the ground between them, sprinting low and fast over the up slope of the destruction trench. The Kaleesh attempted to bring his blaster up to fire on the Zabrak as he rolled. Quo flung out an arm in his direction, fingers of blue and white lightning arcing out from his hand enveloping the reptilian in its fizzing embrace. Reaching down with his right hand the Sith drew up his saber, igniting it as he covered the ground in a loping stride. Placing the hilt under the face guard of the Dominion warrior he depressed the igniter button, the crimson red blade appearing through the top of the Kaleesh skull, fried blood and brains oozing through the nose vents of the mask.

Whipping his hand upwards he wrenched the blade free of the corpse, slicing open through its head as the blade reappeared. Turning towards the opening in the side of the fallen ship he could already hear the thumping of the approaching Trandoshan, the tempo of the footfalls letting him know that his foe was approaching, and approaching fast.

From the murk of the interior the hulking reptile warrior emerged, his hands gripping a huge vibro axe two handed, his massive frame rippling with muscles as he moved. “The Sssssscorekeeper ssssssendsssss tributessssss,” he sneered as he approached the Sith, “I ssssshall enjoy asssssisssssting your demisssssse.” The eyes gleamed with menace as he hefted the axe around and over his head, building momentum on the swing. With a deftness that belied his size the Trandoshan released his right hand, his left completing a back hand swing towards the Sith. Quo had to move quickly to avoid the strike, and even as he regained his footing the axe had begun another arc towards his position. Whipping out his vibroblade with his left hand in a reverse grip Quo deflected the shot around his body as he pivoted away from the massive Dominion specialist.

Quo’s left arm tingled from the impact from the vibro axe on his blade, the power of the strike making both blades sing in protest. I don’t want to be there if he connects fully thought Quo to himself. Watching the Trandoshan regain the two handed grip, he definitely didn’t want to be in the way of a strike from that! Ominously the huge reptilian advanced, left foot, then right, the axe hefted high over his right shoulder, ready to deliver a killing blow. The lips of the Trandoshan curled back his lips, saliva dribbling from the fangs, Quo knew it would be saturated with venom. Planting his left foot the soldier began the swing leading with his right shoulder, letting all his upper body weight transfer to the axe head. Quo leapt, more up than out of the way, thinking only to take himself up and over the blade, but finding himself clearing the behemoth and landing behind him. A flick with his saber was all he could manage, scorching the skin on the Trandoshan’s flank.

The massive warrior was deceptively agile, continuing the swing he had started towards Quo, bringing around with a pirouette on his left foot, the cutting edge of the blade scything around at waist height. Quo had landed well, both feet had landed together, however his stance was not ideal, a little too square for him to counter. Leaning backwards, bending at the knees the axe head tip sliced across his torso, cutting through the cloth of his tunic, and leaving a thin, straight incision which immediately bled.

The Trandoshan had not escaped unscathed as far as positioning went as the momentum of the massive effort he had put into the strike had over balanced him as the movement reached its climax. Quo straightened up, his feet dancing into position faster than the Dominion soldier could re-establish his own footing, his left leg flicking out and behind him to prevent him over balancing.

Like a cobra Quo’s left hand struck forwards, the vibro blade clasped within its grip slashing into the right hand side of the rib cage, its upward strike cutting to the bones of the ribs. A roar of anger, pain, and frustration came from the Trandoshan, his left arm being flung backwards by the weight of the previous strike. Quo’s left foot moved backwards, his right forwards, as he transferred the strike to his saber hand. Punching from the elbow as his right shoulder was driven forwards by his weight transfer he snapped out the punch toward the solar plexus of the Dominion elite. A resistance felt in his wrist told Quo that his strike was true, the blade of his saber following the line of the punch through the centre of the rib cage, and exitting between the shoulder blades. Eyes gleaming, full of hatred for his enemy Quo twisted the pommel, whipping the blade across and down eviscerating the hulk, ending his challenge.

Before the body had even started crumpling to the ground Quo was turning. Heading towards rent in the side of the cruiser he entered the gloom. Reaching out with his senses he located the Dominion force user in one of the chambers to his right, and light was pouring out of one of the rooms some seven meters ahead. Cautiously Quo approached, placing his back against the wall as he got to the broken door way. Keeping his body behind the bulk head he glanced quickly around the corner.

Inside there was a rough litter, and a glow globe. Placed upon the litter was another Trandoshan, but this one was hurt, probably from the impact. The lower part of his left leg was missing, and the whole of his right arm. An open wound ran from above his right eyebrow, down over the upper jaw, and several of the fangs had been lost, leaving bleeding holes where they had been. The right eye looked as though it would never work again, the pupil opaque, almost the same colour as the surrounding white.

“I sssssensssssse you Sssssssith, finisssssssth thisssss!” The Trandoshan’s good eye glared at Quo, challenging him to kill him.

Quo’s eyes burned with hatred, but for once he would follow orders. Taking his comm from his belt he keyed the button on the side. “Quo to Locke, Consul, I have him, send in medivac crew, I’ll keep him alive until they get here”

Reaching into one of the belt pouches he took out a hypo spray. Moving across to the Trandoshan he paused, looking down on the Force user he stood and stared.

“Ssssssso, itsssssss poisssssssssson isssssss it?” The reptile curled up his lips in an approximation of a smile, sure now that the Sith was about to kill him.

“No,” replied Quo, lining up the hypo spray with the creature’s jugular, “just sleepy time. But I’ll be here when you wake up..... I promise!” Quo’s eyes narrowed as the Dominion agent lost consciousness, although he saw the fire of hatred burning in the red and gold eyes that looked down upon him. Quo turned and made his way outside, signalling his exact position to the extraction crew. He would see this particular lizard again, he would make sure of it.